The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m and it was deferred for two hours to reconvene at 12:00 noon as the quorum to hold the meeting was incomplete as per the MESCO Constitution.

The following members were present

1.Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed

2.Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali

3.Dr. M. Samiullah Khan

4.Dr. GhouseMohiuddin Ali

5.Dr. M.A Rafeeq

6.Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin

7.Dr. K Zama Khan

8.Dr. M.A Nayeem Khan

9.Dr. KauserShaheen

10. Dr. Mohammed Shahid Ali

11. Dr. MehdiInamdar

12. Dr. Syed Abu Hanifa

13. Dr. Kaleem Ahmed Jaleeli

14. Dr. Mohammed Mohsin

15. Mr. Mohammed AzamQadeer

16. Mr. Ahmed Viquaruddin

17. Mr. Mohammed Farooq Ahmed

18. Dr. M.A Rahman

19. Mr. SyedAllauddin

20. Dr. Mohammed Saifullah Khalid

21. Dr. MdArifullah Khalid

22. Dr. SalmanAbid

23. Mr. SyedKhajaMoinuddin

24. Dr. M. Abdul Quddus

25. Dr. MirzaWarisBaig

26. Dr. GulamAbbasahmed

27. Mr. Syed Mujeebuddin

28. Dr. MohdInamullah Khalid

29. Mr. Mohammed Imtiyazuddin.

30. Mr. M.A. Majeed, Secretary Blue

Birds, Invitee

31. Mr. M.A. LateefAtear, ILM, Invitee

32. Mr. JawadHaqani, Different Strokes


12:00 Noon: The Honorary Secretary conveyed his salaams and called the meeting to order and informed the members that The Honorable President Dr. ShamshadHussain is not well and hence indisposed and the meeting will be Chaired by Senior member Managing Committee Dr. GhouseMohiuddin Ali.

He requested Dr. GhouseMohiuddin Ali to kindly Preside over the meeting and take his seat on the Dias, he then requested the other members, Honorary Treasurer Dr. M. Samiullah Khan, Members, Dr. M.A. Rafeeq, Director, MDC Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin & Chief Administrative Officer MDC Dr. K. Zama Khan to occupy seats on the dias.

The Honorary Secretary requested the Chair to preside over the meeting, the Chair requested the Honorary Secretary to take up the agenda of the meeting point by point.

Item No. 1.The Honorary Secretary requested Moulana Rizwan to start the meeting with recitation of Holy Quran. Moulana Rizwan recited the verses from Holy Quran. The Honorary Secretary thanked the Moulana.

Item No. 2. Condolence Resolution: The Honorary Secretary read out the names of the following members who have passed away:

1. Dr. M.A.Majeed Khan -Former Secretary MESCO.

2. Dr. Samsamuddin Mohammed -Founder members MESCO.

3. Dr. Mohammed Azam-Founder Member & Former President

4 Mrs. of Late Dr. SyedAtherHussain-W/o. Late Dr SyedAtherHussain Former

President, MESCO

5. Mother of Dr. K.A. Sattar Khan-Former member, MESCO.

6. Dr. AfzalQureshi-

7. Dr. Syed Omer-

8. Dr. GhulamAfzalBiyabani

9. Mr. Moulana Abdul RaheemQureshi- General Secretary of the All India Muslim

Personal Law Board,

10. HazratMaulanaHaafizQari Mohammad Abdullah Quraishi Al-Azhari,

Renowned Islamic scholar Khateeb Mecca


He requested Moulana GiyasulRahmani to offer Dua-e-Maghfirat, Moulana GiyasulRahmani offered Dua-e-Maghfirat. The Honorary Secretary thanked Moulana.

Item No. 3.Confirmation of Minutes of the meeting held on 30-01-2015: The Honorary Secretary informed the members that Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali was to present the agenda item but due to certain urgency needs to go and he is permitted.

He requested Dr. M.A. Rafeeq to present the Minutes of the last AGB meeting held on 30-01-2015:

Dr. M.A. Rafeeq thanked the Honorary Secretary, conveyed his salaams to all the members and read out the minutes of the meeting and placed it before the committee for approval.

The members gave a patient hearing and unanimously confirmed the minutes as proposed by Dr. Syed Abu Hanifa and seconded by Dr. MehdiInamdar. (The minutes are available on

Item No. 4Approval of Budget for the Financial Year 2016 – 2017: The Honorary Secretary requested the Honorary Treasurer Dr. M. Samiullah Khan to present the Budget for the F/Y 2016-2017 for approval by the General Body members.

Dr. M. Samiullah Khan thanked the Honorary Secretary and before taking up the agenda conveyed his salaams to all the members on dias and the members of the august body and requested the members to pay attention to his presentation and Multimedia display.

