Title of Post:Administrative Assistant
Responsible to:Headteacher
Salary Scale:H3
Purpose of Job:To be responsible for all administrative issues relating to the school
Main Duties and Responsibilities
With the Headteacher/Office manager
- Liaise with the Headteacher/Office Manager daily regarding the events of the day and follow up resultant actions
- Liaise with the Headteacher/Office Manager in order to compile a termly diary showing all staff courses, PPA days, Co-ordinator days etc
- Maintain the Office diary and arrange appointments as and when convenient
- Filter all telephone calls before passing them to the Headteacher if it is deemed necessary
- Make any telephone calls as requested by the Headteacher/Office Manager and follow up any resultant actions
- Take responsibility for ensuring that the Headteacher/Office Manager receives all relevant communications e.g. post, emails
- Carry out any photocopying or faxing as and when required
- Send any documentation as and when required to Governors
With the pupils
- To record all cases of absence, lateness and reasons for these to the satisfaction of the Attendance Improvement Officer
- To record all medical appointments and register children in and out of school
- Check any Leave of Absence forms for previous absences and record as appropriate
- Deal with all Admission enquiries and record them accordingly
- Arrange appointments for new children to spend time at the school
- Keep data of children’s records up to date regularly
- Ensure that any records of children joining the school from another are obtained and entered on the system
- Ensure that any records of children leaving the school to join another are sent to the new school and removed from our system
- In September produce a new Medical list for each class teacher
- Ensure that the First Aid cupboard in the Office is up to date with in-date medicines for children and emptied at the end of the summer term
- Maintain up to date Medical Authorisation forms for all children and administer as appropriate recording in the record book
- To administer basic first aid/deal with minor accidents and record all accidents in the “Accident Book”. All children with bumped heads must be given a note for their parents and the class teacher must be informed
- Seek advice from fellow Office Manager/ /Head / Deputy Headteacher (in that order) should you be unsure about the treatment of any injured/unwell child
- Word-process any Educational Trip letters as requested by teachers and take responsibility for prompting these at least 2 weeks in advance of the trip
- Prepare all paperwork in readiness for report distribution in July
- Provide pastoral care, support and guidance as appropriate
- To inform the Senior MSA/Headteacher of any concerns regarding the safety and well being of any child/group of children
- Respect confidentiality at all times
- Liaise with other staff and provide information about pupils as appropriate
- Attend relevant training/school meetings as requested by the Headteacher
With the Parents
- Attend to all telephone enquiries in a sensitive, professional and compassionate manner and take responsibility for recording the enquiries and passing them promptly to the person to whom it is pertinent
- Attend to all Reception enquiries and take responsibility for ensuring that the enquirer is dealt with in a sensitive, professional and compassionate manner and is satisfied with the response
- Greet all visitors to the school and ensure that they are offered the hospitality for which Longlands has become renown
- Take responsibility for ensuring all rooms and/or refreshments are ready for any meetings which involve parents, preparing either for later in the day if the event occurs outside of normal hours
- Take responsibility for the termly calendar of events which should be ready for distribution within the first week of each term
- Take responsibility for ensuring that all Annual School Reports are distributed on the day set by the Headteacher
- Where it is deemed necessary telephone the parent of any child whom it is considered needs to be sent home and inform the class teacher
- Arrange appointments for prospective parents to view the school and ensure that the Headteacher is available for the tour
- Ensure permission is sought from all parents regarding the taking of Photographs, Short Visits and Sex and Relationship education and that these records are up to date and communicated to teachers
- Ensure permission is sought from all parents regarding the wearing of glasses during P.E. in accordance with the School’s Health and Safety Policy and that these records are up to date and communicated to teachers
- Take responsibility for issuing the New Intake Pack for parents in readiness for the annual Induction Meetings
- Take responsibility for ensuring that parents have signed and returned the Home/School Agreement when their child is admitted to the school
- Take responsibility for ensuring that parents have signed and returned the receipt for their child’s Annual School Report and collate the responses ready for Headteacher analysis
- With guidance from the Headteacher ensure that the Prospectus is up to date termly and given a complete overhaul in September
- With guidance from the Headteacher ensure that the Website is up to date termly and given a complete overhaul in September
- To be responsible for the efficient administration of the school dinner system
- To be responsible for the efficient administration of any purchases from the school i.e. milk/school trips /uniform etc
Within the School
- Contribute to and support the overall ethos/work/aims of the school
- Comply with all school policies and procedures, particularly those relating to child protection, equal opportunities, racial equality, health, safety and security, confidentiality, behaviour and data protection, reporting concerns to the Headteacher
- Take responsibility for maintaining a welcoming, tidy and professional Reception Area both inside and outside of the main secure area
- Be aware of and support pupil differences, promoting the inclusion and acceptance of all children to ensure that all pupils have equal access to all school opportunities to learn and develop
- Liaise with the Headteacher regarding matters of Child Protection or Education Welfare concerns and treat all such conversations with the strictest of confidence
- Be responsible for issuing of invoices and collection of monies due to the school
- To be responsible for the security of all monies and accounts handled in the school and to ensure accurate records are maintained
- To supervise the preparation of school monies and make appropriate arrangement for banking.
- To be responsible for managing and administering all property maintenance, liaising with the Headteacher and Caretaker as appropriate. Keep a maintenance log
- Help to ensure that the school is following ‘Best Value’ procedures
- To keep an up to date record of all staff and governors’ pecuniary interests
- Take responsibility for the maintenance of the master computer including running regular updates and the daily backup of the all computer systems
- Attend relevant training and take responsibility for own development
- Attend relevant school meetings as requested by the Headteacher
To carry out any other duties reasonably requested by the Headteacher
Staff Member______Date______