Gomal Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Instructions to Contributors
Gomal Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (GJAES) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing quality research annually in the field of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. The 1st issue of the Journal has been successful published, which is also available online as sample article.
Articles submitted to the GJAES must be based on original research and should not have been previously published in any journal. Two hard copies or online submission of the manuscripts would be required, which should be addressed to the Dr. Muhammad Niamatullah Khan Babar (Editor) at email: or Dr. Muhammad Jamil Khan (Co-Editor) at email:
The original research manuscripts/review papers, in English, should be typewritten, time new roman format, double-spaced throughout, on one side of 8½"x 11" paper (A4), leaving at least 1.25 inches margins on left and right sides. The first page of the manuscript should commence with the title, names of contributors. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, figures, etc. should be numbered consecutively in arabic numerals in the lower right corner. Tables having a brief self-explanatory title should be typed on separate sheets to be placed at the end of manuscript. Figures (including graphs, photographs and line drawings) should be composed on separate page and numbered according to their order. Reference must be made in the text to each table and illustration. Colour illustration can only be published, if the author pays the cost of their reproduction. "Abstract", "Introduction", "Material and Methods", “Results and Discussion", "Conclusion" and "References" must be the compulsory sections of each paper.
All the citations mentioned in the text must be included in the "References". The references used in the text should consist of completely capitalized author's or authors' last name(s) where one or two authors are concerned. But where there are more than two authors, only the first is named and et al. is added. The publication year in parenthesis should follow the name. All the references should be arranged in alphabetical order. If more than one paper by an author or authors published in the same year is cited, the papers should be listed according to the year of publication followed by a, b etc.
Raziq, F. M. Ahmad and H. Kiran. 2005. Isolation of Trichoderma on selective media and its in vitro efficacy against Fusarium oxysporus. Gomal J. Agric. and Env. Sc., 21(1): 117-120.
Correspondence: All correspondence should be addressed to the Dr. Muhammad Niamatullah Khan Babar (Editor) at email: or Dr. Muhammad Jamil Khan (Co-Editor) at email: