For MEST Senior Appointments/Promotions
Dear __________:
We are writing to request your candid evaluation of the credentials of _______(Name), whom we are presently considering for appointment/promotion to the rank of __________(Rank) on the Medical Educator and Service Track (MEST) in the Department of __________. You are an expert who can judge Dr. Doe’s accomplishments. We would very much appreciate your appraisal of Dr. Doe’s achievements based on a comparison with others having comparable responsibilities at other institutions.
The MEST is a new appointment and promotion track at Emory, implemented in the Spring of 2011 and designed for individuals whose major responsibilities reside in the area of institutional/regional teaching and service. The criteria for appointment/promotion on this new track includes achievement in teaching and professional service along with participation in scholarship. A copy of the relevant section of our recently revised guidelines has been enclosed for your information, as well as a packet of information (including CV, teaching portfolio, service portfolio, and papers) on Dr. Doe presented in support of this action. As part of your evaluation, we would like to know his/her standing locally and regionally for promotion to Associate Professor or nationally for promotion to Professor. Please consider whether he/she would be considered for appointment/promotion as Associate Professor/Professor at institutions having a similar tract.
Our procedure calls for a review at the levels of the Department, the School’s Faculty Committee on Appointments and Promotions, and the Council of Chairs in the School of Medicine, and approval by the Dean before the Dean makes a recommendation to the President of the University (used for tenure cases only). I hope to be able to present this proposal to the Dean on (date), and would be very grateful if I could receive your response before then.
I appreciate your taking the time to assist us in this important process.
Edited 10/3/2011