1.Basic Information

1.1Désirée Number:2004/016-710.05.07

1.2Title: Guide to good hygiene practice and HACCP implementation in trade (retail) sector – Butcher shops, Meat Counters and Fisheries

1.3Sector: Internal Market

1.4Location: Slovenia


2.1Overall Objective(s):

The overal objective of the project is improve consumers’ confidence in healthy food and consequently in protection of consumer’s health in the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

2.2Project purpose:

The purpose of the project, namely the sample model of the rules of good hygiene practice and sample model of the system of HACCP for Butcher Shops, Meat counters and Fisheries, will allow implementing the legal requirements in the field of providing healthy and safe foodstuffs and traceability thereof in the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

The preparation, processing, packaging, storing, transportation, distribution, handling and offering for sale or supply of foodstuffs shall be carried out in a hygienic way, especially for butchers, meat counters and fisheries.

2.3Comprehensive Monitoring Report

The priorities relevant to this project are identified in the Comprehensive Monitoring Report, Chapter1:Free Movement of goods. ("prepare the relevant administration and food operators for the implementation of EC principles of food safety").

This chapter talk that principle of the free movement of goods implies that products must be traded freely from one part of the Union to another. In a number of sectors, this general principle is supplemented with a harmonised regulatory framework, following the “old approach” (imposing precise product specifications) or the “new approach” (imposing general product requirements).

The transposition of harmonised European product legislation represents the vast majority of the content of this chapter.

In the area of foodstuffs, the transposition of the acquis is almost complete. Legislation was adopted which aims at transposing the acquis on official control, hygiene and contact materials.

Finally, amendments to the Food Act should also be adopted. In June 2003 Slovenia adopted a governmental decree on co-ordination of the Ministries and bodies with responsibility in the area of food safety, defining responsibilities between the various bodies involved in food controls. All procedures for RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) are laid down in the above decree and the national contact point in Slovenia has been designated within the Health Inspectorate. As regards the enforcement of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Systems), the system has been in force since 1 January 2003 at all stages for foods in general and since 1 December 2002 for products of animal origin.

With the notable exception of the area of foodstuffs and food safety, where compliance is good, Slovenia must complete transposition of the remaining sectoral legislation in order to complete preparations for accession.

In accordance with this Chapter (Free movement of goods), this project will contribute to complete transpositon of the remaining sector legislation in order to complete preperations for accession - in our case to prepare guide to good higiene practice and implementation of HACCP standard in trade sector, but specially for Butcher shops, Meat Counters and Fisheries.

2.4Acquis communitaire

Accordingly, this section opens with an assessment of the acquis relating to the cornerstones of the internal market which are known as the “four freedoms”, and continues with a systematic review of each of the chapters, covering all aspects of the acquis, including sectoral policies, economic and fiscal affairs, regional policy, environment, justice and home affairs, external policies, and financial questions.

The principle of the free movement of goods implies that products must be traded freely from one part of the Union to another. In a number of sectors, this general principle is supplemented with a harmonised regulatory framework, following the “old approach” (imposing precise product specifications) or the “new approach” (imposing general product requirements). The transposition of harmonised European product legislation represents the vast majority of the content of this chapter..

The horizontal and procedural measures necessary for the administration of the Community product acquis in the new approach sector are in place. Legislation has been transposed and is in line with the acquis.

Beside that we must consider EU Regulations No.178/2002,882/2004, 852/2004, 853/2004 and Regulation 854/2004.

  1. Description

3.1Background and justification:

The most important task for each market operator in foodstuffs is to provide unhindered transfer of healthy and safe foodstuffs in the entire chain from the manufacturer to end consumer. Provision shall be made for traceability of foodstuffs. This is required by numerous end consumers who are becoming more and more aware of the problems regarding safety of foodstuffs (food-borne infections are more and more common problems of dioxin, BSE, etc.).

The European Union stipulates in its Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 and Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 that the market operator selling foodstuffs to end consumers shall identify any step in their activities which is critical to ensure food safety (biological, chemical or physical hazards) and ensure that adequate safety procedures (HACCP Programme) are identified, maintained and controlled. When deviations or non-compliances which could be dangerous for the consumer’s health are established, the market operator shall take appropriate corrective measures, including the possibility of withdrawal and/or destruction of foodstuffs, or the market operator shall stop the trade in such foodstuffs until all the risks or non-compliances have been completely removed.

