To request reimbursement for: 1.) travel expenses, 2.) minimal supply purchases (under $500), and 3.) meal expenses during business meetings. Please visit the “Getting Reimbursed” section on and download a TABER.
Travel Expenses
Please clearly note on the TABER the purpose of each trip, travel dates, origin and destination.
Use of personal funds for any means of transportation such as taxi, car service, or car rental, will require original receipts for reimbursement. An airline ticket receipt/boarding pass and a detailed itinerary/paid invoice for an e-ticket is acceptable documentation for air travel; an original ticket is acceptable documentation for bus or train travel. Car rental receipts must also include a copy of the contract indication the amount charged. Personal car mileage will be reimbursed at the most current rate, which can also be found at .
Travel meals may be reimbursed up to $60 per day with receipts. Actual itemized meal receipts or photocopies are required (credit card receipts alone are not sufficient) and should have the following information: restaurant’s name, date of meal, name(s) of any other individuals included in the bill and purpose of the meal. Alcoholic beverages should be deducted from the bill or itemized separately: no reimbursements for alcohol are allowed from research accounts.
You may elect to request the per diem rate for your trip, which covers meals and incidentals. You must use this rate for the entire trip. Domestic and Foreign per diem rate charts are available on the RU Travel website. Please note that the per diem rate is prorated based on the arrival and departure times.
Reimbursement for lodging expenses requires an original receipt showing a zero balance. Receipts are also required for miscellaneous and incidental expenses, such as tolls, parking and tips.
You may arrange to have conference registration fees paid in advance directly from your research account by submitting a copy of the registration form and conference brochure to the Business Office.
Please Note: to be reimbursed for international travel, you must use the currency conversion tables located on the RU Travel website. Please make certain to use the date of the transaction as the conversion date when determining expenses in US dollars.
Supply Purchases (Under $500)
A TABER may be used to request reimbursement for supply purchases under $500. Receipts must accompany the request. For the purchase of books, you must include a statement of justification.
Business Meals
To request reimbursement for a business meal, please complete a TABER form and include the business purpose, list of attendees and their affiliation/relationship to the project. Reimbursement is limited to the following maximum amounts:
- Cost of dinner (including food, alcohol, taxes, and tip) for an RU faculty member: $50
- Cost of dinner for a guest (including food, alcohol, taxes, and tip): $60
- Cost of a bottle of wine: $35
- Lunch with guests: total cost is $30 max for each guest and faculty/staff member
- Breakfast with guests: $20 max each guest and faculty/staff member
Policies & Procedures – located under “University Travel Policy Guidelines”
TABER form – located under “Getting Reimbursed”
Mileage rate – located under “Getting Reimbursed”, automobile mileage rate (check for current rate as it changes)
Domestic & Foreign Per Diem charts – located under “Meal Per Diem Options”
International Currency Conversion rates – located under “Oanda Currency Converter”
University Preferred Travel Agency – Kriegner travel Services, 609-737-9393 and fax: 609-737-3932 or email .
The procedure to make travel arrangements are:
a)Contact the agency with your request (to establish an itinerary).
b)The agency will generate via email an itinerary and forward to you and the Business Office. The BO will approve for prepayment and generate a travel order.
c)A final itinerary will be emailed to you and the Business Office.
TABER Documentation Requirements
Travel: The University will reimburse for economy class travel only; documentation must prove class of travel.
Airline: coach class receipt and boarding pass or e-ticketwith detailed itinerary andpaid
Bus/Train: original train or bus ticket.
Car Rentals: contract and original receipts.
Personal Car: Map Quest depicting origin and destination.
Lodging: original receipt for standard room showing a zero balance.
Meals: original detailed receipts for up to $60/day.
a)Name of event
b)Provide City, State, & Country, if applicable
c)Dates of conference/event.
d)Copy of conference program/ itinerary.
e) Business purpose, i.e.,
(1) presenter- highlight name in conference program.
(2) attendee- explain how it supports research efforts; describe the subject of your research.
Supplies: Books: original receipt or packing slip showing date shipped and proof of payment. Ifusing Amazon, print a receipt from their website.
Office Supplies: original itemized receipt.
a)Explain the use or purpose of books/supplies and how it supports research efforts; describe the subject of your research.
Other Notes:
(1)If your length of stay is beyond the conference dates, a business reason for staying longer must be provided. If the extended stay is for personal reasons, you are responsible for paying the higher fare, if applicable. Attach documentation comparing rates for staying within the conference dates versus yourextended stay.
(2) If a receipt does not reflect a zero balance or proof of payment, a credit card statement must be attached.
(3)A work order should be placed when ordering computer equipment, including peripherals such as keyboard, battery back-up, or monitor. Orders for toner may be placed through the Business Office. Computer repairs should be carried out by SAS IT staff, using the work order system.
(4)Please discuss with the Business Manager or the Chair, any unusual expenses or situations you anticipate arising. It will be easier for all concerned if we anticipate anomalies and deal with them ahead of time.
Revised 2/3/2012 (Business Meals)