236TH American Chemical Society National Meeting
August 17 – 21, 2008 • Philadelphia, PA / Date received:
4Deadline: April 19, 2008
Use this form to request that a social event be arranged on your behalf at an official ACS property or a host-arranged social event be publicized at the upcoming ACS meeting. Return to: ACS National Meetings, 1155 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036;
Fax: 202-872-6128; E-mail:
4Please submit one form per event.
4 Complete this request on-line at http://acswebapplications.acs.org/VEMS/ or submit this form.
Requestor Information
Organizing Group:
/ ______Div BIOT______Confirm to:
/____Melba Fey______
/ /Bill to:
/ _ Hari S. Pujar ______Event Contact:
/__Melba Fey______
/ /ACS/CAS Dept. ID:
/ ______Address 1:
/_UMBC 1000 Hilltop Circle______
/ /Address 1:
/ Merck & Co., Inc, Mailstop WP17-301, PO Box 4__Address 2:
/ __Baltimore, MD 21250______/ /Address 2:
/ Sumneytown, PA, West Point, PA 19486______Phone:
/ /Fax:
/ /Phone:
/ /Fax:
/ /Email:
Social Event ArrangementsEvent Name:
/ ______BIOT Reception _ Wednesday______What type of event will this be?
/ / Reception/ / Meal ( Breakfast Lunch Dinner)
/ / Social Event (Poster Session Yes No)
/ / Other (Please specify)
/ / ACS (Event will be held at official ACS property) / Requestor / Host (Event will be held at an offsite location)
For ACS-arranged events, where do you prefer to be located?
/ / 1. same hotel as technical sessions______/ 2. ______If you will arrange your own event, where will you host your event?
/ / Place: ______Address: ______
/ Telephone / Web: ______
Would you like ACS to publicize your event in the program?
/ / YES, publicize it / NO, this is a private eventWhat is your anticipated attendance? ____250______This number will be your final guarantee unless changed by July 11, 2008
Event START for Attendees / Day Wednesay______/ Date _August 20, 2008____ / Time _6:15 PM
Event END for Attendees / Day Wednesday____ / Date _August 20, 2008_____ / Time __7:30 PM
Most rooms are ready 30 minutes before the start time.
Do you need more time for set-up before the event begins? / We need an extra ______minutes before our event starts / 30 minutes is adequate
What is your estimated budget for this event? / Total Budget: $ ______/ Price per person: $ ______
Do you plan to have alcoholic beverages or a bar at
your event? YES NO / Alcohol will be served with meal
Hosted Bar (group pays for event)
Cash Bar (attendees pay on consumption)
Other Bar Arrangements (describe here)
Are you planning to distribute drink tickets to your guest? / YES NO
Social Event Request
236TH American Chemical Society National Meeting
August 17 – 21, 2008 • Philadelphia, PA / 4Deadline: April 19, 2008
Social Event Arrangements (Continued from Page 1)
How do you want your tables and chairs set? Meeting room set-up diagrams are on http://acswebapplications.acs.org/VEMS/.
Round tables for 8 / Reception / Cocktail Rounds / Other Set-Up: (attach diagram)
Round tables for 10 / Poster Session / Head Table for ______people
What are your audiovisual, telephone, and internet requirements? (Please indicate quantity for each item)
Lapel Microphone / Riser / Stage / Overhead Projector / TV
Table Microphone / Screen / LCD Projector / VCR
Podium & Microphone / Easel / Laser Pointer / CD / DVD Player
Do you need special signage to promote your event? Submit Signage Request on http://www.acs.org/meetings/ .
Attach any special concerns or additional requests to this form.
Ticket Arrangements
Do attendees need tickets to attend your event? / YES, it is a TICKETED Event / NO, tickets are not required.
Do you want your tickets to be sold through the ACS Registration website?
Tickets will be sold online to attendees until 24 hours before event or all tickets are sold. / YES / NO
Does your group wish to reserve complimentary tickets that will not be offered for sale by ACS?
Your group will need to arrange for the distribution of these complimentary tickets. / YES, we want ______
tickets reserved for us. / NO, we do not want any tickets reserved for us.
Does your group wish to receive tickets for your own direct sales onsite (e.g., division table)?
These tickets will not be offered for sale through ACS, and your group will need to record sales or collect money for these tickets. / YES, we want ______
tickets for direct sales. / NO, we do not want any tickets for direct sales.
After your request for a ticketed social event has been processed, you will be contacted by () to confirm the details of your event’s ticket sale process. You can contact him with questions at any time before or during the meeting.
Your Onsite Event Coordinator
Who will your on-site coordinator be for
this event? / Name: __Melba Fey______
Cell Phone: 443-690-1783______/ E-Mail: ______
Event Confirmation
44 Notification of Space Assignments & Order Confirmations: You will receive your order & space assignment confirmation by April 25, 2008. That message will include instructions on how to make changes and how to submit a food & beverage order for your event by April 29, 2008. Final food & beverage guarantees and final signed confirmations are due on July 11, 2008, toACS Meetings via Fax: 202-872-6128.
44Online Resources: Food & beverage menus for specific properties, food & beverage guidelines, meeting room set-ups, and restaurant suggestions are on http://acswebapplications.acs.org/VEMS/.
Meeting Request Form / Updated 4/22/08