Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School Supply Lists for 2017-2018
Pre-K 3& 4:
1 Backpack (NO wheels) large enough to fit a folder
2 Blue plastic folders with pockets and brads
2 Yellow plastic folders with pockets and brads
2 Green plastic folders with pockets and brads
2 Red plastic folders with pockets and brads
24 #2 pencils
2 24ct. Crayola Crayons
1 10ct. Crayola Washable markers
1 12 ct. Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils
1 12 pk. Elmer’s Glue Sticks
1 8oz. liquid Elmer’s Glue-All
3 Boxes of Kleenex
5 Rolls of Paper Towels
2 Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer with pump (no scents)
2 Boxes of baby wipes
1 Container of Clorox wipes
1 Nap mat, blue & red quad fold
1 Blanket
1 Box of Gallon Size Ziploc Bags
1 Box of Quart Size Ziploc Bags
1 Men’s old button down shirt for art (to cover uniform)
1 Complete extra uniform, with shoes, socks, underwear
Continues on next page--
1 regular size backpack (no minis or rolling)6-solid color plastic folders
1-Black and white bound composition book (no spirals please)
1-Ream of colored printer paper*
24-#2 sharpened Pencils (must be 6 sided pencils) *
2-Large Pink Pearl erasers
3-Tri-grip pencil grips (available at Lakeshore, teacher’s stores or Office Depot)
3-24 count Crayola crayons (original colors only)
2-10 count washable markers
1-Pack of 8 count map pencils
3-2 packs of Elmer’s glue sticks
1-8 oz. bottle of liquid Elmer’s Glue / 1-Pair, blunt 5" Fiskars Scissors
1-8ct watercolors (plastic case w/ brush)
1-Adult-sized T-shirt for art (to cover uniform)
2-Boxes of Kleenex or other tissue (at least 75 count) *
2-Rolls of paper towels, select-a-size *
2-Anti-Bacterial Hand Gel with pumps (no scents) *
2-Boxes baby wipes *
1-Container of Lysol or Clorox Wipes *
1-Can of shaving cream (sensitive, no scent)
1-Pack of ½” or 1” brad fasteners
1-Box of gallon size Ziploc bags
1-Box of quart size Ziploc bags
First Grade:
1-Standard backpack2- Black and white marbled bound composition books (no spirals or wire)
1-Mead primary journal for writing and illustration (available on Amazon.com)
1-pack of 9” x 12” colored construction paper*
1- Spacemaker brand school box, approximately 8” x 5”
4-12 count #2 yellow pencils*
1-medium Sharpie marker, black
1-8 count Crayola crayons
2-24 count Crayola crayons
1-12 count Crayola colored map pencils
4-large pink erasers
1-package of pencil top erasers*
4-Elmer’s glue sticks / 1- 8oz. liquid Elmer’s glue
1- Ruler with inch and centimeter markings
1- Pair of blunt Fiskars 5” scissors
2- Containers of Clorox type wipes*
1- Container of baby or personal wipes*
1- Anti-bacterial hand gel with pump (no scents)*
2- Rolls of paper towels (select-a-size)*
2- Boxes of Kleenex type tissue*
Girls: 1 box of Ziploc bags, quart size; Boys: 1 box of Ziploc bags, gallon size*
1-Pack of sandwich size Ziploc bags*
1- 4 count set of Play-doh*
1- Clipboard
1- Box, Subtraction flash cards
1- Box, Addition flash cards
Coin set: 10 pennies, 10 dimes, 20 nickels, and 4 quarters, separated into labeled Ziploc bags, to be used when counting money. These will be returned. Please, no rolling backpacks or messenger bags.
Second Grade:
1-Standard sized backpack1-1” binder
7-Pocket folders with brads, solid colors
4-Pkg. wide rule notebook paper
5-Spiral composition books (yellow, green, blue, red, purple)
2-Tablets of primary handwriting paper
1-Pkg. 9” x 12” colored construction paper *
1-Pkg. 12” x 18” colored construction paper *
1-Pkg. 9” x 12” manila paper*
1-Pkg. 12” x 18” manila paper *
4-12ct. packs of #2 pencils *
4-Pink erasers
2-Pencil sharpeners
2-12ct. Map pencils
4-Red pens
2- 24ct. Crayola Crayons
1-Box of Crayola Markers / 1-Pencil bag/box
1-Pair of Fiskars scissors
6-Elmer's glue sticks
1-Elmer's liquid glue
1-Set of watercolor paints
1-Box of oil pastels (not paints; looks like chalk; made by Crayola, Sakura, etc.)