In the middle of 2001 “Strategy of the Safety of Food and Foodstuffs in the Republic of Slovenia” was adopted, by which Slovenia wants to ensure the highest standards of food and foodstuffs safety in cooperation with economic operators. This is its key orientation and priority.

Foodstuffs: Based on the adopted Act Regulating the Sanitary Suitability of Foodstuffs, Products and Materials Coming into Contact with Foodstuffs and the Agricultural Act, a series of implementing regulations will have been gradually adopted by the end of 2002, by which legal basis will be ensured for implementing the free movement of goods, as well as for the protection of public health and that of the consumers. Adoption of the legislation on specific (agricultural) food products will enable Slovenia to trade in foodstuffs that meet the additional requirements, prescribed in horizontal and vertical directives referring to foodstuffs.

The Act Regulating the Sanitary Suitability of Foodstuffs, Products and Materials Coming into Contact with Foodstuffs was adopted in the middle of 2000 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 52/00, 42/02 and 47/04), Articles 17 and 37, lays down that undertakings engaged in manufacturing and trade in foodstuffs and public supply of drinking water shall, by means of internal control, monitor and ensure health and hygiene of foodstuffs throughout all stages of manufacturing and sale. Internal control shall be implemented on the basis of the system of HACCP, allowing identification of microbiological, chemical and physical agents, which may pose a risk to human health, implementation of appropriate measures and implementation of constant control at those points (critical control points) in manufacturing and sale of foodstuffs where such risks may occur.

In the middle of 2005 a Phare project concerning the preparation of Guides to good hygiene practice under the principles of HACCP system in trade sector was completed, however, it does not include the area of butcher shops, meat counters and fisheries.

At the beginning of the preparation of the successfully completed Phare project in 2005 the project team, including the selected European partner, decided that the area of preparing general guidelines on the hygiene of foodstuffs, falling under the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, is extremely extensive and therefore it was agreed that guides for individual special areas, such as guides for butcher shops, meat counters and fisheries and traceability of food commodities should be prepared separately as an upgrade of the project mentioned above. Consequently, only one third of the authorised allocation of financial resources was used in the above-mentioned Phare project.

An additional justification of the project upgrading by preparing special guides for butcher shops, meat counters and fisheries is the fact that different bodies are responsible for the official health control. The area of butcher shops, meat counters and fisheries in the Republic of Slovenia is under the official control of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food – Veterinary Administration and not of the Ministry of Health – Health Inspectorate.

3.2Linked activities:

The Phare project within FM`03, Guides to good hygiene practice and HACCP implementation in trade (retail) sector (SI 2003/004-938) is the predecessor to the currently proposed project.

During the Phare project “Guide to good hygiene practice and HACCP implementation in trade (retail) sector” has acquired additional knowledge on the implementation of HACCP in trade sector in Ireland (the contracting country). Also on the basic practical experiences during the visiting of Ireland we prepared these Guide with close cooperation with all project partners (FSAI, Ministry of the Economy, Trade Association – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Health Inspectorate of Republic of Slovenia).

The preparation of the above mentioned documents is therefore very important for the fulfilment of the requirements set in the Rules on Official control of Foodstuffs and Rules on Hygiene of Foodstuffs in Slovenia.


The result is to obtain the market operators “Guide” to good hygiene practice and to implement HACCP through the trade sector (wholesale trade and distribution, retail trade) specially for butchers, meat counters and fisheries.

The Guide should be the basis for the practical use of hygiene practice and for the training of market operators.

Implementation of the principles of good hygiene practice will allow direct involvement in looking after healthy diet and health. Consumers will be able to choose healthy and safe foodstuffs.


Prepare a model of a “guide” to good hygiene practice for Butcher Shops, Meat Counters and Fisheries in trade sector: preparation and expert review of basic orientations upon setting up and maintenance of the internal control under the HACCP system principles (identification of risk factors/risks, general requirements and recommendations).

