Project Name: / Underwater Inspection
Document No: / j------DPP
Revision: / 01
Inshore Diving Operations For
Canals and River Trust
Diving Operation Riskand Method Statement
CRT No:Client:
Project: / Example
Date: / xx/xx /2016
Date / Revision / Amendment / Prepared
by / Checked
by / Approved by
Prepared for Review / PB
Copyright & Confidentiality
The information contained within this document is provided for the sole use of employees of Bridgeway Consulting Ltd, authorised clients and subcontractors. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission of Bridgeway Consulting Ltd. Printed copies of this document are considered as uncontrolled.
Table of Contents
9Appendix A Dive Hazard Plan (Found in Site Pack)
Client / DateCanals and River Trust / xx/xx/2016
Task Description
Brief Description of the Task:
Information Supplied by Canals and River Trust
Service information pack
Hazard plan
Site Hazards Identified By Canals and River Trust
DIVER ENTRAPMENT - Underwater obstructions may be present at the dive site including sluice
door and chamber
UNDERWATER OBSTRUCTION(S) - If underwater obstruction(s) are found they will be identified and if possible removed to a safe place, if they cannot be removed easily the size and dimensions will be recorded and the dive plan altered so the diver will not become snagged up in any way.
ACCESS TO THE WATER – Is via slipway or folding ladder from towpath.
MOORED BOATS – All staff to be on there best behaviour language to be controlled noise kept to a minimum.
LOW VISIBILITY - Underwater visibility is likely to be poor
BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION - Leptospirosis and other waterborne pathogens may be present. Contaminated sharps may also be present at the site. Full dry suits and gloves are to be worn by divers. Barrier cream and hot water washing facilities will be available in the welfare van.
BOATING ACTIVITY – Navigation will be open, Leisure vessels use this site. All staff to keep a good lookout for vessel movements.
DEBRIS - Debris may be present on or below the water surface.
ACCESS TO SITE – Direct Public access to into the car park
Client Contact Details
Permits Issued By BCL / Permits Issued by Client
Information about the Work Site
Dive Vehicle Access – North of the village of Pewsey on the A345 Park in car park of the Waterfront public House.
Nearest Post Code is: SN9 5NT.
Diver Access – will be by towpath wall and ladder freeboard less than 0.5m
Remember a fully kitted diver must not climb ladders over 2.0m and generally freeboard up to 0.5m is accepted suitable for manual recovery of an unconscious diver. Freeboard over 0.5m will require a means of mechanical assistance for the recovery of an unconscious diver.
Supervisor / Team SizeFive
Dive Location / Vessel
Diving System
HSE Compliant SSDE Mobile Dive Spread
Helmet Types
KM 27 Hard Hat and KMB 28 Band Mask
Support Plant Required
Hand Tools only
Tools and Equipment
Measuring Tools
Cement Mixer
Emergency Plan Prepared
Diver/Access/ Egress/Recovery / Specialist PPE Required
Aluminium Ladder/Slipway / Life jacket,
PPE As per BCL Rules
BCL Comments /Notes
All personnel must adhere to the BCE PPE policy whilst on site.
A Flags and warning Boards to be placed prior to any works commencing...
On Site Checklist
Item / Description of Task / Completed? / Action By
1. / Barrier the area around the dive control / / All Personnel
2. / TBT on site about known hazards / / All Personnel
3. / Set up SSDE / / All Personnel
4. / Carry out PMS / / All Personnel
5. / Pre dive function test, Dress diver to perform operation / / All Personnel
6. / Carry out diving as per instruction below / / All Personnel
7. / Debrief The diver and check all information given / / All Personnel
8. / De Mobilise, Clean Equipment, load equipment in a safe and orderly fashion, clear area / / All Personnel
9. / Sign divers logbooks and complete dive log / / Dive Supervisor
Main Task SummaryThe following operations will be conducted.
- The diver will swim the length of the area to be inspected looking for possible snags or trip hazards.
- The diver will inspect the determined area of wall 160m.
- A report will be compiled on the diver’s findings.
During the diving phase of the operation the Diving Supervisor will keep notes of all findings.
During the diving operations the CRT representative will be given verbal updates on findings as the project progresses.
