Section 196.173, Florida Statutes
Exemption for homesteads of service members who were deployed last year outside the continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii in support of designated operations. Due to the property appraiser by June 1, 2011.
COMPLETED BY APPLICANTService member / Year deployed / 2010 / Date
Parcel ID / County / 2011 Tax roll
Phone / Email
Homestead address / Mailing address,
if different
Designated operation:
Enduring Freedom, began 10/7/01 / Iraqi Freedom, 3/19/03 thru 8/31/10 / New Dawn, began 9/1/10
Dates deployed last year, 2010 / From to for a total of days
From to for a total of days
From to for a total of days
Total days deployed:
Attachments / Other, list
Proof of qualifying deployment
Proof of dates of the qualifying deployment
I am applying after the deadline because: (Add pages and documentation, if needed.)
Signature / Print name Date
Signature is by service member spouse designee other
If this application was filed on time but is not approved, the property appraiser will send you a notice of denial by July 1, 2011. You have the right to appeal the decision by filing Form DR-486, Request for Hearing, with the Value Adjust Board in your county.
COMPLETED BY PROPERTY APPRAISERApproved for days, proof of qualifying deployment and dates of deployment met the requirements.
Denied or
Denied in part / Reason for denial:
Late application The reason for filing late was accepted rejected.
Days deployed / /
Divided by / 365 Days in year / X
Multiplied by / 100 / =
equals / % exempted
Signature, property appraiser or deputy / Date