Crystal Lake Association

Board of Directors Meeting

September 4, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am at Gerry Vande Hey’s home. Members present were Gerry Vande Hey, Ron Hanson, Mike Werdeo, Paul Schuman, Don Carpenter, Tim and Nancy Killoren.

Minutes of the July 31st meeting were discussed and by By-laws were reviewed by the members. Paul S. made a motion to accept the minutes with a second by Ron H. Motion carried.

The Treasurers report was given: Savings account balance is $500.00, outstanding bills $269.40. A savings account was opened at M & I Bank and requires a $250.00 min. balance. As soon as more members submit dues the outstanding bill will be paid. A FederalI.D. number was applied for and assigned to the Corporation. It was mentioned that we will need to file end of year tax forms and discussion followed on who might be able to help with the tax reporting. Gerry will look into getting someone to help with tax issues. Don C. made a motion to accept the Treasurers report with a second by Ron Hanson. Motion carried.

Gerry spoke with DNR Recreational Safety Warden, Jeffery Dauterman, who is available to help any way possible to achieve the goals set by the Association. Jeff mentioned that we should send out a survey to addressconcerns of the property owners. Although there was some objection raised regarding a LakeAssociation most of the response has been positive. Items to be addressed through a survey are:

  • Reasonable and safe use of the lake.
  • Concerns regarding aquatic invasive species
  • Shoreline protection
  • Boating regulations – no wake hours
  • Fishing issues
  • Beach issues
  • Quiet time on lake
  • Speed limit around the lake

The Crystal Lake landing or beach is a concern due to the fact that the area is abused by some of the people using it. Trash disposal, using the water to bathe and wash vehicles, and safety of swimmers was discussed. The key to address these problems is to get the support of the landowners and then go before the three townships (Nashville, Langlade and Ainsworth) and the two counties (Forest and Langlade) to agree to set some reasonable guidelines.

It was stressed that the purpose of the Association is not to regulate and enforce rules but to educate the members on the importance of Wisconsin boating regulations and the threat of aquatic invasive species.

The topics of water quality, lake levels, fish stocking and traffic around Crystal Lake were discussed. It was agreed that Ron H. will draft a survey that will be presented to the landowners. The results will be discussed at the annual meeting on May 28th, 2011.

Getting the information out to members was discussed with suggestions of putting a notice in the local papers and to post information at the Post Office community bulletin board.

Members must pay annual dues of $25.00 in order to cast a vote. Paying dues prior to the annual meeting is recommended.

An election of the Vice President and two at-large directors, Don Carpenter and Paul Schuman will take place at the annual meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 11:10 am with a motion from Don Carpenter.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy A. Killoren