Site Details
Dive Site Access –
Special Site Controls Required (From Client information) (ACoP Ref 27, a-h)
Full PPE including Life jackets
Team Size and Responsibilities (ACoP Ref 32a) (ACoP Ref 76-78)
Dive Supervisor,
The Diving Supervisor is responsible for all diving operations at the site and shall ensure that the procedures referred to in this method statement are implemented and that accurate records of all operations are maintained throughout
The Diver reports to the Diving Supervisor. He is not only responsible for performance of his duties in a safe and professional manner but also for the wellbeing of his colleagues.
No action on his part should jeopardise either his own safety or that of those personnel associated with his work.
The Diver represents the Company while in employment with BCL and must conduct himself properly at all times. He must comply with safety requirements and confine any grievances, complaint or criticism to his immediate Supervisor, or BCL Project Manager.
Stand by Diver,
A Stand-by Diver is a qualified diver whose role is to provide assistance to the diver or divers in the water in an emergency.
- He should know the emergency procedures.
- He should follow, from the beginning, the communications between the Diving Supervisor and the Divers.
- He must be ready to intervene immediately.
The Tender is answerable to the Dive Supervisor. He is responsible for all general duties involved with the operation other than those performed by specialist personnel.
It should be understood that the term Tender does not imply that a person designated as such is not a qualified diver nor does it mean that he can dive.
Site Hazard Summary (ACoP Ref 32b)
As per risk assessment, Tool Box Talk prior to operations to be performed, The Supervisor to access the area to ensure safe to operate. Canals and River Trust informed hazard locations are shown in Canals and River Trust Hazard plan located in Task Order Brief and Appendix A..
Intended Diving Methods (ACoP Ref 39)
Full surface supplied with communications.
Stand by diver in immediate state of readiness dressed in.
Suitability of Air Supply (ACoP Ref 46, 61 and 62)
The breathing medium for this diving operation will be compressed air.
The diver’s air supply will be supplied from the LP compressor and all the ancillary back up supplies as previously stated. The maximum anticipated depth will be no more than 10m.
The final delivery pressure will be monitored, by the Dive Supervisor, at the dive panel located at the Dive Control.
The standby diver will be supplied with an independent air supply to the working diver.
The diver’s gases will be constantly monitored for delivery pressure from the dive panel located in dive control.
Bail Outs
All divers will wear a ‘bailout’ cylinder charged with compressed air.
All bailouts will be fully charged, function tested and the contents reported to the Dive Supervisor.
The in water diver will be periodically requested to check their bailout pressures and report the reading to the Dive Supervisor to ensure that there is no leakage through the side block into the helmet.
Emergency Decompression Arrangements (ACoP Ref 48 and 110-115)
Mr. Dave Alcock – Operations Manager. (Murryfield)
(0151) 648 8000
Nearest Chamber is:-
Whipps Cross Hyperbaric Unit, University Hospital London. Tel:07740 – 251635.
Weather and Currents (ACoP Ref 49-52) (Site and Day Specific)
The Diving Supervisor will review the weather conditions and assess the suitability for the commencement of operations, in particular, deployment of the diver. This shall be recorded in the dive/daily log
Any discharges/intakes are to be isolated where possible
Specialist Equipment (ACoP Ref 54-60)
Hand tools only.
Access, Egress, Recovery Plan (ACoP Ref 39)
Access is to be gained to the dive site via the ladder which will be secured to a bollard or suitable area.
Recovery – in an emergency the diver is recovered via towpath less than 0.5m.
If this is not possible use of a work flat, or davit arm and Jason’s Cradle will be used to recover the diver. For areas where the walls are high a two man riding basket and crane will be used.
