Chief Executive Officer Performance Agreement for Departments 2017/18
Chief Executive Officer / Minister (Responsible Authority)Name: / Name: / Hon.
Agency: / Portfolio:
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) performance agreement is a requirement of section 47 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994, and is developed between the responsible authority of a department (the Minister) and the CEO to document Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and priority goals for the 2017/18 financial year. Input from the Public Sector Commissioner with respect to sector-wide initiatives has also been included.
The agreement also identifies measures for success that will be applied in assessing the achievement of agreed key deliverables and goals.
The Public Sector Commissioner may provide relevantinformation to the Minister to assist with completing the end of cycle assessment.
The agreement has two sections:
- Key priorities for the 2017/18 performance cycle
- Contribution to 2017/18 sector-wide initiatives
NOTE:Greentextprovides examples to assist with development of the agreement, and should be replaced with relevant KPIs.
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Confirmation of Performance Agreement (Section 47(2) of the Public Sector Management Act 1994)
Once signed by the CEO and responsible Ministers, the performance agreement should be submitted to the Public Sector Commission (PSC) by
Friday 1 September 2017.
Signatory / Name / Signature / Date
Minister: / Hon.
Noted by Public Sector Commissioner:
End of cycle assessment
Once signed by the CEO and Minister, the performance assessment should be submitted to the PSC byTuesday 31 October 2018.
Performance assessmentDate of meeting: / Minister’s comments:
CEO’s signature:
Minister’s signature:
Minister’s overall assessment of performance: / Outstanding
Highly Satisfactory / Satisfactory
Noted by Public Sector Commissioner (signature and date):
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It is recommended that a CEO hasa minimum of three to four high level key priorities. These should be developed collaboratively between the Minister and the CEO through discussions that consider:
- whole-of-government reform themes and relevant commitments
- major service redesign or delivery requirements
- agency planning and longer term strategic objectives
- key strategic risks and opportunities that have been identified by the responsible Minister or CEO.
Priority / Specific and measureable
KPIs for 2017/18 / End of cycle commentary
(including reasons for any significant variances) / End of cycle status
(Achieved; On track; At risk,
Not achieved)
Priority 1:
Priority 2:
Priority 3:
Priority 4:
Priority 5: Reporting
CEO to ensure the Minister is provided with relevant, accurate and timely:
- responses to questions, enquiries and correspondence
- reports on service delivery against agreed standards
- briefings on issues and risks of strategic, financial and operational significance.
Priority 6: Governance
CEO will maintain high standards of corporate governance in the agency, and fulfil their functions as outlined under sections 29 and 30 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994.
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CEOs will commit to a target contribution toward the sector-wide priority areas identified by the Public Sector Commissioner below. CEOs may consider the size, structure and functions of their agency when nominating sector-wide priorities to focus on (and in proposing the level and type of contribution to be made). Additional KPIs may be included.
Priority / Specific and measureableKPIs for 2017/18 / End of cycle commentary
(including reasons for any significant variances) / End of cycle status
(Achieved; On track; At risk,
Not achieved)
Priority 1: Fiscal responsibilities
- CEO to manage the financial targets in their agency resource agreement.
- Actual v budget figures for:
- Total cost of services
- Net cost of services
- Total equity
- Salary expense level
- Borrowing limit (if applicable)
- Working cash limit
- E.g. Actual financial figures were within budget, and are as follows:
- Total cost of services $4,550,654
- Net cost of services $5,433,199 etc.
- CEO to outline the strategies and policies to manage and reduce their agency leave liability.
- CEO to maintain leave liability below cap set by Treasury(State target figure, e.g. Cap is $4.65M)
- E.g. Leave liability was $4.66M. It is expected that the Department’s leave liability will be below $4.65M by December 2018
- CEO must demonstrate compliance with Public Sector Commissioner’s Circular: 2017-02 Workforce Management – Senior Executive Service and leave liability
- 1. Complete audit of Senior Executive
Service (SES)and submit to PSC
as required.
- 2. Implementation of plan to reduce
SES cohortDelete KPI C.2 for
agencies impacted by Machinery
of Government changes
- 1.
- 2.
- CEOs must demonstrate compliance with the Service Priority Review
- Insert relevant KPI
- CEO must demonstrate compliance with Premier’s Circular 2017/04: Review of payment of all existing attraction and retention incentives
- Review of all attraction and retention incentives are undertaken by
31 August 2017, and the outcome of the review reported to PSC.
Priority 2: Building public trust in the conduct and ethical decision making capacity of the public sector
- CEOs must demonstrate compliance with Commissioner’s Instruction No.8 – Codes of Conduct and Integrity Training
- State target number or % of employees to receive AEDM training
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