BHS Girls Soccer Booster Club Meeting Minutes Annual Business Meeting

March 28, 2016

Meeting was called to order.

  1. Attendance: Deb Shepard,Scott Zachmann, Deb Brown, Dan Olson, Heidi Newby, Kari Behun,LanayaStangret, Sandy Seim, Jill Zoschke-Luckraft, Mark Oman, Monica Crosby,Mark Eggers, Anglea Quick, Tammy Ramberg, Brian Driste and Sherry LeMire.
  2. Minutes from previous meeting: Minutes from February 23, 2015 were accepted. Kari Behun motioned to approve and Deb Brown seconded.
  3. Treasurer Report:

Current Balance: $ 24,819.52


$2,185.62 - I41 Summer Camp


MN United - $99.00 – Month Season Ticket Charge

West Bend Insurance - $496.00 – Liability Insurance

BNS Sports - $657.00 – Coaches Gear / Captains Samples

Scott Zachmann - $449.85 – Soccer Balls

Ngin - $540.00 – Renewal of Website

  1. Hockey Association Donation - $3,000 (Purchase Video Camera System)
  1. Committees

a)Pre-Season (Now thru August)

  1. Fundraising (Raffle Tickets/Coupon – printed and ready by 06/01/16)
  2. Publicity/Ads
  3. Fan Merchandise (Mark Oman, Angela Quick and Tammy Ramberg)
  4. Community Outreach
  5. Game Program/Senior Insert (Deb Shepard)
  6. Scoreboard (Angela Quick)
  7. Professional Photography (Deb Shephard)

b)Season (August- September)

  1. Ball Chasers (Monica Crosby)
  2. Team Photographers (need one for each team) (Gordon Seim/Varsity)
  3. Parent Appreciation (Dan Olson and Heidi Newby)
  4. Youth Night/Sept. 13 (Monica Crosby and Deb Shepard)
  5. Kick Cancer Night/Sept. 15 (Tammy Ramberg, Gordon and Sandy Seim)
  6. Senior Appreciation/Oct. 1 (Deb Brown and LanayaStangret)
  7. Fans in the Stands (open)
  8. All Team Carbo Loads (Jill Zoschke-Luckraft and Sandy Seim)

c)Post Season (October-November)

  1. Banquet (open)
  2. Memory Book (Debbie Baurr)
  1. Old Business:

a)Bylaw change to require two signatures on checks exceeding $1,000.

  1. New Business:

Discontinue BHS App. Save $900.00.

  1. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting will be Monday, April 25, 2016.

“The purpose of the Blaine High School Girls Soccer Booster Club is to promote the sport of soccer for the students of Blaine High School…[and its] objective is to support the long term growth of Blaine High School Girls Soccer Program and to insure that the students have proper training, equipment, and facilities in which to learn and compete. The goals include but are not limited to 1) provide support, 2) develop a sense of pride and tradition for the students and parents, 3) promote and publicize the high school soccer program in the community, and 4) recognize accomplishments.”