Minute of a meeting of the Fellowship Committeeheld in the College on Thursday 15 January 2015 at 4.30 pm.
Prof DGalloway, Chair (DG)
Dr FDunn, President (FD)
Mr M McKirdy, Vice President (Surgical) (MMcK)
Dr J Taylor, VicePresident (Medical) (JT)
Dr H Scott, Honorary Secretary (HS)
Dr A Zoma, Ordinary Member (AZ)
Mr I Holland, Vice Dean, Faculty of Dental Surgery (IH)
Dr M Jones, Dean, Faculty of Travel Medicine (MJ)
ProfS Baird, Dean, Faculty of Podiatric Medicine (SB)
Mrs E Condie, Lay Observer (EC)
In Attendance
Mr J Cooper, Chief Operating Officer (JC)
Mr M Brown, Deputy Head of Membership Services (MB)
Mrs M Lovell, Admissions Administrator (ML)
Welcome and ApologiesApologies for absence were submitted from Mr Graeme Conn, Mr John Drury, Dr Lawrence McAlpine and Dr Robin Northcote. Thereafter, the Chair extended a warm welcome to all present, in particular to Mr Ian Holland who was representing the Faculty of Dental Surgery.
2 / Minutes of the meeting of 22 September 2014
Subject to amendment to Item 3 (b) the header line should read Professor Ali Jaliel Awad FRCS(Glasg), the minute was approved as a true and accurate record.
3 / Matters Arising
3.1 / Page 1 - item (b) – Professor Ali Jaliel Awad FRCS(Glasg) admitted 11/12/2006
The Chair informed that a letter was sent to the above (15/10/14) indicating that it was our intention to seek approval from College Council to withdraw his name from our Fellowship and revoke his postnominals. Dr Awad’s e-mailed response was read to the Committee. / 44269
3.2 / Dr Abdulameer Jaleel Awad – Fraudulant application
The Fellowship Committee agreed to:-
- Contact our International Advisor in Baghdad and alert him to this fraudulant case.
- Write to the sponsors directly (they have a right to know if their name is being used without their knowledge
- Request a letter of support from the Medical City of Cardiologists
- Contact Elaine Tait from the Edinburgh College and try and foster an exchange between London, Edinburgh and Ireland
3.3 / Page 2 – item (f)
Dr Bassem Emad Abd El-Moniem - The application was deferred to the Dental Membership Services Meeting of 17th November and was rejected. The main reason for rejection was that he was admitted a Member – MOMS RCPS(Glasg) January 2010. IH confirmed that the Dental Faculty currently requires an individual to be a Member for 10 years before elevation to fellowship. / 59363
3.4 / Page 4 – item (c) Urologists/Malaysia
The Chair reported that a very successful Admission Ceremony had taken place in College on 12 October 2014 for some of the delegates attending the 34th International Congress of Urologists (SECC). A total of 12 new Fellows in urology were admitted and a further 12, who had previously been admitted to College, also took part in the Ceremony.
3.5 / Page 4 – item (e) Associateship
Four individuals fell short of membership and were invited to join as Associate Members. All four accepted and were formally admitted.
3.6 / Deferred Applications
Dr Rajat Arora and Dr S Thunga
– response still awaited from Dr AS Mullasari FRCP(Glasg) / 98018; 97614
Dr Fuk Woo Jasper Chan; Dr King-fan Steven Loo; Dr SU Rehman
– check status in Hong Kong / 98112; 98101; 98092
Dr Md Azizul Hossain
- more information required / 97876
Dr Srikanth Thunga
– defer to Dr AS Mullasari FRCP(Glasg) / 97614
A letter was sent to Dr Chak Lau in Hong Kong, who in turn has escalated to Professor Patrick Li, Vice President of the Royal College of Physicians of Hong Kong and we await his response.
4 / Nominations / ACCEPT
4.1 / The Committee considered the following individuals and recommended that they be ACCEPTED for fellowship/membership of the College as undernoted:
4.1.1 / Honorary Fellowship in Dental Surgery – Hon FDS RCPS(Glasg)
Professor Kursheed Francis Moos Hon FRCPS(Glasg) / *2528
IH noted that Prof Moos was already an Honorary Fellow, having been awarded FRCPS(Glasg) in 2008. IH explained that the Dental Faculty wished to bestow an additional dental honour as a mark of the esteem in which Prof Moos is held by all clinicians. Prof Moos retired from NHS practice in 1999 but is still committed to teach, encourage and inspire those in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
The Committee unanimously agreed to support the proposal for Hon FDS RCPS(Glasg). It was noted that the Dental Faculty would like to present this award at the June 2015 Admission Ceremony to coincide with the Goodall Memorial Lecture.
