Unicoi State Park and Lodge
Family Camp 2011
June 6 - June 10, 2011
Family Camp
At Unicoi State Park and Lodge
Family Camp is full of exciting activities that will help you and your family “Get Out. Get Dirty. Get Fit.”! This event was created in honor of the new “Get Outdoors” Georgia initiative. The goal is for families to get outside together and to recreate together!
Family Camp is June 6-June 10, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day. The Camp is for any adult and any child with no minimum or maximum age range. All ages are welcome, but adults are responsible for the child’s care. All activities will be done with the adult and child together. Children may work on the Junior Ranger activities to earn a special Junior Ranger patch if they complete a level during the week.
To keep the Family Camp affordable for any size family, it costs $30.00 per adult for the week and $20.00 per child for the week. Four and under are free. Pre-registration is required before May 28, 2011.
Camp will be limited to 60 participants, and registration will be taken on a first-come-first-serve basis. Participants are encouraged to attend the entire week of activities. If you are only interested in attending a portion of the week, you will be put on a waiting list. If we do not fill up with people that can spend the entire week then your family may be able to attend. However, the cost will be the same regardless of how many days attended. If you have a family member that is only able to attend part of the time, prior arrangements must be made with Jessica James, Recreation Director at least 72 hours before the start of Family Camp.
Please return to us the registration form, a signed waiver (one for each participant), credit card number or check for the family group. You will be notified of your status by telephone or confirmation letter.
Suggested items to bring:
Snacks Shoes for Hiking
Water Bottle Shoes that can get wet
Rain Gear Towel
Insect repellent (optional) Sunscreen
Cooler for fish Fishing Pole (optional) White t-shirt for each family member
Family Camp Schedule:
Monday, June 6th:
9:00 a.m. Registration and Welcome
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Family Camp Activities (Select Two)
Family T-Shirt Creation (bring your own white t-shirt)
Family Team-Building
Tree Identification Hike
Tuesday, June 7th :
9:00 a.m.-9:20 a.m. Morning Announcements
9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Family Camp Activities (Select Two)
Family T-Shirt Creation (bring your own white t-shirt)
Disc Golf
Nature Journaling
8:00 p.m. Family Camp- Campfire
Wednesday, June 8th:
9:00 a.m.-9:20 a.m. Morning Announcements
9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Family Camp Activities (Select Two)
Edible and Medicinal Plant Hike
Nature Journaling
Stories and Tips from the Appalachian Trail
Disc Golf
Owl Pellet Dissection
Schedule continued:
Thursday, June 9th
9:00 a.m.-9:20 a.m.-Morning Announcements
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Pick a Rotation: “Tons of Fun” Rotations: Imagi-play, Healthy Cooking with Your Family, Animal Olympics.
OR Wilderness Survival Rotations: Wilderness Survival, Fire Building, Knot Tying, and Shelter Building
11:30 Lunch: Everyone will meet together for a meal together. Cooked by the participants of the Healthy Cooking Class.
Friday, June 10th
9:30 a.m. –11:30 a.m. Family Camp Challenge
11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.-Awards and Farewell
Activity Descriptions:
Archery: Learn how to draw a bow and shoot an arrow. Learn how to fit and select archery equipment and cover safety. You will then be able to try your hand at shooting. Equipment will be provided. Please do not wear bulky or loose clothing for this activity.
Canoeing/Kayaking: Learn the basic strokes and skills used to control a canoe. We will cover basic canoe safety and then try your hand at practicing on beautiful Unicoi Lake. Also, learn the basic skills and gain instruction for maneuvering a kayak. There will be an opportunity to use these skills.
Campfire: Join other “Family Campers” this evening around the campfire as we trade stories by the fire and put together some S’mores. Bring your own fixin’s or use some of our limited supply! (Fire ring next to the playground –Visitors Center)
Disc Golf: Learn how to play disc golf and try your skills on our temporary disc golf set up just for family campers. Disc golf is a growing sport where you toss a Frisbee-style disc into a metal basket.
Edible and Medicinal Plant Hike:
We will join Sammy Stookesbury, retired Dept. of Natural Resources, for a medicinal and edible plant walk including gathering, preparing, and sampling. We will hike approximately 1 ½ miles.
Family T-Shirt Design.: Create a Family logo and motto, put it on your shirts and be sure to wear them to the Family Challenge. Just bring the right size shirt and we will supply the rest.
Activity Descriptions:
Family Camp Challenge: Everyone will participate on Friday in our Family Camp Challenge. The activities taught throughout the week will be incorporated in this challenge. A few of the challenges will be canoeing, fire building, quick walk, disc golf, and carrying a backpack. Of course, we will have “fun” activities in this challenge as well. There will be several families on each team for this challenge.