Site Specific Issues
Plant and Equipment (ACoP Ref 93-109)
Plant and Equipment Lists as below
Item / Qty / Description / BCL/Vessel/Client/Hire
1 / Kirby Morgan 27B Superlite helmet c/w communications, first stage regulator, bail out whip, contents gauge and whip for diver one. / BCL
1 / DSI 28B Bandmask c/w communications, first stage regulator, bail out whip, contents gauge and whip for standby diver. / BCL
2 / One hundred metre umbilical consisting of air, communications and pneumo for diver one and standby diver. / BCL
1 / Two diver LP Air Control Panel complete with separate supplies for diver, standby diver and reserve. / BCL
2 / AR vest recovery harnesses c/w lead weights and ten litres, 232 Bar Working Pressure Bail Out Bottles. / BCL
2 / Air storage cylinders. Thirty litres – 200 bar working pressure cylinders. / BCL
2 / Gas – Arc Hi flow regulators to reduce air from HP to LP at source. / BCL
1 / 35cfm LP Air Compressor. Petrol compressor with two stage filtration for breathing air / BCL
As Rqd / Suits, knives, fins, gloves etc. / BCL
As Rqd / PPE consisting of hard hats, coveralls, high visibility waistcoats, ear protection and eye protection. / BCL
As Rqd / Consumable items including vehicle and compressor fuel, tape for umbilical’s, rope etc. / BCL
1 / Tool box and spares kit. / BCL
1 / Oxygen Resuscitator, First Aid Kit. & Rescue stretcher / BCL
1 / Mobile dive control / BCL
Diving Supervisors Responsibilities (ACoP Ref 122-132)
The Bridgeway Consulting Limited Diving Supervisor is responsible for all diving operations at the site and shall ensure that the procedures referred to in this method statement are implemented and that accurate records of all operations are maintained throughout including but not limited to Tool Box Talk, Risk assessment Planed Maintenance System etc.
The diving Supervisor will In accordance with the Diving at Work Regulations 1997 (SI 2776), regulation 6 (2) (b) (I) and regulation 9, be appointed as a Diving Supervisor for Air Diving Operations covered by the Approved Code of Practice for Commercial Diving Projects (L104 Rev 2.) The appointment of the diving supervisor will be recorded by Bridgeway Consulting Ltd.
Manual Handling Risks
- All tools to be lowered into position by rope securely tied to items.
- All items shall be lowered /recovered in a controlled manner.
- Work gloves to be worn at all times when handling abrasive or sharp-edged materials.
- 2 man lift for diving compressor
COSHH Assessments
Fuel, Noise
Reference Information
Site Hazard Plan.
Wharf and approach walls.
Photo’s of area to be inspected.
Access and Site EnvironmentThe access and egress is via the dive Ladder, extreme care should be taken while accessing the project area
The Complete Air Diving system will set up next to the work site adjacent to the access and egress point, once installed, the equipment will be inspected and tested in accordance with HSE regulations” for the preceding operation.
The area allocated for this purpose is to be sectioned off and all personnel are to be advised of diving operations.
The diver will familiarise himself on surface with the location of the work site in particular in relation to diver entry point into the water.
The diver will be deployed to the work site. The divers swim route to the work site should be defined so that his access route shall be as straight as necessary to avoid obstructions, where practicable. Where the area is bleak, warm weather gear to be worn with gloves.
Work Methods
Carry out Toolbox talk, as discussed and referred to this RAMS and associated Risk Assessment
Once the Diving Supervisor has confirmed all systems are functioning satisfactorily he will instruct the diver to enter the water via the ladder.
After the diver enters the water and on reaching the bottom, the supervisor will take a Pneumo reading to establish the diver’s depth and record it in the dive log (this will be continually checked by the Supervisor during the dive)
The diver under the direction of the diving supervisor will inspect and carry out the following.
- The diver will swim the length of the area to be inspected looking for possible snags or trip hazards.
- The diver will inspect the determined area of wall 160m.
- A report will be compiled on the diver’s findings.
- At the end of each working day the helmets are to be disconnected from the umbilical’s and washed with fresh water
- On completion of the works all equipment is removed from site and the area is tidied and squared away.
- No rubbish is to be left and the site is to be left cleaner than when we arrived
Specialist Equipment Needs
Hand tools Only
Cement Mixer
Site Controls/Responsibilities
Diving supervisor is in overall control once diving operation underway
C&RT will:-
- Issue a permit to work.
- Undertake an environmental appraisal for the works and inform the dive contractor of any specific environmental & heritage requirements
- Isolate, sluices and valves which the diver would be working on.
- Isolate inlets & outlets. The keys will be handed over to the dive supervisor before the diver enters the water.
- Control the public interface.
