Friday Morning Workshops
8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. (May Session 2016)
BasicGrammar (Library Room210)
Improve your grammar skills, usage and function with DilbarKhalimova.
Computer Basics/ Online Learning(Library Computer Laboratory)
Access G-mail and Populi, learn about Microsoft Word formatting, the Internet, and keyboarding with Kenia Campbell.
Debate(Library Room200)
Learn to make your words meaningful and persuasive; learn language of agreeing and disagreeing, negotiating and collaborating; and improve your English and critical thinking skillswith SobirKhonov.
Bridge English(Library Room 304)
Improve reading comprehension skills and work on writing skills to bridge the gap between ESL and degree programs with Charles Johnson.
Intermediate Reading (Library Room 308)
Increase pronunciation, discussion skills, and vocabulary by reading fiction and non-fiction stories with Stacy Tomlinson.
Talk and Write(Library Room 300)
Develop your writing skills and enjoy the writing process while focusing on stylistic and artistic elementswith Deanna Henderson.
Advanced Writing (Library Room 213)
Students will learn about the writing process and its stages: brainstorming, outlining, writing, revising, editing, and proofreading with WelduWeldeyesus.
Business English (Intermediate Level)(Library Room 303)
Students will learn and discuss effective communication for a business setting
Photography Hiking(West End of Library)
Familiarize yourself with the Denver by hiking through some of the cultural and scenic areas
and enhance your conversational and descriptive writing skills at the same time with Thomas Ebele.
Friday Evening Workshops
6:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. (March Session 2016)
Computer Basics/ Online Learning (Library Computer Laboratory)
Access G-mail and Populi, learn about Microsoft Word formatting, the Internet, and keyboarding with Kenia Campbell.
Amazing Excursions (West End of Library)
Familiarize yourself with Denver through hands-on activities and experiences, all while you interact in English with Andrew Bennett.
Bridge English(Library Room 304)
Improve reading comprehension skills and work on writing skills to bridge the gap between ESL and degree programs with Charles Johnson.
Debate(Library Room 200)
Learn to make your words meaningful and persuasive; learn language of agreeing and disagreeing, negotiating and collaborating; and improve your English and critical thinking skills with SobirKhonov.
Advanced Writing(Library Room 213)
Students will learn about the writing process and its stages: brainstorming, outlining, writing, revising, editing, and proofreading with WelduWeldeyesus.
Business English (Intermediate Level)(Library Room 210)
Students will learn and discuss effective communication for a business setting
Movie Critique(Library Room 300)
Improve your cultural knowledge, writing, critical thinking and analysiswith Thomas Ebele.