The highlights of the Budget for the F/Y 2016 -2017 is as follows;

Income proposed for the Financial Year 2016-2017 -Rs.177,000,000.00

Expenses Proposed for the Financial Year 2016-2017-Rs.134,000,000.00

Surplus of income proposed for the Financial Year 2016-17-Rs. 43,000,000.00

The Honorary Treasurer also informed that the budget proposed for the F/Y 2016-17 provides for the Capital Expenses (Acquisition of Fixed Assets) for the existing projects of MESCO of Rs. 3,10,00,000(Rupees Three Crores Ten Lakhs). Reserve for creation of assets for the new medical centres at Delhi, Lucknow & Kolkata has been proposed for the balance amount of the surplus Rupees One Crore Twenty Lakhs. (Rs. 1, 20, 00,000.00).

The members gave a patient hearing and the Budget proposed for the Financial Year 2016-2017 was placed for confirmation. The members approved the Budget for the F/Y 2016-2017 proposed by Mr. MirzaWarisBaig, Seconded by Dr. MehdiInamdar.

The Honorary Secretary thanked Dr. M. Samiullah Khan and requested Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin to present the next item of agenda.

Item No. 5. Presentation of Audited Accounts for the financial year 2015-2016: Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin conveyed his salaams to the member of the august body and read out the details of the audited accounts and also requested the members to pay attention on the figures displayed through Multimedia presentation.

Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin informed that Alhamdulillah the overall functioning of the organization has been good, due to the effective management of the state of affairs of the organization.

He also informed that the total strength of the employees is 550 working in projects of MESCO.

At last the thanked Allah for His guidance and help in carrying out the day to day activities of the organization, he also thanked the members on the dias, members of the august body, Conveners / Directors of MESCO projects and appeal to them to monitor financial activities of respective projects within the allocated budget and also to put their best efforts in improving the revenue and also cut down the expenses following austerity measures.

He also thanked the Accounts Department, Auditors and Chartered Accountants for their support and guidance.

The audited accounts were placed before the members for confirmation, the members of the august body unanimously approved the audited accounts for the F/Y 2015 -2016, proposed by Dr. Mohammed Mohsin and seconded by Mr. Mohammed Farooq Ahmed. The audited accounts are available on the website

The Honorary Secretary thanked Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin for his presentation and with the permission of Chair took the next agenda item.

Item No. 6. Presentation of Annual Report 2015: The Honorary Secretary Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed Conveyed his salaams to the Office Bearers on dias and to the member of the august body and requested the members to kindly pay attention to the multimedia presentation.

He informed the members about the registration of organization with various bodies, registered with Registrar of Societies, Government of AP, Labour Department, Employment Exchange, Employees, Income Tax and Ministry of Home Affairs for FCRA, etc

For the information of the members the Honorary Secretary read out the Mission and Vision of MESCO, informed them about the tenure of the six (6) long term members and also the nomination of new short term members for the period 2015-2016. The term of the existing Managing Committee is 31-12-2017.

With regards to the activities of MESCO Diagnostic Centre, a total number of 15,900 cases were allocated by GAMCA during the year 2015, he also informed that the Medical Examination for the expatriates going to State of Kuwait is stopped in GAMCA and agency called Khadamat Solutions having its Branch at Mumbai is doing the medicals for State of Kuwait.

He also informed that the GCC has issued notification for accrediting new medical centres in Delhi, Lucknow & Kolkata, and 31-01-2016 is the last date to apply, we have applied for all the three centres , he also informed that we have identified place in the premises of JamaitUlema-e-Hind, ITO, New Delhi and we are tying up with Existing Medical Centre called Harmain Medical Centre at Lucknow at both these places we will be enterering into agreement and at Kolkata we will be establishing independently.

He requested the members to pray in getting all the centres accredited.

The Honorary Secretary gave a brief activities report of the various projects in Hyderabad and also at the projects collaborating with MESCO in UP, Haryana, Delhi, NCR, Karnataka and other Districts of the Country.

He also emphasized the need of adding new and young members who has to come forward in strengthening the organization, also he requested the members to spare their valuable time and take responsibility in any projects of their choice, also to give suggestions and their valuable guidance, support to MESCO.

The members gave a patient hearing and also reviewed the multimedia presentation and the Annual Report 2015 was placed for discussion and approval.

Dr. Mohammed Mohsin suggested having MESCO Hospital, he also suggested to give concessions for diagnostic test to Madarasa Imams and students.

