BSIMA Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 7:30 pm
Location: Earl Oxford School
Present: John Jansen, President; Myrna Large, Admin.Officer; Lorraine Poirier VM; Lynette Baraniuk, CPN;Shawna Munro, BWMSB; Erin Dodds, East Side Band Director; Graydon Cramer, BWMSB Director; Meaghan Walker, VMMA Director; Anna Penno, CPN Director; Jarret Fuller, Grade 7 Band Director (late)
Regrets: Lorne Melnyk, Communications Officer; Leora Elliot, Financial Officer; Dave Simard, Vice President;
IApproval of Agenda: Motioned by Lorraine, 2nd by Lynette; Cd.
IIApproval of February 15, 2017 Meeting Minutes
-Motion to approve the February 17, 2016 meeting minutes as distributed by Shawna; 2nd by Lynette; Cd.
IIIFinancial Report (Presented by Myrna Large)
-Motion to approve the March Financial Reports as presented by Lynette, 2nd by Lorraine; Cd.
-Note: A $10,000 term deposit was transferred from chequing account for a 28 month term at 2%.
IVAdministrative Officer Report: Myrna Large – attached.
VDirectors’ Reports
VIOld Business
(a)Fruit Sale Planning. The band directors emailed all of the current band parents about the fruit sale co-ordinator position being up for tender.
We received one tender from Melissa Jansen. At this point, John was asked to leave while the offer was discussed. Motion that the fruit sale committee shall interview internal candidate that applied for position of Fruit Sale Co-ordinator and then proceed with external search if candidate is not suited for the position. If the candidate is suitable, a contract will be presented. Motion by Lorraine, 2nd by Shawna. Cd.
(b)Instrument Repair and Cleaning Contract. Brent wanted a few minor changes to the dates, but otherwise, he and band director’s were in agreement with final draft. Motion to proceed with awarding the contract to Brent Campbell and present the updated contract for signature. Motion by Lynette; 2nd by Sherri; Cd.
(c)Insurance for timpani’s at WMCA: As Lorne has not been at the last few meetings, this was tabled to next meeting. In the meantime, Myrna will contact a few other insurers (Anna suggested to get a quote from Anderson Group which specializes in insurance for musical instruments); and Myrna will contact Lorne for all of his information.
(d)Administrative Officer Contract review & revisions – John, Lynette, Erin (Myrna to be excused) – tabled to next meeting.
(e)Budget preparation – Anna, John, Myrna John presented the proposed budget, going over it line by line. Motion by Lorraine, 2nd by Shawna. Cd.
(f)By-Laws and Constitution – Was reviewed in detail. Myrna is to make suggested revisions, and the updated by-laws will be voted on at next meeting.
VIINew Business
(a)Corporation Annual Return due April – Myrna is to follow up with Donald Legal to ensure this is done by the date it is due at the Corporations Branch.
VIIIMiscellaneous – nothing to discuss
IXAdjournment – 9:25 p.m.
Next Meeting – April 19, 2017, 7:30 pm at Earl Oxford School
BSIMA Admin Report
March 15, 2017
This past month has been busy with budget planning and various other administrative duties. The contract for the summer instrument cleaning is about to be finalized; I have reviewed the by-law’s and tried to collect more of the outstanding instrument usage fees. I have also put information about the fruit sale co-ordinator position on the website.
This is the information on the instrument usage fees:
I noted that there are 17 instruments paid but not actually assigned on Eastisde, so asked the band director’s to look into that. I had one parent call me and tell me she is on social assistance and there is no way she can pay the fees, so I have sent her a form for signature to waive her fees.
VMMA 46 016$ 3,190.00$110.00
Crocus 38 5 6$ 2,997.50