NHS Application Checklist and Reminders
Additional Information
· Students are encouraged to be very thorough when completing the application. You must be specific in describing the activities you have participated in. The selection committee will not assume or interpret the information for you.
· To meet the leadership criteria, the committee will look to see if you have identified the areas in which you have continually demonstrated your abilities as a leader. Leadership activities should reflect your skills and involvement in activities over an extended period of time.
· Your application will not be returned to you. It is recommended that you make a copy of the application and any letters of recommendation that you may include. You may wish to reference these documents at a later date (i.e. college admissions applications).
· Consult the NHS website for additional information: www.nhs.us
Linganore High School National Honor Society
Information and Procedures
Admission into the National Honor Society is dependent upon four areas of criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. If you have been invited to apply to the LHS chapter of NHS, then you have already met the first of these criteria - scholarship - by maintaining a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5.
Upon application, a candidate’s character will be reviewed through a process involving checking official school records in the front office, and surveying the faculty of LHS.
The main purpose of this application is for you to inform the selection committee of your history of leadership and service. In the following pages you should complete the requested information, particularly focusing on Sections III and IV. These two sections will allow the selection committee to realize any leadership qualities you possess and any services you have performed in the community.
Leadership includes any position you hold in which you are in charge of other people and personally responsible for their actions. Such positions include being a club officer or team captain, a coach or teacher of young children, organizing and leading a group service project, and any paid management positions. Leadership does not include merit positions such as lead role in a play or first chair in a band’s flute section, or more passive jobs such as babysitting.:
Service is an extracurricular, volunteer activity that benefits people beyond yourself. Service includes active participation in club, scout, or church service projects for which you were not paid. Service does not include any work done as a standard part of class curriculum, since you receive compensation for the work in the form of school credit.
Please include all leadership and service experience beginning from the summer before your 9th grade year.
Each experience listed requires the signature of the appropriate adult supervisor. If you are unable to contact the adult supervisor, a parent may sign; however, multiple parent signatures will raise suspicions during your application’s review regarding your time management and effort in completing the application. Faxed or photocopied signatures are acceptable. In addition, you may have those adult sponsors write “letters of recommendation” and attach them to your application. Such letters are not required, however.
Some sections of the application may overlap: through your community service you may have won an award, or your leadership may have occurred in a co-curricular activity. It is important that you list this information in both categories.
If you have questions while filling out this application, it is imperative that you contact the National Honor Society advisor before the application is due. You may stop by before school, after school, or you can send an e-mail to the advisor. It is your responsibility to ask questions before you submit the application.
When you are finished completing the application, please check to see that you have done the following:
o Did you answer all of the questions fully and legibly using complete sentences that are free of grammar and spelling mistakes?
o Did you remember to fill in your name and address?
o Are the leadership positions that you referred to filled in completely and are understandable to an outside individual? If not, is there an attached letter of explanation or some other sort of clarification?
o Do you have all of the signatures filled in and signed by the correct individuals?
National Honor Society
Frederick County Public Schools and Linganore High School
Student Name: ______
Grade: ______11 ______12 PREP teacher: ______
Email: ______
1. I am aware that I am eligible for consideration for my school’s chapter of the National Honor Society based upon my current cumulative grade point average.
2. I am aware that membership in the National Honor Society is based upon a multi-criteria selection procedure. A high academic average, in and of itself is no guarantee of membership into the National Honor Society.
3. I have received a written summary of the procedures by which academically eligible students are considered and selected for National Honor Society membership. I understand that candidates have a responsibility to seek out the NHS advisor and should do so for help or to ask questions.
4. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and to receive clarifications about the selection procedures and the criteria that will be used to determine whether or not I am selected for membership.
5. I am aware that I must complete and return to the chapter advisor the following materials on or before the announced deadlines.
6. I understand that completion of these forms does not guarantee membership in the Linganore High School chapter of the National Honor Society, but that I am being considered for membership.
7. I am aware of the existence of an appeal process for procedural errors.
8. I understand that a council of faculty members will review and discuss my application. Any forms or comments generated during the application process remain confidential.
Student signature Date: ______
I/We as parent(s)/guardian(s) of the above-named student have read the description of the selection procedure. I/We realize that a student must meet all criteria for selection; academic average alone does not qualify a student for membership in the National Honor Society. I/We agree to let the above-named student participate in the consideration and selection process.
Parent/Guardian signature Date: ______
I. Administrative Information
Directions: Please complete all sections. All of your submitted information can be used by the faculty council to assist with the selection process. Completion of this form does not guarantee selection.
Name: ______Grade: ______
Address: ______Zip Code: ______
Phone Number: ______
II. Personal, Written Statements
Directions: Please answer the following questions openly and honestly. Answers should be typed or very neatly written and attached to you application.
1.) Describe a scenario from your life that exhibits the best aspects of your character. OR Describe a scenario from your life that exhibits aspects of your character in which can improve.
2.) How have you grown as a student? What mistakes have you made as a student and how do you feel you have corrected them?
3.) If you have applied for membership in the National Honor Society last year, describe what you have done to improve your application for this year. NOTE: Only those who applied last year must answer this question.
Leadership Positions
List your involvement in all leadership positions and/or activities at school, in the community, or at work and note a description of your responsibilities in each of these activities.
Leadership Position / Year(s) in School / Description of Responsibilities / Signature ofAdult Sponsor
9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Community Service Activities
List community service activities in which you have participated and note a description of your responsibilities in each. These should be any activities outside of school in which you participated for the betterment of your community. For example: church groups, clubs sponsored outside the school, Boy or Girl Scouts, volunteer groups or community art endeavors. You may attach letters of recommendation to any of the activities you feel need further explanation. See the instructions on the front page of the application for more details.
Community Activity / Year / No. Hrs/Wk / Description of Responsibilities / Signature of Adult Sponsor9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Co/Extracurricular Activities
List all activities in which you have participated in high school. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, and theatrical productions, etc., and a description of your role in each.
Co/Extracurricular Activity / Year / Description of Role in the group/on the team / Signature of Adult Sponsor9 / 10 / 11 / 12
VI. Work Experience, Recognition, and Awards
List below any job experiences, honors, or awards that you have received during your high school career that may support your bid to be selected into the National Honor Society. Work experience may be paid or volunteer.
Job, Recognition, or Award / Year / Group or Activity/ Number of Hours Spent Per Week on Job or Volunteer Activity9 / 10 / 11 / 12
FINISHED? Double-check all your work. Make sure you have followed directions and everything is completed and in order. Please return the completed packet to
Room C121 or C123 by October 10, 2016