Corrections UMCMinutes

January 24, 2017

Brownlee Building

10365 97 Street

Edmonton, AB

T5J 3W7


Kim Sanderson – Assistant Deputy Minister- Corrections

Wayne Reddon – Executive Director Adult Corrections

Joanne Panasiuk – Executive Director Young Offender

Judith Barlow- Executive Director Community Corrections

Shannon Lawson –Manger of Employee Relations

Tim Jackson – MSO, Counsel Rep

Scott Conrad – Local 003 Acting Chair

Gopal Ayre – Local 003 PE Representative

Bill West – Local 003 Treasurer

Mike Larson – Local 003 OH&S Liaison

1320meeting commenced

Public Security Items of the Agenda:

  1. Peace Officer Memorial

-Putting forward names for members; asking for permission for them to wear their uniform. Expect to have the names in May.

-Union will pay for them to attend.

  1. NARCAN Kits

-ACOB and YOBare looking at implementing Nasal NARCAN Kits in centres that don’t have 24 hour medical care. Will be in staff stations, DDO’s offices etc. up to the centre to decide. They will be used by the supervisor or manager.

-As soon as policy is drafted, it will distribute to the union.

-At Community Correction Offices, NARCAN Kits are not currently supplied; however, jurisdictional research will be conducted for potential implementation.

-A legal opinion has been requested for Community Correction offices.

  1. Future of Segregation

-Future of segregation generally, has the attention of the Minister and DM’s office, watching what’s going on in Ontario. Has not gone unnoticed re metal health training.

-Our response is we are doing best we can with what we have. Additional resources welcomed.

-With respect to the Adam’s case, it was not due to segregation alone.

-Way of dealing with this in Alberta has met the test so far.

  1. Presentation of SIU – Shelina Mohamed-Rawji – Defer to next UMC Meeting.
  2. Update on Vulnerable Persons Screening

-Only police agencies are able to conduct Vulnerable checks, and checks are only specific to sex offenders. Will not be pursued at this time.

-Will look into whether or not we can do level 2 CPIC checks.

  1. Update Investigation Timelines (Emails) – Defer to next UMC Meeting.
  2. Hiring Practice Updates – copy of Screening

-Questionnaire to be finalized and distributed to group prior to being implemented.

-Both parties agree to the implementation of this practice; however, the logistics of the process are to be determined.

  1. C-SIT Update

-Union is looking for the syllabus of C-SIT training. Wayne will follow up.

  1. Update on Young Offender OC Spray Issue

-BN completed and with the Minister.

-The Office of the Child and Youth Advocate is still concerned about the use of OC spray in Centres.

  1. Total Position Numbers per Centre

-Union requesting FTE count for all Centres and Community Corrections to use as a benchmark.

-Follow up with HR (reference LOU #2 in subsidiary agreement 3)

  1. Update Uniform Committee/Allotment

-Looked into the point system, it’s not being viewed as being currently feasible.

-Not cost effective, and administratively challenging.

-Employer requested that if issues arise regarding uniforms, staff is to address concerns with their Centre Director. If any new ideas are found, forward them to Wayne.

-Roll out plan for CSW uniforms?Order has been placed, will follow up.

-Contract for vests secured.

  1. Update Lockers in Community Corrections Offices

-Concern with members not being provided with security features consistently across all Community Corrections offices.

-Employer is working with Infrastructure, waiting on Infrastructure to action.

-AUPE may ask for updates in the future.

New Business


– going forward, the agenda will be composed of new items and updates

-Request made by AUPE for disclosure of all Commissionaire’s within the Correctional Services Division.

Next UMC date:

TBD – Shannon to email schedule availability for May 2017.