Manitoba Agriculture Risk Management Review Task Force

2015 Producer Survey
Instructions: Once you have completed the survey, save the file to your computer. Email the file as an attachment to , with SURVEY in the email subject line.

1. Mark an ‘X’ beside the description of your operation:

grain and oilseed ____

mixed livestock/crop ____

livestock ____

forage ____

speciality crops ____

other ____ describe: ______

2. In regard to climate change, what actions are you taking to deal with/ prepare for unpredictable weather conditions? Mark an ‘X’ for all that apply.

crop selection and rotation, specifically ______

water management, specifically ______

soil management, specifically ______

change in equipment, specifically ______

other changes in farming practices, specifically ______

financial planning, specifically ______

risk management tools(ex: insurance programs, AgriStability programs)______

other, specifically ______

3.In the last 10 to 15 years, many producers were affected by a variety of adverse environmental conditions.

How was your operation affected?


What immediate and ongoing actions did your business undergo to respond to this?


Have you changed or adapted your operation in the last 10 to 15 years? Yes ____ No ____

If so, how?


4. How would you rate your ability to adapt to continued climate change events in the future(drought, flooding, amount of rainfall, wind, temperature,etc.)?Consider both production and financial practices. Mark an “X” in the box that best describes your response.

Rating scale / 1 – not able to adapt / 2 – somewhat able to adapt / 3 – able to adapt
Production practices
Financial practices

5. What short, medium or long term plans are you considering for your operation to address future climate events?

6. What would help your business increase its adaptability during future climate related cycles?

7.Check the business risk management tools and programs that you use. (‘X’ all that apply)

____Growing Forward 2 programs

____ AgriInsurance – an insurance program to cover yield losses due to natural perils, and compensation for wildlife damage (ex: Manitoba Crop Insurance)

____ AgriStability - a program that compensates producers when their margins fall below a historical average

____ AgriInvest - a savings account where governments match producer deposits

____ AgriRecovery - a framework for a coordinated process for governments to respond rapidly when disasters strike

____provincial risk management programs

____ Western Livestock Price Insurance Program

____ hog price insurance

____ private sector revenue insurance programs

____ Non-insurance business management planning, please specify: ______

____ Other, please specify: ______

8. What suggestions do you have for change in the present risk management programs?

9. May we contact you for further details? Yes _____ No _____

If yes, please provide your contact information:


Manitoba Agriculture Risk Management Review Task Force, 2015 Producer Survey 1 | Page