Dr. M.A. Rafeeq praised the suggestion of Dr. Mohammed Mohsin and requested to consider giving 50% concession to the Imams and Madarasa Students, he also suggested considering opening a Primary Health Clinic in slum area which will be helpful for the poor.

The Honorary Secretary requested the Chief Administrative Officer, MESCO Diagnostic Centre Dr. K. Zama Khan to reply to the suggestions of the members giving concessions to Madarasa students.

Dr. K. Zama Khan said how to identify the Madarasa students, shall we consider the Madarasa recognized by the Telengana Waqf Board or by some communities, but we may consider the suggestions of the members.

The Honorary Secretary informed the members that the rates of Diagnostic Tests are 1/3rd less compared to other Diagnostic Centres in the vicinity at MESCO Diagnostic Centre and the reporting is also of high standard, he also informed that we are now going for National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories(NABL) which will further enhance our image, as suggested by Dr. M.A. Rafeeq we are identifying location for Primary Health Clinic.

With regard to the setting up of MESCO Hospital the Honorary Secretary informed we have land available at Mustaidpura, Malakpet he requested the members to identify the sources for generation of funds and the need is have quality hospital.

Dr. M. Samiullah Khan suggested considering giving 50% concessions for basic investigation to Masjids Imams and Madarasa students.

The annual report 2015 was approved by the members unanimously proposed by Mr. Mohammed Farooq Ahmed and Seconded by Dr. Syed Abu Hanifa.

Item No. 7. Appointment of auditors for the Financial Year 2016-2017: The Honorary Secretary informed the members the services of M/s. Amanullah Khan & Sons Chartered Accountants is to be continued for the Financial Year 2016-2017, the present remuneration is paid Rs. 1.25 Lakh and if the committee approves we may enhance to Rs. 1:50 for the F/Y 2016-17.

The members approved the same.

Item No. 8. Presentation of Suggestions / Resolutions: The Honorary Secretary informed the members that we have received only one suggestion from Mr. Syed Mujeebuddin wherein he has

stressed the need of enrolling new members so that the responsibility can be shared and in this regard he suggested that many of the children’s within MESCO have completed degree in medicine and even post graduation, if we arrange a lunch or dinner for final year medical students of minority colleges and explain them about MESCO activities, we can find some dedicated & sincere doctors who may be trained as future Honorary Secretary & Director.

He also said that he is even ready to offer one Lunch / Dinner.

The Honorary Secretary thanked Mr. S. Mujeebuddin and said that it is good suggestion and requested him to initiate the process and in coordination with Dr. M.A.Rafeeq invite the young doctors from Shahdan we may get some PG students Insha’Allah.

Item No. 9: Presidential Address:The Honorary Secretary requested Dr. GhouseMohiuddin Ali to address the august body.

Dr. GhouseMohiuddin Ali conveyed Salaams and said Alhamdulliah during the past 35 years MESCO has achieved a lot, he congratulated the Honorary Secretary Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed for his dynamic efforts and also the other members of the organization.

He said that the Arabic Language programme is a unique programme and appreciated the efforts put in by the Arabic department, He said that we lack in sports activities and to encourage the students we must have regular sports programme and distribute prizes in different categories.

He also agreed for the suggestion of Dr. Mohammed Mohsin and said if budget permits and if get some donation we must plan to construct a 200 bedded Hospital & affiliate to Pharma .D, with regard toa Primary Health Clinic in slum areas he is of the view that the refugees of Burma are malnourished and if we extend our services to slum area we must extend the facilities to these refugees.

He also said that to commemorate the services of the founder / senior members who have passed away we must give Gold Medals to Brilliant Students. At last he requested all the members to pray for the benefit of the organization.

Any other matter: The Honorary Secretary requested Mr. JawadHaqani, who designed the MESO Calendar 2016 to brief the members about the concept of the Calendar. Mr. JawadHaqani briefly explained the concept of MESCO Calendar 2016, the members gave a patient hearing and appreciated the design and concept of the Calendar.

Item No. 10. Vote of Thanks: The Honorary Secretary requested Dr. K. Zama Khan to present vote of thanks.

Dr. K. Zama Khan conveyed salaams and thanked the President for his nice speech, he thanked the Honorary Secretary and said he is doing great work for the organization, he thanked Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin, Dr. M. Samiullah Khan & Dr. M.A. Rafeeq for their presentation, he thanked Dr. M. Mohsin & Dr. M.A. Rafeeq for their suggestions, he said the audience wre giving a patient hearing and thanked all the members, all the staff, Accounts Department, Admin Department and MESCO Grades School Malakpet Administration department.

The meeting came to end with Dua by Moulana M. Giyasul Islam Rahmani, followed by Namaz-e-Zohar & Lunch.

Honorary Secretary