Foundation Stage Curriculum Letter
w/c Monday 3rd April 2017
Easter Eggs
This week we will say goodbye to our eleven lively chicks as they are re-homed. If younger siblings or parents / carers haven’t had the chance to see them, they are very welcome to come in and see the chicks after school. They are being re-homed locally which will enable us to have regular updates on their growth.
This week we will be:
· Looking at Easter traditions and understanding the symbol of an egg to represent new life
· Exploring Easter traditions – Easter cards, egg rolling, egg hunt
· Listening to and responding to the Easter story
· Looking at the properties of different materials and designing a package for an egg – then testing it out on the ramp – it could be messy!
· Writing ccvc / cvcc words using the sounds we already know, e.g. black, pram, sink, green,
· Teacher assessment – can we write all the letters we have learnt and form them correctly?
In maths we will be:
· Rehearsing maths skills we already know: counting forwards and back (within 100) counting on in 2’s and 10’s, finding missing numbers, describing and naming 2D and 3D shapes, reading o’clock times, reciting the days of the week, recognising and naming coins and using our learn its to recall addition facts.
· Finding one more / one less than a number to 20
· Ordering numbers to 20
· Recording numbers to 20, creating our own number line
The above activities are in addition to the continuous provision which is always on offer – sand, water, reading corner, writing area, maths area, interactive white board, kindles, construction, dough, home corner, stage, musical instruments, den making, crates and planks, physical area, wheeled area and garden – there is so much to choose from!
Please note: after Easter your child will need a full PE kit (white t-shirt, black shorts, black plimsolls, hair tied back and no earrings)
Thank you for your continued support – enjoy the Easter holidays!
The Foundation Team