July 2016
All Somerset GP ST Doctors
Via email
Dear Doctors
Study Leave Information/Applications
I write to clarify the policy and processes that should be followed when applying for study leave as GP trainees.
There are two aspects making up the study leave entitlement: study leave budget and study leave days.
1. Study leave budget
The study leave Starts in August when you join us.
Currently the funding is £571 per annum which is top sliced for various aspects of your training i.e. membership of Somerset GP Education Trust (which entitles you to attend any of their events), attendance at trainee residential courses, and other educational purposes.
Unused money is not able to be carried forward to the next financial year and is returned to HEE
Three Yearly study leave budget breakdown
Study leave budget allowances run from August to July and is calculated as follows:
Annual Allowance / Allowance Over 3 Years / Top SlicedOver 3 Years / Budget Remaining Over 3 Years / Allowance Per Full Year from August to July
£571 / £1713 / £850 / £863 / £287
Per 6 month post £144.00
Per 4 month post £ 96.00
2. Study leave time
The study leave days allowance runs with the academic year from August to the following July each year.
The table below shows the allowances for each grade:
Study leave allowance from August 2016
ST1/2sAnnual entitlement (days) / 30
Deduction of 12 half day sessions VTS / -6
Deduction of VTS awayday (1 per year) / -1
Deduction of Days in practice / -6
Total remaining days per annum / 17
Per 6 month post / 8.5
Per 4 month post (approximately) / 5.6
ST3s in General Practice posts
Annual entitlement (days) / 30
Deduction of 16 whole days VTS (inc 3 joint with SGPET) / -16
Deduction of Trainee Residential and Awayday / -3
Total days remaining per annum / 11
How to apply for leave and funding
There is a ‘self-service’ system for applying for study leave, see separate information and instructions will be sent via email soon so please look out for this important email which you will need to keep for reference.
Applications must be submitted as close to 6 weeks in advance of the leave date applying for. It is not appropriate to submit the claim for expenses reimbursement at the same time as the leave application). Late claims may be refused.
Study leave applications must be for courses relevant to your educational needs as a GP trainee, agreed with and signed by your Educational Supervisor (which is your GP trainer in your ST3 practice) and form part of your PDP (personal development plan).
You should not register or pay for any course or examination prior to obtaining approval for it. Repayments are by no means guaranteed, and you are putting yourself at risk of taking unauthorised leave if you do not obtain prior approval from all parties before taking the leave.
You will receive an email response to your leave application. (Please ensure that we have your current email address on file). If your application is approved with funding you will need to complete an expense claim form after the course and this can be found under the study leave section at www.somersetgptraining.co.uk Send the form and relevant receipts to the programme office.
Claims for reimbursement of funding must be submitted no more than 3 months after the date of the course and will not be processed unless there is evidence of payment (i.e. receipts) enclosed, evidence of attendance (i.e. certificate of attendance) and completed feedback form (which is sent with the letter of authorisation).
Attached is guidance for what types of courses are/are not allowed for GP trainees.
Examples of what you need to apply for (list not exhaustive):
· Time to sit exams – AKT/CSA
· Private study leave for exam revision (note only allowed for AKT – maximum of 3 days allowed)
· Exam preparation courses
· Committee meetings i.e. Trainee GPST committees/LMC meetings
· MSc
· SGPET (Somerset GP Education Trust) courses/meeting when held in working hours
· Careers Fairs
· Trainee Awards events
· Attending clinics outside of current post
· Update courses/conferences
· Away days/residentials
· Patch tutorials
· Days in practice
· All other courses not specified
For further information please refer to the Severn Deanery website.
Please keep this information for future reference and information.
Note – all ST3s and ST1s are expected to attend the annual Trainee Awards event organised by the School of Primary Care – study leave must be applied for when attending, further information is sent out by the school later in the year.
Yours sincerely
Penelope Bridges
GP Programme Manager - Somerset