Pursuant to motion of adjournment the Polk County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 8:00 o’clock a.m., October 25, 2011 in the Commissioner’s Room, Polk County Government Center, Crookston MN. Members present: Commissioner Warren Affeldt, Commissioner Craig Buness, Commissioner Warren Strandell, Commissioner William Montague, Commissioner Don Diedrich, and John P. Schmalenberg, County Administrator/Clerk of the Board. Others Present: Judith H. Luettjohann, Deputy Clerk of the Board.

A motion was made by Commissioner Buness seconded by Commissioner Diedrich and adopted by unanimous vote of the board to approve the agenda and consent agenda for October 25, 2011:

1.Approve the board minutes dated October 4 and October 18, 2011.

2.Approve payment to Cole Papers, Inc., Fargo, ND in the amounts of: $78.71, $152.94.

3.Approve payment to Fertile Oil, Fertile, MN in the amount of $24,796.70 for a transport of fuel for the Highway Department.

4.Approve Saturn Systems Contract Work Order No. 3 for Polk County Web Site Modifications at a fee of $65.00 per hour not to exceed $3,000.00.

5.Approve payment to the Fertile Journal, Fertile, MN in the amount of $30.00 for a one year subscription for Taxpayer Service Center.

6.Approve for signature the SAMHSA Agreements

Josh Johnston, Planning and Zoning Administrator came before the Board with matters pertaining to Planning and Zoning. A motion was made by Commissioner Buness seconded by Commissioner Montague and adopted by unanimous vote of the board to approve the Final Plat of the Osland’s First Addition on Parcel No. 74.00201.01.

Barb Erdman, Polk County Sheriff came before the Board to discuss her departments September reports.

Amanda Grzadzielewski, and Carolyn Toupin from the Private Industry Council came before the Board to give an update of the Workforce Center and to discuss a possible idea of accommodating some of their staff in the Government Center. The Board said they would have to take the request under advisement.

Richard Sanders, Polk County Highway/Ditch Engineer came before the Board with matters pertaining to his department. A motion was made by Commissioner Buness seconded by Commissioner Diedrich and adopted by unanimous vote of the board to table the request of the Ditch Petition on CD #55 Section 36 until after the spring runoff.

Rob Wagner, Director of the Assessment Services and Michelle Cote, Director of Property Records came before the Board with matters pertaining to their departments. They presented an insert on the Homestead Law Change for the Board to discuss putting with the Truth in Taxation noticesfor the TNT meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Diedrich seconded by Commissioner Buness and adopted by unanimous vote of the board to approve the following fee schedule for the Taxpayer Service Center:



Standard fee - $46.00 for all documents / duplicate copies stamped need additional $2.00 per copy

Satisfactions, Assignments, Subordinations etc. - $46.00 for 4 documents referenced - $10.00 foreach additional reference on same document.

Deed tax- $1.65 for each $500.00, (.33%), minimum tax of $1.65 on $500.00 consideration or less.

Mortgage registration tax- .23% on the exact amount of the mortgage Well Certificate- $50.00 (increased to $50.00 from $45.00 effective July 21, 2011)

Certified copy of real estate document- $10.00


Financing statement - $20.00 per document no matter how many debtor names or attachments.

Financing statement amendment - $20.00 per document no matter how many debtor names or attachments.

UCC 11 - $20.00 per name

UCC 12 - $20.00 per name


Birth certificate – Certified – first copy $26.00, each additional $19.00. Non-certified $13.00 per copy

Death certificate - $13.00 first copy, $6.00 each additional copy (same for non-certified)

Marriage license - $115.00 without counseling statement, $40.00 with counseling statement

Certified copy of marriage license - $9.00

Recording a notary - $20.00


Certified copy - $10.00

Copy of - $10.00 first copy, $5.00 each additional copy

Recording - $56.00


Certificate of no record found - $8.00

Copy fee - $1.00 per page (Recorded Documents)

Escrow Company tax verifications - $3.00 per parcel

Fax /E-mail fee - $5.00 (fee is not applicable for tax statement requests)

Federal Tax Liens & Release - $46.00

Mailing fee – minimum fee for mailing copies - $3.00 (fee is not applicable for tax statement requests)

Notary verification - $10.00

Ordination Recording - $5.00

Property Record Card – over the counter requests $.25 per page. (E-mail requests, no charge).

Search fee - $15.00 per ½ hour

State Tax Liens & Release - $30.00 charged at time of release


NSF check $30.00


Delinquent Counter Report$75.00

Disk Requests $100.00 + $ .01 per record

Ditch Benefits$ .25 per page

General Reports$60.00

Government Agencies$25.00 + $ .15 per page

Labels$60.00 + $ .05 per page

Printout$60.00 + $ .15 per page

Print screen$ .25 (same as copies on copier) per page

Schools $ .02 per label

DELINQUENT TAX SEARCHES - E-mail, Fax or Phone Inquiry *10 or more Parcels

Delinquent Tax Inquiry$ 2.00 per parcel (even if current)


Farm & Home Plat $25.00 (Checks made payable to “Farm & Home”)

-If mailed, postage$ 3.10 (Check made payable to “Polk County


Polk County Plat (Colored)$37.40 (Checks made payable to “Polk County


-If mailed,$42.60 (Postage $5.20)

Polk County Maps$ 2.00 (Postage $ .85 each)

John Schmalenberg, County Administrator came before the Board to discuss matters pertaining to his department. A motion was made by Commissioner Strandell seconded by Commissioner Buness and adopted by unanimous vote of the board to approve John Schmalenberg, County Administrator as an alternate to MCIT.

With no further business the Board adjourned to reconvene at 8:00 o’clock a.m., November 1, 2011.


Warren Affeldt, Chairman



John P. Schmalenberg, County Administrator

Clerk of the Board