The Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in the UK Course Accreditation Committee (CRED)

Application for recognition of a new course delivery as a satellite to an existing accredited course


What is a Satellite Course?

The CRED definition of a Satellite Course is:

“A course that has the same overall managing organisational context as the main accredited course. The Satellite Course will usually have the same marking, teaching topics and awards as the Main Course and will usually take place at a site remote from the Main Course.“ (Blue Book 4th Edition, 2015).

Why do Satellite Courses need to be considered separately to their Main Course?

These courses are accredited separately in order to ensure equivalence: that all students have parity and equal opportunities in line with the Main Course. (Blue Book 4th Edition, 2015).

How are Satellites Assessed for accreditation?

To begin the process of the accreditation a written application form is required and is submitted to CRED for approval (see form below).

The form below is intended for applications where the Main Course already has accreditation and has expanded its delivery to a satellite site. This will involve a paper evaluation. Student feedback from satellites will usually be requested for review.

Once the Satellite Course is considered by the CRED committee to be equivalent to the main accredited course, then those students who have studied on that Satellite Course will be considered to have gone through an accredited training course.

The Satellite Course/s will need to be included in the Main Course annual review and re-accredited in line with the Main Course re-accreditation for up to a maximum of 5 cohorts. The submission of a completed separate review form for the Satellite Course will be expected. Thereafter the Satellite Course will be required to apply for accreditation in its own right.

Courses that do not fit this definition will be encouraged to consider if they meet the requirements for an Associate Course (see Blue Book 4th Edition) or will be advised to undertake a new accreditation application (forms available on website).

What is the process of applying for recognition of a new delivery of a course as a Satellite Course?

  1. The Course tutor completes the form below.

Please complete Part 1 and attach the documents requested in Part 2 (where applicable) to support the application.

  1. Two CRED Panellists will be appointed to assess the application. Panellists may seek further information or a site visit.
  2. After completion of the first cohort, student feedback (if not already included in the application) will need to be provided by course. Further paper work may be requested.
  3. The Satellite Course, if approved, will then become part of the usual accreditation cycle of the Main Course
  4. Completing an annual review form for the Main Course and one for each Satellite Course will provide the annual updates for CRED.
  5. If the Satellite Course is not approved, then a recommendation will be made for the course to apply to be accredited as a new course.
  6. If the course is to be accredited as a new course, then additional documentation and payment will be required. The fee paid for this application will be counted as contributing to subsequent application as a new course.

Payment must be made in advance of the accreditation process – details will be set out in the invoice provided. Cost £175, however, if a site visit is required the cost will be higher to cover travel etc.

Please return to the CRED Administrator: 7 Executive Suite, St James Business Centre, WilderspoolCauseway, Warrington, WA4 6PS

Application for a Satellite Course Accreditation

Part 1 – Satellite Recognition Application Form

(Please complete by adding your details under each heading)

Existing Course title to which this satellite will be attached :

Foundations of Systemic Practice : Working with Families

Name of Training Body/Organisation of the Main and Satellite Course

The Prudence Skynner Family and Couple Therapy Clinic :

South West London & St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust

Date of Re -accreditation of Main Course


Named person responsible for Main Accredited and Satellite Course

Annie Turner

Planned Satellite Course title

Foundations of Systemic Practice : Working with Families

Mailing Address

Site of Satellite Course (including organization and address of site).

Please state relationship between Main and Satellite course with regard to the following:

Please confirm whether or not this is the same as or different to the Main course / Please provided information about differences in this column
Staff / Same/Different / Please give details here of new staff and attach CVs, including UKCP registration number and AFT Supervisor register number where relevant
Course organisation / Same/Different
Course title / Same/Different
Course Aims / Same/Different
Course Structure / Same/Different
Course Content / Same/Different
Teaching Methods / Same/Different
Course Work / Same/Different
Assessment / Same/Different
Funding / Same/Different
Course award / Same/Different
Venue / Same/Different
Entry requirements / Same/Different
Selection / Same/Different
APEL policy / Same/Different
Evaluation / Same/Different
Complaints / Same/Different
Appeals process / Same/Different


Practice elements of the Course – Please detail and highlight any differences to the Main Course for example: supervision, range of clinical work, procedures for monitoring practice (including feedback and assessment), opportunities for experience/observation of health and social services settings or equivalent, how hours requirements are met and monitored, opportunities to discuss work from outside the course (e.g. own work base).

Management of clinical materials and confidentiality :Please detail any differences to the Main Course.

In the event that the Satellite Course terminates while students are still studying what support and management arrangements will be instituted? (eg Host site undertakes in advance to take students into existing accredited course until completion etc)

Statement of Equivalence

The course organisers agree that the course presented has the same overall managing organisational context, the same marking, teaching topics and awards as the Main Course but usually takes place at a site remote from the Main Course and is therefore a Satellite Course to the Main Accredited Course


Contact Name: / Job Title:
Contact Telephone:
Date: / Email address: