Course description; Chemistry is arequired credit toward graduation.
This course will focus on learning about matter.
Instructional Philosophy: Students will be expected to produce neat, high quality work. Classroom activities will include writing portfolio pieces, working on open response questions, lab activities and buildingcontent related vocabulary.
Grading criteria:Participation is key in this process for yourself and your classmates. Therefore, much of your grade will be based on participation. The rest will be graded on improvement in your content knowledge.
Grading Scale:
A = 90-100%
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = <59%
Grades will be based on a percentage of total points from assignments and assessments. My grading is heavily weighted toward assessments. After all, the main goal is for the students to gain, retain and use their knowledge of Chemistry.
Each day, students will come into class, gather their needed materials, take a seat and have 3 minutes to complete a bell ringer. The class will begin and once finished they will have 2 minutes to answer an exit slip to assess their retention of the days lesson.
Between these entrance and exit times, students will be required to use fill in the blank PowerPoint slide notes, conduct lab activities, make foldables and other illustrations, complete worksheets, and participate in group activities among other activities.
Study guides will be posted on my website that can be found at
- go to Simpson County Schools website
- click on schools, select the High School
- on left click on teacher website and find my name
Class Expectations: Students are expected to participate in creating an environment conducive to learning. In other words, anything preventing a teacher or student from teaching, learning or feeling safe in the school is considered to be obstructing our rights to be educated and to educate. Students are also expected to make their best efforts outside the classroom. Rereading notes, studying for tests, doing homework are all student responsibilities. Students that need support outside of home can contact me to arrange help.
- Be present and prepared for class.
- Be in class before the bell rings.
- Follow directions carefully and correctly.
- Allow teaching and learning to occur.
- Work on work during work time.
- Stay engaged from bell to bell.
- RESPECT IS MANDATORY No put downs or derogatory remarks: if you don’t have anything nice to say then say nothing at all.
Ed Rahm
Work- 586-3273 ext.143
Course Outline
Unit 1 Matter
Unit 2 Patterns in the Periodic Table
Unit 3 Chemistry and Measurement
Unit 4 Formulas and Names of Compounds
Unit 5 Chemical Equations
Unit 6 Bonding
Unit 7 Gases
Unit 8 Nuclear Chemistry
Unit 9 Atomic Theory
Unit 10 Electrons
Unit 11 Thermodynamics
Unit 12 Solids and Liquids
Unit 13 Solutions
Unit 14 Acids and Bases
Unit 15 Electrochemistry
Unit 16 Organic Chemistry
Needed materials:
3 ring binder with dividers
A ruler
Any kind of calculator for simple math calculations
This list is not all inclusive. We may need various items for projects throughout the year.
Parents, please sign below in agreement that you will do everything in your power to help your child learn the material covered in this course. This may include: reading difficult materials with them, reviewing notes with them on a nightly basis, helping them study for tests and quizzes, informing me of personal situations that may effect performance positively or negatively and finally showing them patience and compassion so that that learn to love learning.
Please help me by filling out the info below
Home Phone______
Cell Phone for each parent/guardian ______
Work Phone for each parent/guardian ______
Best times to reach each parent/guardian
Any other contact info: