The objective is to create a web based application using a Light Detection and Radar (LIDAR) dataset obtained from the Auckland Council. The end product will provide an explorative tool accessible to anyone with an internet connection free of charge. The applications range from general public use to professionals such as planners, engineers etc.
Specific examples of using this application include:
- Town planners may use this application to determine the existing and future location of critical infrastructure such as water supply and land development.
Breaking down the project, we will require the resources to build the application, examples include the datasets itself and software used to analyse the data.
The first dataset mentioned (LIDAR) will be obtained from the Auckland Council. Further data (layers) requirements to be addressed but may include base layers such as area units (e.g. suburbs).
We will separate the dataset into appropriate layers, the end application will allow the user to select the layers required for the user's specific application.
Under consideration, we may allow the user to add his/her own layers to the application. The benefit of such a feature means that each user can tailor the application for their own specific user needs.
• Watershed: area of land draining into a
river at a given location (outlet)
• Outlet: the most downstream point on
the stream where the flow leaves the
watershed and enters the river
• Sewershed: drainage area of sewer system
• Watershed divide: a line dividing
• land draining towards the given stream,
• land draining away from that stream
• Manual delineation of watersheds is done
by drawing drainage divides on
topographic (contour) maps, which is
• Automatic delineation of watersheds is
done using Digital Elevation Models
(DEMs) and Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) software
This system will integrate a collection of water resource models (watersheds, rivers, lakes, estuaries) to provide the ability to address water, land use, and other natural resource management decisions and scenarios, with the goal of developing an integrated modeling capability to address future land use and resource management scenarios and provide scientific support to decision makers. Here, we discuss the five-step process used to ascertain the (potentially opposing) needs and interests of stakeholders and provide results and summaries from our experiences. The results of this process guide user interface design efforts to create a collaborative problems solving environment supporting multiple users with differing scientific backgrounds and modeling needs. We conclude with a discussion of participatory interface design methods used to encourage stakeholder involvement and acceptance of the system as well as the lessons learned to date.
Quimpo, R. (ed.), (1999) Gis Modules and Distributed Models of the Watershed: Report, Amer Society of Civil Engineers.
- To produce an application for a wide range of audience free of cost to view the dynamic watershed environment
Expertise of team members
Shaolin Yang / Ramgopal Kolla / Preeti Bhatia / Chaplin Chan / Amit KokjeWater resource management,hydrological modelling, environmental management / Asset Management, Web application design, Development / Geographer, Environmental scientist / Strong GIS background; Remote sensing, spatial analysis and reasonable computer programming skills. / GIScience, Remote Sensing and LiDAR data processing, Utility (electrical distribution system) mapping, Navigation systems.
Cultural background
Shaolin Yang / Ramgopal Kolla / Preeti Bhatia / Chaplin Chan / Amit KokjeFrom Jiangxi, China
Completed BE in Beijing,
Obtained M Env. Management in Queensland, OZ / Born in India
MS in Information Systems (Northeastern Uni, Boston)
Application Dev in Water utilities industry / Born NZ
Graduated this year in BSc, Geography and Environmental ScienceDoing P.G Dip GIS / Born in Hong Kong
Moved to New Zealand in 1994
Obtained BSc Geography & Computer Science
Currently studying BSc (Hons) Geography / From Mumbai, India
Doing Ph.D at The Univ. of Auckland NZ
M.Sc Env. Sci and P.G Dip, GIS and RS
from Univ. Pune, India
Hopes and dreams for this project
Shaolin Yang / Ramgopal Kolla / Preeti Bhatia / Chaplin Chan / Amit KokjeA good 3D view for public to access / Web viewer enabling end user to upload data and visualize the data set.
A good decision making tool hopefully / Useful tool to help others in the field / See its completion and obtain well rounded knowledge
of the data and processes used to achieve the final model / A good on-line and interactive viewer for watershed
Shaolin Yang / Ramgopal Kolla / Preeti Bhatia / Chaplin Chan / Amit KokjePython / Analysis, deliverables / Python and scripting / Altered deadline due to semester timetable change
and merging responsibilities/expertise together to
create the final product / scripting knowledge?
