New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society

S.I.L. 1987 Trust Fund Travel Award

How do I apply?

Save this form, fill in the boxes and email as a single Word or pdf (preferred!) file including the information requested in items 13 and 14 to NZFSS Secretary-Treasurer, ().


1. Name and Title (Dr, Mr, Miss, Mrs, Ms as the applicant wishes to be known):

2. Address and Contact details:(Address, Phone, Fax, E-mail)

3. Date of birth:......

4. Nationality:......

5. Years of NZ Freshwater SciencesSociety membership:......

6. Tertiary and other relevant qualifications (include year(s) of graduation):

7. Current employer and position:

8. Appointments held including positions in professional organisations:

9. General field of scientific activity:

10. Specific area of expertise (give a short account of recent scientific work):

11. Aims and objectives of travel (including an outline of why or how this will benefit you and freshwater science in New Zealand):

12. Draft travel itinerary (please indicate places, institutions, dates of visits):

13. Please also include with this applicationas part of your single file:

(a) a list of publications
(b) a curriculum vitae
(c) names of the two referees from whom references have been sought.

14. Please attach draft budget to this application as part of your single fileindicating: travel costs, estimated living expenses (including per diem rate), other costs, total amount requested, and other grants applied for in connection with this proposal.

15. The applicant should also request supporting letters including:

(a) references from two referees (one who has detailed knowledge of your proposal, and one from outside your organisation);

(b) evidence that your Director/Head of Department supports this application; and

(c) any relevant supporting letters from overseas host institutions and/or contacts.

Theseletters should be emailed as pdf filesseparately from this application directly to the Secretary-Treasurer()before the closing date.