1-Bottle of hand sanitizer *
4-Rolls of paper towels *
2-Containers of Clorox wipes *
2-Boxes, Ziploc bags (quart size) *
1-Box, Ziploc bags (gallon size) *
3-Boxes, Kleenex *
4-Book covers
1-Package Expo Markers
1-Box, addition and subtraction flash cards
Third Grade:
1-Standard backpack2 -1” binders
12-Pocket folders with brads, solid colors
(yellow, green, blue, red, purple, orange)
4-Tablets of primary handwriting paper
2-Pkg. wide rule notebook paper
5-Spiral composition books (yellow, green, blue, red, purple, orange)
2-Packs of index cards 3X5
1-Pkg. 9” x 12” colored construction paper *
1-Pkg.9” x 12” manila paper *
1-Pkg. 12” x 18” manila paper *
1-Pencil bag/box
4-12ct. #2 pencils *
6-Pink erasers
2-Pencil sharpeners
4-Red pens / 2-12 ct. boxes of map pencils
1-Crayola Classic Color Pack Crayons, 96 Colors Per Box
1-Pkg. dry-erase markers
1-Dry eraser
1-Pair, Fiskars scissors
6-Elmer’s glue sticks
1-Elmer’s liquid glue
4-Rolls of paper towels *
4-Containers of Clorox wipes *
4-Boxes of Kleenex tissue *
1-Box, Ziploc bags (quart size) *
1-Box, Ziploc bags (gallon size) *
1-Pkg. brown paper bags *
1-Box, Multiplication and Division flash cards
Continues on next page--
Fourth and Fifth:
1-Standard backpack1-1 inch 3 ring binder
5-Folders with pockets
1-Pack of 5 binder dividers with pockets
1-Spiral notebook (70 pages, minimum)
2-Packages wide rule notebook paper*
4-Bound composition books with different covers
1-package graph paper (¼ “)
1-ream of white printer paper*
1-Pkg. 3X5 index cards
1-Zippered (large) supply bag that inserts in binder (for holding pencils and pens)
2 –24ct #2 pencils*
1–24ct map pencils
5-Blue or black ballpoint ink pens*
3-Red grading pens
1–24ct crayons / 2-Pink erasers
1- Handheld pencil sharpener (with receptacle for shavings)
1-Box pencil top erasers
1-Pair Fiskars scissors
4-Large glue sticks
1-8 oz. bottle liquid glue
2-Rolls paper towels*
2-Boxes facial tissue*
1-Container of Clorox type wipes (girls only) *
1-Container of baby or personal wipes (boys only) *
1-Bottle of pump-style hand-sanitizer (no scent) *
1-Pkg. Dry erase markers
1-Box Ziploc bags, gallon size *
1-Box Ziploc bags, quart size*
6-Large textbook covers
Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades:
1-TI-84 graphing calculator3 - 1” binders (different colors)
5-Packs of binder dividers (with pockets)
2-Packages of college rule notebook paper*
1-package graph paper (¼ “) *
1-Spiral notebook (min. 70 sheets)
4-Bound composition journals (different outside covers, please)
1- Ream white printer paper*
1-Package 3” x 5” index cards
1-Zippered (large) supply bag that inserts in binder (for holding pencils and pens)
36 -No. 2 wooden pencils with eraser tops*
5-Blue or black ballpoint ink pens*
2-Handheld/ pink erasers / 1-Handheld pencil sharpener (with receptacle for shavings)
3-Red grading pens
1- Package of very fine tip markers (assorted colors) for outlining and labeling maps
1-Box of colored pencils (12–24 pack)
4 to 5 glue sticks
1-Bottle of liquid glue (8 oz.)
3-Boxes of tissues*
2-Rolls of paper towels*
1-Container antibacterial wipes (boys only) *
1- Container baby wipes (girls only) *
1-Box gallon-sized freezer bags (boys only) *
1-Box quart-sized freezer bags (girls only) *
1-Bottle pump style, no scent hand sanitizer *
Continues on next page--
ALL GRADES, K-8 / PRIMARY (K-3) / MIDDLE & JUNIOR HIGH (4-8)1-1”, 3-ring notebook
1 Set of 3-hole plastic pocket notebook dividers
1-Folder with pockets
1-School box, plastic
1-Box, 12 count, of #2 pencils*
1-Pencil sharpener
1-Large, soft eraser
1-Ruler with notebook holes, inch and centimeter markings
1-4 GB USB with lanyard
1-Set of computer lab headphones
PUBLIC LIBRARY CARD AT MOORE MEMORIAL LIBRARY (required) / 1-Package of lined primary school tablet paper *
1-Pair of Fiskars scissors, blunt-tipped
1- Box 24ct. Crayola Crayons
1-Gallon size box of Ziploc baggies*
2-Rolls of paper towels *
1-Box of Kleenex or other brand tissue *
1-Container of Clorox wipes *
1-Bottle of pump style, no scent hand sanitizer * / 1-Package of wide rule notebook paper *
1-Pack of lined, 3” x 5” note cards
6-black or blue ink pens
2-Red ink pens
1-12 count box of erasable map colors
1-Pair of Fiskars scissors
1-12 Pack of Elmer’s Washable School Glue Sticks *
1-Quart size box of Ziploc baggies*
1-Box of baby wipes *
- Please keep in mind that some of these supplies may need to be replenished throughout the school year. Remind your child to communicate with you if he/she is in need of new supplies. Teachers may also request additional supplies throughout the year.
- Remember, mark your child's name on EVERYTHING (supplies, uniform, binders, lunch kits, jackets & backpacks).
- The items with a “*” are bulk supplies, and need not be marked.
- Supplies can be brought to school on Meet the Teacher Night, Thursday, August 10th, 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.