Shaolin Yang / Ramgopal Kolla / Preeti Bhatia / Chaplin Chan / Amit KokjeLiDAR data analysis / Appllication Development and Interface / project leader & explore possible applications of the tool for management / Programming / LiDAR data processing
Project Plan:
Project Plan from Week Starting 02 May – 12 June 2011
Week 102 May / Introduction to team members
Decision made on project
Write up abstract
Week 2
09 May / Collaboration through wiki, communicating and getting to know each other on the following topics:
- Expertise of each team member
- Cultural background
- Hopes and dreams for this project
- Concerns which each member may have
- Responsibilities to be carried out for the project
Week 3
16 May / As a team brainstorm steps to be carried out to produce final results
- Shaolin to find the catchment area for project and to collaboration through wiki, for us to agree on catchment area location and extent
- Amit to collect the data resources based on catchment area via Auckland Council
Week 4
23 May / As a team get together during the week and produce the actual project
- Chaplin to design the web page layout and complete the client server model
Week 5
30 May / As individuals work on allocated tasks
- Preeti write up benfits and introduction brielfy
- Chaplin carry on with web uploading
- Amit, Shaolin and Ram produce 3D model to be uploaded
Week 6
5 June / Final touch ups and put web site together and report write up. See tawan for extra help and direction
Week 7
12 June / Final product due and well presented report along side with it
Section 1: Design of the web page: Chaplin
Client Server Model
Server / Client / TechnologiesGoogle App Engine to host the web server using:
Web Pages / A single web page which has two major features:
• Main model
• Side bar / Google App Engine, Python 2.5, GQL, JavaScript,
• Land cover/use
• Catchment boundary
• Road network
• 3D LIDAR model of study zone / Main model:
• A bare 3D interactive model of the study zone* TIN to Raster images draped over Google Earth
• Aerial imagery draped over Elevation
• Base layers with Labels (Road, Rivers, Houses, Vegeatation) / • ArcMap
• ArcScene
• ArcGlobe
• TIN/3D analyst morphed using Google Sketchup to generate KML for Google Earth
• Google Earth
• Google Server
• Google Maps
Software to process dataset/s and project the final 3D image (not yet confirmed). / Side bar:
• Side bar with select/deselect able features to add/remove onto the bare 3D model
SNAPSHOTS OF THE WEB PAGE COUPLE ONLY – web design and actual web pg
Section 2: Proto type: Ram/Shaolin/Amit
DESCRIPTION OF WHAT YOU HAVE DEVELOPED (basic steps and software used)
Step 1: Define spatial locationShaolin
Step 2: Datasets Amit
Step 3: Use software to produce 3D modelShaolin/Amit/Ram
Benefits of the application
The 3D virtual watershed application integrates a collection of spatial features which provide the ability to address water, land use and other natural resource management decisions and scenarios (Thurma et al 2004). It keeps the goal of developing integrated modelling capability to address future land use and resource management scenarios and provide scientific support to decisions makers. Furthermore open source web based application is freely available to the public, who has an internet connection. It can benefit from the general public to the expertise professionals within any field who is interested in 3D virtual watershed viewing. Some of the field domains interested in the 3D virtual watershed application follow:
- Engineers
Engineers apply scientific knowledge to develop solutions for technical problems. How engineers can use it is through carrying out land development projects which include current conditions analysis, floodplain mapping, storm water interception design plans (Scacco, 2006).
- Environmental planners/mangers
Environmental planners/mangers are those who make decisions to carry out development taking into consideration the natural environmental, socioeconomic and political factors. How environmental planners/mangers would benefit is by providing them a virtual perspective on the natural environmental and integrated decision making process, to facilitate a holistic understanding of watersheds and associated human activities (Mirchi, Watkins and Madani, 2009).
- Fluvial geomorphologist and River managers
Geomorhologist study the landforms and the processes that shape them. How geomorphologists can make use of the model is being able to understand the spatial extend of the processes occurring in the region in a virtual world. While being able to apply management procedures.
- General Public
The general public compromises of knowledge at various levels. How the general public can use the application is being able to gain more spatial awareness of the neighborhood and the watershed environment.
- Geologists
Geologists apply science to understand natural hazards and disasters warning and mitigation while exploring for resources. How geologists can make use of the model is by understanding the spatial location at extent to predict natural disasters from occurring and
- Hydrologists
Hydrologists apply scientific knowledge to solve water-related problems in society (USGS, 2011). Much of the work involves analyzing data, modeling studies such as prediction of runoff, flooding and the consequences. How hydrologists can use the 3D watershed model is to predict the flow rate, sediment load and nutrient and pesticide concentrations (water quality), while looking at the surrounding environment for the influences.
Overall benefits of the 3D virtual watershed application:
- Tool for visually conveying information (Buikema, 2010)
- Rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis tool to obtain information about different spatial and temporal relationships within physical and human environments (Buikema, 2010)
- Landscape analysis tool which allows understanding the geomorphology, environmental science and hydrological aspects and applying management decisions on the spatial area.
Section 3: Future Design: Ram/Shaolin/Amit/Chaplin/Preeti
Buikema 2010 The idenfification of gemorphically effective areas of the Hoteo Catchment, Kaipara, Auckland, using GIS and geomorphic enquiry: Implications for the prioritisation of riparian management efforts, Auckland Coucil, Auckland, New Zealand.
Thurman, D., Cowell, A., Taira, R. and Frodge, J. (2004) Designing a collaborative problem solving environment for integrated water resource modelling, Second International Conference on Brownfield Sites: Assessment, Rehabilitation and Development, June 2004, Siena: Brownfield.
U.S. Geolgical Survey (2011), What is hydrology and what do hydrologists do?. Available from: [Accessed: 04 June 2011]
Scacco, M. (2006). Using Autodesk Civil 3D for Hydrologic and Hydraulic Tasks. 2006. [Accessed: 4 June 2011].
Quimpo, R. (ed.), (1999) Gis Modules and Distributed Models of the Watershed: Report, Amer Society of Civil Engineers.
Mirchi. A., Watkins. D. and Madani. K. 2009. Modeling for Watershed Planning, Management, and Decision Making, in Watersheds: Management, Restoration and Environmental Impact, edited by Vaughn J. New York: Nova Science Publishers: 1-25.