Birsay Community Association
Charity No SC028453 – Company No SC382404
Charges for the hire of rooms within the Birsay Community Hall
These charges will be reviewed annually at our AGM
- Whole Hall – Dance / Wedding / Licensed Events etc
- Whole Hall (i.e. Main Hall, Kitchen, Changing Rooms & Meeting Rooms)
- Period of hire included = day before the event from 9amonwards for setting up, day of the function and up until 12 noon the morning after to allow time clearing up.
Hire Charge
All Hirers (excluding user groups)£450.00
If the hirer requires the use of the hall over a longer period than the standard times stated above then an additional hire charge of £50per half daywill be levied (i.e. from 2pm onwards / up to 2pm).
- Main Hall only - Sale, Unlicensed Concert, Meetings etc
Bookings 6 hours or less / Bookings exceeding 6 hours
All Hirers (excluding user groups) / £10.00 per hour / £90.00 flat rate charge per day
User Groups
- Main Hall only - £7.50 per hour
- Meeting Room 1
Bookings 6 hours or less / Bookings exceeding 6 hours
All Hirers (excluding user groups) / £9.00 per hour / £80.00 flat rate charge per day
User Groups
- Meeting Room 1 only - £7.50 per hour
- Meeting Room 2/Foyer
Bookings 6 hours or less / Bookings exceeding 6 hours
All Hirers (excluding user groups) / £8.00 per hour / £70.00 flat rate charge per day
User Groups
- Meeting Room 2 or Foyer only - £6 per hour
- Kitchen
Bookings 6 hours or less / Bookings exceeding 6 hours
All facilities / £5.00 per hour / £60.00 flat rate charge per day
Tea / Coffee only / £5.00 flat rate charge per booking, per day
- Sports Bookings
Hire of main hall with use of sports equipment / Games included - £7.50 per hour
- Children’s Parties
Hire includes use of main hall, kitchen / servery (where food can be set-up) and use of equipment and/or games. Hire period up to 4 hours - £40.00
- Bingo/Whist
Hire includes use of main hall, kitchen and server. Access from 4pm onwards£40.00
- Concert
Hire includes use of mail hall and changing room facilities£90.00
- Hire for Youth Groups
Hire includes use of Main Hall for Sports and sleeping£90.00 per day
- Hire for Overnight Youth Groups using all the Hall
Hire includes Kitchen, Showers, Main Hall, Sports and Sleeping etc£180 per day
- Funeral Hire
Hire includes use of Main Hall, Foyer and Meeting Rooms£60.00
- Funeral Tea/ Wake
Hire Includes use of Kitchen, Foyer and Main Hall. £10 per hour
- Rent of Cupboards
Rent of Small Cupboards in Storage Area£2 per week
Rent of Loft Space£2 per week
- Dance
Hire of Main Hall, Kitchen, Foyer and Bar for Dance£150