Minutes of a meeting of Sefton RUFC Board: Tuesday 28th May 2013.

Present: WFJ (Chair) RS (Minutes) ASp; DL; AC; GP. Apologies: ASt.

  1. Finance & Administration.

a)RS gave an update on the current bank balance and recent major expenditure.

b)Real Time Information (RTI. PAYE on line). ASp had set the system up using the government gateway. ASp, DL and RS would meet regularly to collate and input the information required. It is still a steep learning curve for those involved.

c)The Board authorised functions applied for. Due to concerns about the profitability of many of the functions, especially those held in the afternoon during the closed season, it was decided a revue would be held. Furthermore, existing bookings would be honoured but it was decided that the charge for all private functions would rise to £100 with immediate effect. The Board felt that this was still good value for money.

d)Gift Aid on Membership. WFJ explained that this would be claimed at the same rate as last season.

e)VAT. It has been indicated to us that because we charge a hiring fee for our playing facilities we are still able to claim back the VAT on major ground projects, such as the training light project, and purchase of the verti-drain machine. The Abacus lighting project should be finished very soon, and the VAT element will have to be paid by us at the end of the month. In addition to this, the Grounds Subcommittee are keen to go ahead with the purchase of the verti-drain machine. We have been awarded an RFU grant for most of the cost, but we will have to pay ‘upfront’ for it first. The Board agreed this purchase.

f)The Grounds Subcommittee have received a price from David J Platt (our preferred contractor) of approximately £5k for necessary work on the pitches during the closed season. The Board agreed.

g)Honours Board: Donations so far totalled £75.

h)Theft From Storage Containers: We will need to replace the sit on mower, push mower and strimmer, which are essential to our routine maintenance and pitch marking. The Board would obtain prices and replace all. The would also be a security review and a decision made on future storage of this equipment.

i)Stand Roof Replacement. An estimate has been received for this work of £4.3k +VAT. Although we have about £1300 ‘ring-fenced’ toward this project, the Board felt, with the financial commitments we have already made, that we couldn’t go ahead with the replacement at this time. We would revue at the start of next season.

j)Defibrillator Donation: A donation of about £750 was ‘expected’. Thw Board would like one further fund raising effort at the Junior presentation day.

k)The financial consequences (if any) of our promotion to Lancashire South/Cheshire 1 was discussed. ASt would be asked to review.

l)Membership Applications: None presented at this meeting.

m)United Utilities: Site Charges. RS had successfully applied for a discretionary rate to be applied to the Club on this charge. This was a further benefit of our CASC status. The charge could have been over £6k, and would now only be £125. Amassive saving to the Club.


  1. Annual General Meeting:

a)Date was confirmed as the 16th July.

b)RS and GP would compose and present a small change to the Articles that would help any future proposal to relocate.

c)Life Membership: RS formally proposed both Roddy Byrne and Bernard ‘Titch’ Houghton. They were our two surviving and active ex Trustees, as well as being long term officials of Sefton. The Board agreed that life membership was well deserved in both cases, and would be announced at the AGM.

d)Fee increases were discussed, but it was felt in the current economic climate that we would keep our current rates for at least one more year for our Senior members. It would be left to the discretion of the Junior subcommittee to discuss the Junior rates and report to the Board.

  1. Thornhead Brook Realignment Project:

a)RS was continuing to liaise with LCC over the exact position of the new mesh fence. RS had agreed that we would contribute the scrap value of our old metal fence.

b)The removal of the trees and fence from the rear of the Club had exposed the poor state of the rear wall of the clubhouse to close scrutiny and it was not a pleasant site as a first impression of the club! Fortunately Andy Walsh had offered to render the wall at low cost. The Board were grateful for this offer and WFJ would liaise with Andy over the project.

c)Stabilising Cleared Area: The Board recognised that we would have to carry out some works to avoid the area cleared by LCC during the brook project to avoid the whole area becoming a ‘mud bath’. Options would be explored and acted on at the Boards discretion during the closed season if at all possible.

  1. Safeguarding Issue: Still no clear answer from the RFU on this. RS would continue to monitor progress.
  1. Junior Presentation Day. Trophy’s, food and entertainment have all been organised. It has been confirmed that the Bouncy Castle etc would be covered by the operating firms own liability insurance. A supervision rota will be in place!
  1. Relocation Project: WFJ reported that a decision as to whether we could be sold land within the Croxteth Hall Park Estate was now with the City Council’s legal department. (ongoing).
  1. Other Urgent & Essential Items: None raised.
  1. Date of Next Meeting: To be decided.