Allen County Children’s Services Bike Survey (Clients)

We’re interested in the health of our community. Biking, walking, or taking the bus can save you money on vehicle costs and improve your health. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. The answers you provide will help us improve our service to you. Thank you.

Biking: Please select EACH statement that’s true for you.

  1. Do you currently ride your bike to Children’s Services for appointments, etc.?


If yes, how often?

Less than once a month

1-3 times a week

1 time a week


  1. If no, what would help you ride a bike more often?

Bike parking at Children’s Services.

More bike routes to Children’s Services.

Feeling safer riding my bike to Children’s Services.

Living closer to Children’s Services.

Having more time.

Having a bike.



Taking the RTA Bus: Bus services are available to Children’s Services.

  1. Do you ride the RTA bus to Children Services for appointments, etc.?



  1. Please selectEACH statement that’s true for you:

I would be interested in learning about the RTA bus route.

I would be interested in using the RTA bike rack.

None of the above.

Optional: Please provide your email or phone number so we can contact you if you’d like more information.

Email: Phone:


What information would you like:

RTA bus routes

bike map

bike safety tips

SAFETY QUESTIONS: Please select the best answer.

  1. If you are walking or riding at night, you should:
  2. Not worry about what you wear, as long as you can see cars clearly.
  3. Wear bright clothing, reflective vests, and have lights on your bike.
  1. People riding bikes should ride:
  1. On the sidewalk
  2. Facing traffic (traffic coming towards you)
  3. With traffic (same way as traffic)
  1. People driving should:
  1. Pay attention, and expect to see bikes, motorcycles, and people walking.
  2. Wait until it’s safe to pass someone riding a bike.
  3. Let someone biking take the full lane on the road if they are avoiding something on the road such as a pot hole, or turning left.
  4. Give people on bikes 3 feet of space when passing.
  5. All of the above.


This work is funded either in whole or in part by a grant awarded by the Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Healthy Ohio, Creating Healthy Communities and is a sub-award of a grant issued by Ohio Department of Health under the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant and CFDA number 93.991.