Vampire Facial/Facelift® Pre and Post Procedure Guidelines
Pre-Treatment Guidelines
- If you develop a fever, cold,flu, or develop a cold sore, blemish, or rash,etc., in the area tobe treatedprior to your appointment, you must reschedule (we will not treat you).
- It is recommended, if you have a special event or vacation comingup that you schedule your treatment at least 2 weeksin advance.
- Discontinue use of anti-inflammatory drugs(steroidal and non-steroidal) such as: Aspirin, Motrin (or any other Ibuprofen drugs) at least 3 days to 1 week before your treatment. With PRP, we "want" inflammation this is one of the mechanisms of how PRP does its work. If you are or have been on Systemic use of Corticosteroids (steroids) within 2 weeks of treatment, we cannot treat you. Consult your physician for approval to discontinue use of steroids and receive treatment.
- Discontinue use of any other blood thinning agents such as: Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's and DHA's) etc. at least 3 days to 1 week before and after treatment to minimize bruising and bleeding.
- Discontinue use of any exfoliating products or products containing AHA’s, salacilic acid, retinols, glycolics, lactic acid, or lightening agents 5 days prior to procedure.
- It is recommended that you avoid: Alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement and cigarettes 3 days before and after your treatment. (All of these may increase risk of bruising, and decrease the amount of PRP your practitioner is able to obtain from your blood draw.)
Post-Treatment Guidelines
- Continue to avoid usage of anti-inflammatory drugs(steroidal and non-steroidal) such as: Aspirin, Motrin (or any other Ibuprofen drugs) at least 3 days post treatment. With PRP, we "want" inflammation this is one of the mechanisms of how PRP does its work.
- It is recommended that you avoid: Alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement and cigarettes 3 days after your treatment. (All of these may increase risk of bruising
- Results are generally visible at 4 weeks and continue to improve gradually over ensuing months (3-6) with improvement in texture and tone. It should be noted that persons who have chronic tobacco usage will notice a decreased response to overall treatment.
- Discontinue use of any exfoliating products or products containing AHA’s, salacilic acid, retinols, glycolics, lactic acid, or lightening agents 5 days after your procedure.
- Do NOT apply cool compresses or ice to areas where you received your micro-needling and PRP injections. We do not want to decrease your body’s inflammatory response by using cooling measures. You may notice inflammation, warmth, and redness immediately post procedure. A sunburned appearance may be present for up to 5 days after your procedure.
- You may take Tylenol for discomfort
- Please leave the PRP on for 4 hours post procedure. After 4 hours you may cleanse with a mild cleaner or plain water. Do not use a washcloth or any other apparatus that may tug on your skin for 5 days after your treatment.
- Your aesthetic nurse will go over any additional post care instructions to customize your skincare regimen at the time of your procedure.
- Do not apply makeup or sunscreen directly post procedure. This may cause occlusion of your recently opened pores. You may apply makeup the day after your procedure. We recommend using a mineral based product.
*For our Vampire Facelift® patients please also reference the pre and post care instructions found under “Vampire Facelift®”
Regimen / Cleanse / Treat / Moisturize / ProtectDaytime