
Excel Exercise 1 - Taxi Log

Build a worksheet in Excelon your own according to the directions below. Make sure to include the Style Guide requirements.

Save the document as taxilog.xlsx

Upload & submit it to D2Ldropbox: “Excel: Taxi Log”.

  1. This week we will analyze data from a day spent driving a taxi in Erie
  2. Download the following file:
  3. Save it to your excel folder as taxilog.xlsx
  4. The data used in this workbook are charges for a cab in ErieYellow Cab which came fromtheirwebsite
  5. The information in cells A3:B8 are charges for a cab in Erie Yellow Cab in 2014. This information came also came from their website.
  • Cell A3 is the title
  • Cell B4 contains the charge to enter the taxi
  • Cell B5 contains the charge per mile for riding in the taxi
  • Cell B6 contains the charge per minute for when the cab is not moving.
  • Cell B7 contains the charge for out of county trips, we will not use this.
  • Cell B8 contains the charge for fuel recovery. This charge is applied to all trips.
  • The information in cells B10:E22 is related to the trips a cab made in a single evening. I made up this information. We can assume that this is the output from the taximeter.

Column B contains the trip number. It is incremented once each time the meter starts.

Column C contains the odometer reading when the trip starts.

Column D contains the odometer reading when the trip ends.

Column E contains the number of minutes spent waiting. If no minutes were spent waiting, the entry is blank.

  1. From Excel 2013, save the downloaded file as taxilog.xlsx
  2. Format the charges area as follows
  3. Expand column A so that all of the text is visible
  4. Make the text bold
  5. Center the word Charges over the entire table,
  6. Make Charges bold
  7. Format the charges as currency
  8. Draw a green border around the entire section.

  1. Add the following column titles to the output log

Cell / Title
E10 / Waiting Time
F10 / Pickup Charge
G10 / Total Miles
H10 / Mileage Charge
I10 / Waiting Charge
J10 / Total Charge
K10 / Percent Change
L10 / Running Total
  • All of these should be bold and centered over the column
  • Word wrap should be enabled for all of these fields.
  • A thick black line should be under all of these titles.
  1. Format the miles columns with commas.
  2. In column F, compute the pickup charge
  3. This will be the sum of the entry charge and the fuel recovery charge.
  4. This should be a single formula, developed in cell F11 and copied to cells F12:F22

  1. In column G, compute the total miles for each trip.
  2. Subtract the starting miles (in column C) from the ending miles (Column D)
  3. This should be a positive number.
  4. Develop a single formula in cell G11 and copy this to the other cells.
  5. Calculate the mileage charge for each trip in column H.
  6. This should be the total miles, from column G times the mileage charge in cell B5.
  7. Develop a single formula in cell H11 and copy it to the rest of the table.
  8. Calculate the waiting charge in column I.
  9. This is the waiting time in column E times the Each Minute Waiting charge in the charges table.
  10. Develop a single formula in cell I11 and copy it to the rest of the table.
  11. Calculate the total charge for each trip in column J
  12. This is the sum of the pickup charge, the mileage charge and the waiting charge.
  13. See the instructions above.
  14. In column K, calculate the percent change from the previous tip.
  15. This is the percent change = (new value - old value)/old value
  16. This does not really make sense in this case, but I want you to practice doing this.
  17. This should be formatted as a percent.
  18. In column L, compute the running total charge for all trips.

  1. To make the table easier to read, make the background of every two rows alternate between light blue and no background.
  1. Apply conditional formatting to the total charge column
  2. Highest charges should be green.
  3. Lowest charges should be red.
  1. Apply conditional formatting to the Percent Change column
  2. Use the four icon scheme, where lower cells have a red arrow pointing down
  3. And higher cells have a green arrow pointing up.
  1. Add an arrow to the $30.93 charge in column J
  2. The text should be "Best fare of the day"
  • You may need to use rotate tool to accomplish this.
  1. Create a summary area in cells I24:K28
  2. Add the following

Cell / Value
I24 / Miles Driven
I25 / Miles Charged
I26 / Number of Trips
I27 / Charged for Time
I28 / Total Fees
  • For each cell, merge this with the cell in column J
  • Make the text bold
  • Left align the text.
  1. Calculate Miles Driven.
  2. Ending miles in d22 minus the starting miles in c11
  3. Calculate the Miles Charged
  4. This is the sum of column g in the table.
  5. Calculate the Number of Trips.
  6. This is a count of the number of trips take, column B for example.
  7. Calculate the number of trips that were charged for time.
  8. This is the number of trips with minutes recorded in column E.
  9. Calculate the total fees
  10. This is the sum of column J.
  1. Create a statistics table in cells D5 through G8
  2. Place Miles, Time and Fee in cells E5, F5 and G5
  3. Center these and make them bold
  4. Place a border under each
  5. Place Max, Min and Average in cells D6, D7 and D8
  6. Make these bold
  7. Place a border to the right of each.
  • Using the appropriate functions, fill in the values of this table.
  1. Finally, merge cells D1 through L4 into a single cell
  2. Place "Fare Report by yourname" in this cell
  3. Use 24 point font.
  4. Make this text center and middle aligned.

The final image:

  1. Make sure all data is well formatted and visible.
  2. When you are finished submit this excel workbook to the drop box “Excel: Taxi Log”.
  3. All students in the face-to-face class should print report worksheet “as displayed” and “cell formulas” (2 printouts). Please use landscape orientation, resize columns before printing, scaling should be set to “fit-to-one-page”. If you are an online student and can drop off the same print out to my mailbox in ROSS 109 – that would be appreciated!

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