Description & Purpose
- TO EXPRESS the appreciation of the Associationfor extraordinary contributions to the advancement of occupational therapy.
Minimal Requirements
- Nominees shall have made a significant contribution to the advancement of occupational therapy. Their efforts could include, but are not limited to: financial contributions, political support, pioneer work, or an outstanding leadership role.
- Members—an individual or group whose services or contributions are clearly beyond those of normal professional duties or responsibilities.
- Nonmembers—an individual or group whose services or contributions have markedly benefited occupational therapy.
Specific Information Regarding Award
- A Certificate of Appreciation will be presented to the recipient(s).
- If a Certificate of Appreciation is to be granted outside of the standard Recognitions Committee process, it must be done with the concurrence of the President, Speaker, the Recognitions Committee Chairperson, and the Executive Director.
Please complete this form for each nomination. All information must be typed.
Note: If notification is to be sent to a university address, please be sure to include as much detailed information on the address as possible, (i.e., room, division, building, mail stop, campus box). Please be aware that notifications may be sent during typical university breaks.
Name & CredentialsTitle
Telephone (Office) / Telephone (Home)
AOTA Member ID # / Expiration Date
Number of years active in occupational therapy:
Name & CredentialsTitle
Telephone (Office) / Telephone (Home)
E-mail (Office)
E-mail (Home)
AOTA Member ID # / Expiration Date
3.SEVEN-WORD STATEMENT: This statement needs to directly reflect the content of the Narrative and capture the significant impact of the individual’s contributions.Please note that this is the statement that will appear on the actual award.The Recognitions Committee reserves the right to modify statements.
- Submit a narrative that describes how the individual’s significant contributions justify his or her receipt of this award. Please refer to the purpose and criteria of the specific award in your discussion of his or her eligibility.
- Do not exceed eight (8) double-spaced pages using 12-point font.
- Please do NOT send letters of support as they are not considered in the review process.
- All nominations must include a signed verification form and photo.
- Include current credentials and name as desired for publication.
- Include pronunciation of name for use of announcer during Awards Ceremony.
- Be sure that photo is in digital jpeg format and in “print” resolution. (Web resolution cannot be accepted).
- Head shots in professional dress are most desirable for publication. If this is not possible, crop unwanted background.
- Questions regarding this award can be directed to rior to the nomination deadline.
- If the required FORMATis not followed, the nomination will NOT BE SCORED. Do NOT include a curriculum vitae (CV).
- Submissions will only be acceptedelectronically. Please send the nomination form and the narrative statement NO LATER THAN September 12, 2013,to .
Statement of Authenticity:
Ihave read the instructions and clarifying information provided me in this document and attest to the accuracy of the information I have included in this nomination form and the accompanying narrative.
Signature of NominatorDate
NOTE:My electronic (typed) signature on this document constitutes my legal signature in accordance with 21 CFR Part 11: Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures Act.
2014 Awards Nomination Information Copyright 2006 The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. All rights reserved.1