AGENDA ITEM: Replication Application – BASIS School, Inc.
BASIS School, Inc.
BASIS Chandler
Replication Application Summary Report
BASIS School, Inc. submitted a complete replication application for the 2011-2012 replication cycle. The corporate entity seeks a charter to replicate BASIS Scottsdale and to operate a school in Chandler,AZ. The school will be named BASIS Chandler and will serve 5th through 12th gradestudents. BASIS School, Inc. is an Arizona non-profit corporation that was incorporated on March 25, 1998. BASIS School, Inc. currently holds three charters, each of which operates a school site: BASIS Tucson (5th-12th), BASIS Scottsdale (5th-12th), and BASISOroValley (5th-10th). BASIS School, Inc. was recently granted replication charters for BASIS Flagstaff and BASIS Peoria.
Consistent with the operations of BASIS Scottsdale, BASIS Tucson, and BASIS Oro Valley, BASIS School, Inc. would be the charter holder for BASIS Chandler. Presently BASIS School, Inc. contracts with BASIS Educational Group (BEG), an Arizona corporation whose major shareholders are Michael and Olga Block, to manage BASIS Scottsdale, BASIS Tucson, and BASISOroValley.
BASIS Tucson, also operated by the organization, met the academic requirements for associated schools for BASIS School, Inc. to be eligible to apply for a replication charter. BASISOroValley is in its first year of operation.
Replication Model - BASIS SCOTTSDALE
BASIS Scottsdalehas experienced the following academic success as measured by the Arizona Department of Education’s achievement profiles (AZ LEARNS) and the requirements of No Child Left Behind (Adequate Yearly Progress):
Fiscal Year / AZ LEARNS / Adequate Yearly Progress2010 / Excelling / Met
2009 / Excelling / Met
2008 / Excelling / Met
2007 / Excelling / Met
To prepare students for the BASIS upper school curriculum, BASIS Scottsdale employs an accelerated middle school curriculum especially designed to help students develop the academic and organizational skills they will need to be successful in high school and college. In the 2008-09 school year, 100% of BASIS Scottsdale's 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students demonstrated proficiency in the area of math on the state assessment. BASIS Scottsdale also had a higher percentage of students than any other middle school in the state exceeding the state standards – a robust measure of student competence. BASIS Scottsdale students also scored well above the state average on the AIMS Reading exam, with 99 to 100 percent of students meeting or exceeding proficiency levels on the state standards in every grade level, and the AIMS Writing exam, with over 98 percent of students meeting or exceeding proficiency levels on the state standards in every grade level. The curriculum at BASIS upper school is centered on the College Board’s AP program in all core subjects. All BASIS graduates complete calculus, physics, biology, chemistry, U.S., European and world history, English literature, critical writing and analysis and a modern foreign language prior to the end of their junior year. Students take at least six AP exams during their high school tenure, with these exams counting as final exams in the course. BASIS pays for all students’ AP testing, to ensure every student has access to academic success.
The school’s performance using status and growth measures for the previous four years:
Replication School – BASIS CHANDLER
School Mission Statement:
The mission of BASIS Chandler is to provide a rigorous 21st Century liberal arts education to middle and high school students. Our goal is to provide an academic foundation for lifelong learning.
Market Analysis:
After conducting a demographic analysis of the population located within a ten mile radius of E. Chandler Blvd. and N. Cooper Road in Chandler, BASIS School, Inc. determined there are enough age-appropriate students in the target grades 5-12 to sustain a Chandler campus. In order to reach an enrollment of 600 students, BASIS Chandler would only need to attract .55% of the approximately 109,358 students ages 10-17. Existing BASIS campuses serve between 1.5% and 3.6% of the surrounding student populations. At the time the replication application package was submitted in early August, over 180 forms had been submitted to BASIS School, Inc. by parents in the Chandler community, indicating an interest in BASIS expanding to Chandler.
Governance Structure:
The Board of Directors of BASIS School, Inc is the Corporate Board responsiblefor corporate policy and for operations of the corporation, including the charter schools. Currently, there are seven members on the BASIS School, Inc. Board of Directors: Craig Barrett, Chairman, Kristen Jordison, Secretary, John Morton, Treasurer, Terry Sarvas, Clint Bolick, Steve Twist, and Michael K. Block. However, the board of directors can range anywhere from three to nine members according to its bylaws.
BASIS Scottsdale / BASIS ChandlerInstructional Program
Grade Levels / 5-12 / 5-12
Special Emphasis / Mathematics and Science with a focus at the UpperSchool on the College Board’s Advanced Placement program in core subjects. / Mathematics and Science with a focus at the UpperSchool on the College Board’s Advanced Placement program in core subjects.
Methodology /
- Sciences are separate subjects beginning in sixth grade
- Topics taught early and often to prepare for advanced coursework in the upper school
- Middle school students required to pass end-of-year comprehensive exams in core subjects
- Focus on organizational and study skills in early grades
- High school students required to take at least six AP exams paid for by the school
- Use of internal and external exams to measure academic progress and strength of curriculum
- Remediation efforts to support learning
- Sciences are separate subjects beginning in sixth grade
- Topics taught early and often to prepare for advanced coursework in the upper school
- Middle school students required to pass end-of-year comprehensive exams in core subjects
- Focus on organizational and study skills in early grades
- High school students required to take at least six AP exams paid for by the school
- Use of internal and external exams to measure academic progress and strength of curriculum
- Remediation efforts to support learning
Location / 11440N.136thStreet
Scottsdale,AZ85259 / Chandler, AZ
Enrollment / 650 / 650
Organizational Structure
Authorized Representative(s) / Olga Block
Michael Block
Carolyn McGarvey / Olga Block
Michael Block
Corporate Principals / Michael Block
Craig Barrett
Clint Bolick
Kristen Jordison
John Morton
Terry Sarvas
Steve Twist / Michael Block
Craig Barrett
Clint Bolick
Kristen Jordison
John Morton
Terry Sarvas
Steve Twist
Governing Board / Michael Block
Olga V. Block
Rachelle Block
Phil Carhuff
Julie Davey
Stephen Haessler
John Hillis
Matthew Ladner
Glenn Hamer
Carolyn McGarvey
Kathy Morton
Anthony Pitucco
Beatriz Rendon
George Rising
David Schmitz
Ed Zajac
Nicole Kamp
Renee Snow
Jamie Capobres
Vicki Murray / Michael K. Block
Olga V. Block
School Staff: 1 - 2
Community:1 - 2
Unknown: 1-2
Suggested Motion:
Accept the application package and grant the replication charter for BASIS Chandler.