Steering Committees Meetings

Faculty Senate Steering Committee meetings are held the first Monday of each month.


Monday, September 8, 2008

12:00 p.m., Tucker Hall, Room 305

Faculty Senate Conference Room

Monday, October 6, 2008

12:00 p.m., Tucker Hall, Room 305

Monday, November 3, 2008

12:00 p.m., Tucker Hall,Room 305

Monday, December 1, 2008

12:00 p.m., Tucker Hall, Room 305


Monday, January 5, 2009,

12:00 p.m., Tucker Hall, Room 305

Monday, February 2, 2009,

12:00 p.m., Tucker Hall, Room 305

Monday, March 2, 2009

12:00 p.m. Tucker Hall, Room 305

Monday, April 6, 2009

12:00 p.m., Tucker Hall, Room305

Senate meetings

Faculty Senate meetings are

held the third Tuesday of each month except for December

and May, when meetings are to be held at a different time of month as shown below.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

3:00 p.m., Lee hall Auditorium

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3:00 p.m., Lee Hall Auditorium

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

3:00 p.m., Lee Hall Auditorium

Monday, December 15, 2008

3:00 p.m., Lee Hall Auditorium


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3:00 p.m., Lee Hall Auditorium

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

3:00 p.m., Lee Hall Auditorium

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3:00 p.m., Lee Hall Auditorium

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

3:00 p.m., Lee Hall Auditorium

Monday, May 6, 2009,

Faculty Senate Retreat

9:00 a.m., TBA


Swearing-in of new faculty senators for the 2008-2009 academic year will be done at the Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Faculty Senate meeting.

Faculty Senate Annual Retreat/Meeting, Tuesday, May 6, 2009

Selection of Teachers, Advisors, and Advanced Teachers of the Year:

Call for nominations will be circulated on September 15 thru November 16, 2008. Nominations for Teachers, Advisers, and Advanced Teachers of the Year will be accepted Monday, October 13, 2008 through Monday, November 17, 2008, in the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs office until 5:00 p.m. No late nominations will be accepted. Nominations may be mailed or hand-delivered to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office.

NOTE: Nomination forms and criteria for the awards are available on line at and in the following offices:

1.Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office

2.Coleman Library

3.Deans’ Offices

4.Faculty Senate Office, and the

5.Student Government Association Office

The Provost will inform all nominees of their nomination by Friday, December 5, 2008.

All nominees must submit applications and dossiers for committee evaluations no later than Friday, February 13, 2009. The Teacher, Adviser, and Advanced Teacher of the Year evaluations will be conducted from Monday, February 16, 2009, to Friday, February 20, 2009.The Teacher/Adviser, and Advanced Teacher of the Year Committees will interview award finalists Monday, March 2 and Friday, March 6, 2009. The Teacher/Adviser, and Advanced Teacher of the Year committees must submit their recommendations of award recipients to the office of The Faculty Senate by Monday, March 16, 2009. Recipients will be recognized at the spring commencement, the Faculty Preplanning Conference 2009 and at a special recognition event for Teacher of the Year and Advanced Teacher of the Year to be established for September 2009.

Note:All dates, other than application deadlines, are contingent upon the number of applicants received by the close of the nomination and application periods. Temporary employees, such as OPS personnel, visiting professors, adjunct professors, and others, are ineligible for these awards.

Selection of Honorary Doctoral Degree Candidates

The deadlines for nominating Honorary Doctoral Degree candidates areOctober 6, 2008; February 9, 2009; and March 13, 2009 for Fall, Spring and Summer Commencements.

The Faculty Senate Honorary Doctoral Degree Committee will review applications for the honorary doctoral degree according to the following schedule: October 6-10, 2008 (Fall); February 9-13, 2009 (Spring); and April 6-10, 2009 (Summer).

The Faculty Senate will approve all honorary doctoral degree candidates by its October meeting 2008 (Fall); February meeting 2009 (Spring); and April meeting 2009 (Summer) except in usual circumstances as designated by the President. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will then make recommendations to the University President in time to meet plans and procedures established for the three commencement exercises (fall, spring, summer).

The University President shall make recommendations to the FAMU Board of Trustees by November 7, 2008 (Fall); March 6, 2009 (Spring)and June 1, 2009 (Summer). The FAMU Board of Trustees shall approve recipients at its next scheduled or call meeting following the President’s nomination.

Selection of Professor Emeritus Candidates

The deadlines for nominating Professor Emeritus candidates are: October 3, 2008 (Fall); February 6, 2009 (Spring); and March 20, 2009 (Summer).

The Faculty Senate Professor Emeritus Committee will review candidates for Professor Emeritus during the following periods: October 6-10, 2008 (Fall); February 9-13, 2009 (Spring); and April 6-10, 2009 (Summer). Any nominations received outside of any of these time frames will be considered at the following meeting time of the committee.

The Faculty Senate will approve all Professor Emeritus candidates by

October 10, 2008 (Fall); February 20, 2009 (Spring); and April 17, 2009 (Summer)and submit approved candidates to the Provost for official appointment.

Selection of the Gold Medallion Candidates

The Gold Medallion award is the highest award given by the Faculty Senate. A candidate for the award is based on nominations made in written form from members or former members of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty senate President shall appoint a committee of 5 members of the Steering Committee to review the qualifications of candidates. The President shall serve as chair of the committee. An Award may be granted at any appropriate time as determined by the committee and recommended to the Faculty Senate and/or the Steering Committee for final approval.

Election of New Faculty Senate Representatives from Each Academic Unit

Each dean/director should hold elections to elect new Faculty Senate representatives for their academic units during the first two weeks of March (March 2 through March 13, 2009). Senators shall be elected unit wide and not by departments or divisions. Once each academic dean/director has held elections for new Senate representatives, the deans/directors should submit the names of the newly elected Senators to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs by Monday, April 20, 2009 with copies sent to the Faculty Senate office. The Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs will provide written confirmation to elected senators (copy to Faculty Senate office) by May 15, 2009 for starting appointments in the Fall 2009.