Barbara Ann F. Hughes- NEP DPG Continuing Education Award
Application Instructions and Guidelines
This award was established to provide educational stipendsfor nutrition professionals on the subjects of policy initiatives, advocacy and/or private practice. Preference will be given to members of Nutrition Education for the Public (NEP) DPG.
Applicant must:
- be a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and a US citizen
- be a practicing registered dietitian
- be planning to attend a conference, seminar or other form of continuing education for policy initiatives, advocacy, private practice, development of curriculum or presentation on private practice as a business. Preference will be given to individuals seeking training for skill development or curriculum development in the following areas:
- Education to increase skills that will enable the member to advocate for expanded or new private insurance coverage and payment for nutrition services;
- Education to increase skills for collecting nutrition services outcomes data- with the intent that the member will share the outcomes data with private insurance company decision makers who can influence coverage decision and payment for nutrition services;
- Education and skill building that allow member direct participation in national policy initiatives (eg. Academy Public Policy Workshop and/or participation in state legislative lobbying or state legislative efforts); or
- Develop a student curriculum or presentation for local members to build the student/practitioners’ knowledge and skills on business/private practice procedures including reimbursement for nutrition services.
One award of up to $1,000* will be given toa qualified applicant each year.
Application Face Sheet and all enclosures should be submitted electronically as one single document to by February 1st
Applicants must submit a cover letter requesting support, application face sheet and documentation of the event(s) they plan to attend as one single document. Multiple attachments will not be accepted. Please do not include the application instruction page with your application.
Award pecipients must return a report to the Academy Foundation documenting their attendance.
Questions may be directed to Stacy Chassagne at or 800/877-1600, ext. 4889.
*Amount of award is determined by investment return of the fund endowment.
Barbara Ann F. Hughes- NEP DPG Continuing Education Award
Application Face Sheet
Academy Member #
City, State Zip
Program Title(Attach a copy of course announcement or description)
Date of program
Program cost
Other expenses (travel, books, materials etc.)
Are you a member of NEP DPG?
Are you a practicing RD?
Describe your need for this continued education or curriculum development and how it will develop your career as a registered dietitian.
B.A. Hughes- NEP DPG Continuing Education Award