Phone No. 0422-2512180, Division Code 201,
Fax No. 0422 – 2512180 /
From / To
Er.P.Gopalakrishnan, ME., (Structures)
Executive Engineer, TWAD Board
Maintenance Division (Pillur),
Vilankurichi Road, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore 641 004 / The Chief Engineer,
TWAD Board,
Lr No. F Sch.Rate/Maint (P)/JDO1/1/CBE/2011/dated 16/3/2011
Sub: Schedule of Rates for 2011-12 – Proposal for Rate for Maintenance staff for Operation and Maintenance Estimates – submitted.
Ref:TWAD Board B.P.Ms.No. 45 (O&M Wing) Dated 29-05-07
In TWAD Board, a large number of schemes are maintained through maintenance contracts. The value of the maintenance work is estimated based on the TWAD Board norms for engagement of staff for maintenance works as per the BP cited above and the current schedule of rates for the wagers for the maintenance staff. The rates for the labor are adopted as the PWD schedule of rates.
The rates prescribed in the PWD Schedule of rates and adopted in TWAD Board are meant for use for engagement of temporary labors for few days on casual basis and for adoption in the estimating the value of works as per the Standard data book. But in the case of maintenance works, the labors are engaged continuously on monthly salary basis.
While preparing the maintenance work estimate the daily rate as per the schedule of rate is adopted and wages for 25 days is adopted as the salary for the month. As these rates are low and unworkable, there are allegations on malpractices in maintenance contract work.
If the work has to be taken up as a contract labor work, instead of maintenance work contract then the contractor has to incur the following minimum additional expenditure as per the present Government regulations over above the monthly wages as detailed below:
- Minimum statutory Bonus per year: 8.33%
- ESI Contribution 4.5 %
- Employee Provident Fund Employers’ Contribution:12 %
In addition, the maintenance contractor has to maintain supervisory staff and an office establishment for the work the cost for which may be taken as 10 %
The total additional financial commitment would be 34.88% or 35%. In addition, the contract involves payment of work contract tax, labor welfare fund, Income tax, security deposit etc.
The following categories of staff are required for maintenance work:
- Electrical Superintendent
- Electrician Grade I / II
- Maintenance Assistant
- Pipeline fitter
- Turn cock.
Hence it is recommended that separte rates for the above category of staff alone may be adopted in the TWAD Board schedule of rates. The rates can be given as salary / month and may be arrived as 1.40 times 30 X daily rate as per PWD schedule of rate for the purpose of adoption in the maintenance work contracts alone.
Executive Engineer, TWAD Board,
Maintenance Division(Pillur),
Copy submitted to the Superintending Engineer, TWAD Board,Coimbatore –Nilgiris circle, Coimbatore.
Executive Engineer, TWAD Board,
Maintenance Division(Pillur),