Thomas TrainTheme
- Preparation
- Scatter tall cones in one corner/end for later use as TREES to cut down, hold onto blue discs to give kids for MILK
- Attendance
- Ask them to tell you different ways to go places, eventually they’ll say TRAIN
- Ask what trains do, what they carry, how they’re different than cars
- Ask if they’ve ever been on a train
- Ask if they know any trains, and they’ll yell THOMAS and name his friends.
- Tell them that Thomas and Friends broke down and you need to fill in and make their deliveries
- STAMP – turns them into favorite Thomas train engine
- Take attendance (names: Thomas, Percy, Gordon, Henry, James, Toby, Cranky, Emily, Rosie, ToppHatt)
- Warm up
- Have kids start off lying down (sleeping) because trains start early in the morning.
- Wake up, Full body STRETCH, roll around, have breakfast (ask what they eat), drink juice
- CAN’T GO OUT IN PJ’s - Have them put on socks, engineer pants, boots, jackets (zip), hats, goggles
- Have kids line up behind you and make a train by playing follow the leader as you run around to get Bob.
- Start with AND “ALL ABOARD??!!” and instruct the kids to make a Train whistle (WOOT WOOT) as a response.
- 15long, slow steps to start the train and climb the hill(I think I can, I think I can, I think I can).
- Go over top of Hill and run around faster as you go down the other side. (I knew I could, I knew I could…) Left/right/fast/slow/spin/jump/squat/hop/flap…. SLOW DOWN (sound effects) and Get BOB
- Wake up Bob by shaking and waving
- “Wake Up!” “Rise and shine!” “Thomas needs our help”, “Train’s leaving the station”, “Time to hit the rails”, etc. Once Awake: STOP BOB !!
- Can’t touch BOB with our fingers because it’s early and he’s grumpy.
- Train Deiiveries – Milk, Mail (for Percy), and logs (cones)
- Get Milk from cows
- Ask kids where we get milk (COWS), what do cows eat (GRASS), “We’re going to feed the cows grass and get milk”
- Have kids do TICK TOCKS to collect grass (FEED GRASS TO COWS)
- After feeding grass, give each kid a blue disc to use as their “milk bucket” and have kids do TIPPY TOES on the inverted disc as they “MILK COWS” and get milk.
- Exaggerate lifting really heavy buckets of milk (discs) onto the train car, CALL “ALL ABOARD” get “WOOT WOOT” response as rehearsed, run around to next stop
- Get Logs from Trees
- Stop the train near big cones (sound effects)
- Explain to the kids that each of these big trees needs to be cut down and trimmed to make logs to put on the train.
- Have kids do 10 LONG BALL ROLLS (back and forth) on each foot, touching the cone on the extension, to “chop it down”.
- On the last chop, they can KICK BOB hard and knock the tree down.
- They can trim the branches off by dribbling closely around the cone in each direction, making chainsaw noises.
- Exaggerate lifting the cones (logs) onto the train, call “ALL ABOARD?” Get the kids’ WOOT WOOT reply, and move off to the last chore.
- Get Mail for Percy
- Stop train at last stop (sound effects)
- Tell kids that poor Percy has no mail to deliver and he feel like he’s not USEFUL (one of the show’s themes), but we, with BOB’s help, can give him mail and packages to deliver.
- Ask each kid who they’d like to send a present to, and what that present would be.
- Do SCISSORS over BOB to wrap present, JUMP over BOB to tape it closed
- Before they put the mail on the train they have to (SPELL NAMES or RECITE ADDRESS)
- Get back on train, “ALL ABOARD?” woot woot. Follow the leader back to train station with jobs done.
- Put BOB to bed after big adventure, say good night.
- Lullaby as usual.
- Songs –
- Roll, roll, roll your Bob gently down the tracks. Merrily, merrily, merrily soccer is so fun! 2-3 times then sing kick you Bob at your coach and listen to ‘em squeal.