4.1.2 / Honorary Fellowship – Hon FRCP(Glasg)
Professor Sir Lewis Duthie Ritchie OBE / 109651
4.1.3 / Honorary Fellowship – Hon FRCS(Glasg)
Professor Selwyn Michael Griffin / 109653
4.1.4 / Fellowship qua Physician – FRCP(Glasg)
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Dr / Shona Margaret Macrae / Jenkins / *37639
Dr / David Peter / Macfarlane / *33158
Dr / Andrew Charles / McCulloch / *30984
Dr / Adrian Victor / Pace / *10685
Dr / Nicholas Barry / Smith / *31563
Professor / Musleh Uddin / Ahmed / 98305
Dr / Tarek / Ahmed / 109477
Dr / Zubair / Ahmed / 109448
Dr / Jamila Mohamed Hassan / Al Shaikh / 109449
Brig Gen Dr / Sk Ruhul / Amin / 96607
Dr / Omer Farook / Chennor / 98377
Dr / Emam Mohamed Khalil / Eladss / 26991
Professor / Louis Hugo / Francescutti / 98508
Dr / Mansoor / Hameed / 109451
Dr / Khawaja Hassan / Haroon / 96747
Dr / Hlaing Myat Thu / 109460
Dr / Sheikh Muhammad Wasim / Jamal / 109452
Dr / Narendra Nath / Khanna / 109453
Professor / Kok-Onn / Lee / 109457
Professor / Annil / Mahajan / 109455
Dr / Muhammad / Masroor / 109461
Professor / Jatinder / Mokta / 109532
Dr / Banshi Damodarlal / Saboo / 109463
Dr / Mohammad / Safiuddin / 60207
Dr / Mohammad Saeed Hamzoni / Sarwar / 45303
Dr / Tazin / Shah / 98397
Dr / Raja Farhat / Shoaib / 109468
Dr / Ottilla Jobson Kennedy Harrison / Speirs / 109462
Professor / Thomas / Titus / 109464
Dr / Nicola Louise / Walker / 22203
Dr / Adrian Denis / Ward / 109465
4.1.5 / Fellowship qua Surgeon – FRCS(Glasg)
(a) / Conferred Fellowship – FRCS(Glasg)
Glasgow Emergency Surgery and Trauma Symposium – GESTS - 26/27 February 2015
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Mr / Adam John / Brooks / 109685
Md / David Malcolm / Nott / 109817
Dr / Tarek / Razek / 109687
(b) / Title / Forenames / Family Name
Professor / Naqib Ullah / Achakzai / 109534
Dr / Jamshed / Akhtar / 109538
Dr / Ali / Al Hassani / 109606
Dr / Abdu Hassan / Al Zabydi / 109607
Dr / Samuel Chittaranjan / Bedford / 109609
Dr / A K M / Daud / 24594
Dr / Philip Rajan / Devesahayam / 109610
Prof / Ahmed Hassan / Fahal / 109611
Dr / Issam Abood / Hassan / 46175
Prof / Meethale Purayil / Sreejayan / 109616
Dr / Luay / Tapponi / 109617
4.1.6 / Membership – MRCPS(Glasg)
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Dr / Sylianos / Kontos / 108990
4.1.7 / Fellowship in Travel Medicine – FFTM RCPS(Glasg)
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Dr / Matthew / Dryden / 49454
4.1.8 / Fellowship in Podiatric Medicine – FFPM RCPS(Glasg)
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Dr / Paul Andrew / Butterworth / 109476
Dr / Jeffrey Lowell / Carnett / 108807
Dr / Lindsey Sarah / Cherry / 109467
Miss / Taryn / Gordon / 109447
Dr / George S / Murley / 98551
Mr / Francis Gregory Austin / Webb / 109245
Professor / James / Woodburn / 109334
4.1.9 / Membership in Podiatric Medicine – MFPM RCPS(Glasg)
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Mrs / Jacqui / Baggaley / 55972
Mrs / Sheryl / Braidwood / 109470
Mr / John Edmund / Durkin / 108830
Mr / Gregory / Gillanders / 109475
Mr / Richard / Handford / 109337
Ms / Ruth Helen / Mackie / 108957
Mrs / Serena / Peirce / 109627
4.2 / The Committee considered the following individuals and recommended that their applications be DEFERRED as undernoted: / DEFER
4.2.1 / Fellowship qua Surgeon – FRCS(Glasg)
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Dr / Abed Ibrahim Saleh / Al-Qaissi / 46260
MB reported that Dr Al-Qaissi’s membership had lapsed at the time of applying for fellowship (April 2014) and was invited to reinstate and remain in good standing for a period of two years before re-applying. MB informed the committee that there was confusion regarding his name. In order to resolve the apparent anomaly between the two family names (Al-Qaissi and Al-Qarttani) he was asked to provide documentary evidence to support this change. While some evidence has been provided, the Committee agreed to defer this application until the photographic evidence of his previous name Al-Qaissi was received.
4.3 / The Committee considered the following individuals and recommended that their applications be REJECTED as undernoted: / REJECT
4.3.1 / Fellowship qua Physician – FRCP(Glasg)
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Dr / Abdulameer Jaleel / Awad / 96731
AZ confirmed suspicion of fraud.
4.3.2 / Membership – MRCPS(Glasg)
Title / Forenames / Family Name
Dr / Abdelwahhab / Azzawi / 63546
5 / Approval of MRCP(I) applications for Membership
MB reminded the Committee that MRCP(I) is currently considered as a registerable qualification for membership. Applicants with this qualification do not require sponsors but are required to provide evidence of their qualification. Such applications are signed and approved by him for the award of MRCPS(Glasg).
MB reported that MRCP(I) is not considered as directly equivalent to the MRCP(UK) but those who have this qualification can apply for ST3 posts in the UK if they have also completed the Irish Basic Specialty Training and are nationals of the EEA.
After deliberation, the Committee agreed that it would not be unreasonable to request two sponsors for all applicants with MRCP(I) with immediate effect before consideration of the award of MRCPS(Glasg). / ML
6 / AOCB
There were no items of AOCB.
7 / Dates of next meetings
- Thursday 9 April 2015
- Thursday 2 July 2015