Family Teambuilding: As a family you will work together to set goals while participating in fun activities like Moonball, pipeline, and mine field.
Fishing: Learn to catch and clean your own fish. Fishing license is required for anyone over the age of 16. Equipment is available for loan or you can bring your own. Licenses may be purchased at Unicoi Lodge’s Front Desk.
Nature Journaling: The journaling process can greatly enhance the outdoor learning experience, and foster appreciation for one’s role in the natural world. This is a great session for anyone who wants to concentrate on observational skills, nature awareness, art, and self-expression.
Owl Pellet Dissection: Learn about Birds of Prey and their eating habits then have an opportunity to dissect your own owl pellet.
Stories and Tips from the AT: Join an experienced Appalachian Trail hiker as he tells tips and stories for exploring and hiking this 2, 000 mile long trail. He’ll also show equipment and talk about pre-planning.
Tree Identification Hike: Unicoi State Park has 1,050 acres with a variety of trees, plants, wildflowers, and wildlife. Join a Park Ranger as you walk a trail and learn to identify common trees in our region.
“Tons of Fun” Rotations: Join us in launching “Tons of Fun”, an exciting new grant-funded program designed to introduce families to healthy benefits of outdoor recreation. Cook a healthy meal with a trained chef; learn to play and be active with just your family’s imagination; and learn to exercise like the animals on a hike that’s “more than just a hike.”
Wilderness Survival Rotations: This rotation offers a variety of interests including fire building, shelter building, pre-planning & lost prevention, and survival kits.
Family Camp 2011
Registration Form
Please complete the information below and a waiver form for each participant attending
Name of person registering family ______
Email Address: (optional)______
City______State______Zip Code______
Emergency Contact Name and #______
Please indicate if you need assistance with finding camping equipment:
Tent(s): ____ Sleeping Bag(s): ____
Do you or any of the participants have any pre-existing medical conditions that we should be aware of?______
If so, what?______
Total Amount Enclosed:______(make check payable to Unicoi State Park)
Return completed information to:
Unicoi State Park and Lodge
Attn: Programming Department
P.O. Box 849
Helen, GA 30545
For questions call: Jessica James at
1-800-573-9659 ext. 301 or ext. 305
Classes Desired: Each participant will attend two activities each day on Monday-Wednesday. If a family wants to split up and attend different activities, adult supervision is still required for each activity. For each day listed, select two activities. For Thursday pick a rotation: See schedule for times and descriptions.
Every effort will be made to place participants in one of their top two choices for courses. In the event that both top choices are full, you will be called and asked to choose one of the remaining classes with open spaces. You will be sent a confirmation letter with a map of Unicoi within two weeks after your registration is received.
(Please print names as you want it to show on the nametag):
Name of Adult / Day / Two Class ChoicesEx. Jessie James
Frank James / Mon. / Archery and Canoeing
Archery and Fishing
Name of Child(ren) / Age / Day / Two Class Choices
For Adults & Minors
EVENT: Family Camp DATE: Monday June 6, 2009-June 10, 2011
I/we understand that there are risks of injury or death or damage to property involved in my or my/our child’s participation in such an event, that it is my/our responsibility to insure the safety of the equipment used and to see that it is operated properly, and that the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and its staff, representatives, agents, and officers assume no responsibility for the condition of such equipment, its operations, or safety of the activities involved in this event. I/we waive, release, and covenant not to sue upon any claims of damage against the Department and its officers, staff, representatives and agents, including, but not limited to, claims for wrongful death, medical expenses, personal injury and damage to property, that may occur as the result of my or my/our child’s participation in this event.
Furthermore, I/we agree to pay, indemnify and save the State of Georgia, the North Georgia Mountains Authority, and the Department and its officers, staff, representatives and agents harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, costs, expenses, causes of action, suits, demands, judgments, and claims of any nature whatsoever, including, but not limited to, any liability the Department may incur because of the Department’s negligent conduct, arising from, by reason of, or in connection with my or my/our child’s participation in this event.
I/we further understand that such an event requires all participants to be in good health and without physical limitations and I/we certify that I am and that my/our child is in good health and have no physical limitations.
I/we also give permission for Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites to take my photograph to be used in future publications.
1.______, SIGNATURE______
2.______, SIGNATURE______
3.______, SIGNATURE______
4.______, SIGNATURE______
CITY______STATE______ZIP CODE______
(or) LEGAL GUARDIAN______DATE______