- All underwater equipment
- Provide all necessary tools
Example Method RA Underwater Inspection– Feb 2016
/ Client: / Canals and River Trust /Project Name: / Underwater Inspection
Document No: / j------DPP
Revision: / 01
Risk Matrix (Guide)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Severity
/ 1 / Low / Low / Low / Low / Low2 / Low / Low / Medium / Medium / Medium
3 / Low / Medium / Medium / Medium / Medium
4 / Low / Medium / Medium / High / High
5 / Low / Medium / Medium / High / High
HAZARD / Initial Risk / CONTROLS / Residual Risk
Job Steps / Hazard Description and Effect / Persons at Risk / Hazard Severity / Likelihood of occurrence / Risk Rating / List the controls that are in place or are required / Hazard Severity / Likelihood of occurrence / Risk Rating
Set Up / General Public, contact with plant, life support equipment / Public / 2 / 4 / Medium / TBT, Risk Assessment, barrier working area and create pedestrian walkway, correct signage to warn of diving activities / 2 / 2 / Low
Operations / Working over Water,
Falling In,
Drowning / All / 5 / 4 / High / TBT, life Jackets to be worn at all times by personnel, Safety lines if appropriate / 2 / 2 / Low
Diving Operations / Diver Entrapment
injury to Diver / Divers / 4 / 4 / High / Pre-Dive Safety Brief, TBT, Close Tendering on the surface, Stand by diver at immediate readiness Ensure any permits to work and isolations are in place.
Good umbilical Management tender to actively tend the divers umbilical / 2 / 2 / Low
Diving operations / Unconscious diver / Divers / 4 / 3 / Medium / Follow Emergency Procedures, Jump Stand By diver, Regular maintenance check on Equipment, attentiveness of supervisor. Emergency contact numbers in place / 4 / 2 / Low
General Operations / Slips , Trips and falls / All / 4 / 5 / High / TBT, Ensure personnel are aware of the environment, Good Housekeeping, Safety briefing, Identify Known Hazards, / 4 / 2 / Low
Diving Operations / Vessel movements / Divers / 5 / 4 / High / Permit to work system in place, BW to issue notice to mariners, all personnel to remain vigilant of Shipping Traffic, VHF communication with local authority, Safety brief, ‘A’ Flag to be Displayed during Daylight Hours, Operational Lights During Hours of Darkness, Boat Movement to be Authorised via Dive Supervisor / 3 / 2 / Low
General operations / River tidal flow / All / 4 / 3 / Medium / All personnel are to wear life jackets while working near water, no diving in excessive river flow, Review environmental conditions prior to diver deployment.
Tidal monitoring.
Adherence to umbilical management protocol.
Refer to AODC Guidance 'The effects of underwater currents on diver’s performance and safety', AODC 047.
Continuous communications between Dive Supervisor and divers. / 4 / 2 / Low
General operations / Biological contamination
(Leptospirosis) / All / 4 / 3 / Medium / Leptospirosis Pocket Card and briefing
Cover cuts and abrasions full PPE including gloves for all personnel, TBT
Hygiene control - Wash before eating
Toolbox Talks – general hygiene for water conditions / 4 / 2 / Low
Diving Operations / Gates & Sluices
Inlet & Outlet Valves / Divers / 4 / 4 / High / The gates & valves which the diver is working on and the adjacent gate and the sluices will be isolated and pad locked off and the nose valves closed. The keys are to be given to the dive supervisor before the diver enters the water, / 2 / 2 / Low
Diving Operations / Positive Pressure / Divers / 5 / 4 / High / TBT, no diving till equal pressure between upstream and downstream rivers / 3 / 2 / Low
Diving Operations / Low Visibility / Divers / 4 / 4 / High / Diver to take extreme care when negotiating the river. Litter and debris could entangle the diver. Visibility is > 0.5m so most hazards cannot be seen to be avoided. Any large items are to be removed to the side and disposed of. / 2 / 2 / Low
General Operations / High Walls / All / 4 / 5 / High / TBT, Ensure personnel are aware of the environment, Good Housekeeping, Safety briefing, Identify Known Hazards. All staff are to wear life jackets at all times. / 4 / 2 / Low
Example Method RA Underwater Inspection– Feb 2016