Training of the market operators staff will be carried out on the basis of the sample model in accordance with the guide to good hygiene practice and the reference model from HACCP plan:

-organise consultations for the management personnel in trade with the emphasis on the responsibility for the established system of good hygiene practice, which allows for the identification of risk factors, measures for risk factor management, implementation of those measures, maintenance and verification;

-organise consultations for operative trade personnel (people who are engaged in purchasing, transport and sale of merchandise), where the implementation of the good hygiene practice and the system of HACCP in trade sector will be shown practically.

Study visit for participants from Slovenia in parner country (presentation of system of good higiene practice and HACCP system in practice, visit some companies which have HACCP system…).

A model of the HACCP plan is a document, which will be prepared on the basis of seven general HACCP principles. The plan lays down the procedures that market operators have to take into account and follow in order to control hazards, which are important for ensuring food safety during the supply or sale of goods to end consumers.

A list of general critical control points is to be identified and defined in the course of the project.Critical control points are the points, stages or processes, on the basis of which market operators will, by means of appropriate control measures, prevent, eliminate or reduce potentially dangerous hazards (biological, chemical or physical).

The Guide will define preventive measures in case a hazard is identified in a foodstuff or in relation to it, which may pose a risk to consumer’s health if ingested.

Preventive are actions or activities, carried out by market operators in order to ensure control of measures individual type of hazard. These measures will help eliminate or reduce the potential hazards.

3.5 Profile of the experts required:

The working language is English, therefore English speaking experts are required.


It is proposed that all international expert (public sector/civil servant) possesses knowledge in the following fields:

  • rules of good hygiene practice in wholesale trade, distribution and retail trade in foodstuffs, based on the European legislation and trade practice;
  • principles of the system of HACCP and its implementation in trade sector;
  • requirements, based on the experience gained during official control of the practical implementation of the Food Safety system in trade.


  • Project leader shoul be senior experts or special concellor which has minimum 15 year working experience, and at least 5 years of managerial experience in leading projects. It is desired that the selected project leader has some years of working experience in projects in the area of food safety.
  • Each member of project team of MS (2-4) should have personnel experiance in the implementation of institutional aspects by the projects. Each member must have minimum 8 years working experiance. Members of the project team have to have practical working experience in the field of food safety in butcher shops, meat counters and fisheries.

Number of days for the assignments per expert:

Table: Milestones

Activities: / Expert: /

Approx. EUR per each activitie

1. / Milestone I.
Prepare a model of a “guide” to good hygiene practice for Butcher Shops, Meat Counters and Fisheries in trade sector / 2 veterinary expert / 30.000 EUR
2. / Milestone II.
  • Training of the market operators staff
Study visit (one week) for approx. 7 participants / 4 veterinary
experts / 45.000 EUR
3. / The balance of the financial resources in the approx. amount of EUR 25.000 will be used for covering other costs (graphical design, printing...). / 25.000 EUR
Total: / 100.000 EUR

3.6.Lessons learned

Under paragraph 3.2 mentioned Phare project, was at the begining of that project agreed by project team and selected European partner, that the area of preparing general guidelines on the hygiene of foodstuffs is extremely extensive and therefore it was agreed that guides or individual special areas, such as HACCCP for butcher shops,meat counters and fish shops will be prepared seperately as an upgrade of the project mentioned above.

4.Institutional Framework

The Ministry of the Economy (MoE) has the overall responsibility for the DG Internal Market and will take the overall co-ordination of the project.

Implementing and Contracting Authority with the overall responsibility for the implementation of the project will be the MoE.

Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food – Veterinary Office gave authority for running the project under the Ministry of the Economy (MoE).

The Central Finance and Contracting Unit (CFCU) of the Ministry of Finance, acting as Implementing Agency, will be responsible for contracting and financial matters in accordance with the GGAPPI.

5.Detailed Budget (in EUR)

TF / Support
Support / Institution
Building / Total TF (=I+IB) / National Cofinancing* / IFI* / TOTAL
Contract 1 / 100.000 / 100.000
(76.92%) / 30.000
(23.08%) / 130.000
Total / 100.000 / 100.000 / 30.000 / 130.000

* In cases of co-financing only

The project will be co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia in an amount of 30.000 EUR in the year 2006.These funds are earmarked in the budget and will be used for the costs related to hiring conference room for workshops, interpretation, the travel costs for the national experts and the running costs related to the implementation of the project, according to the twinning manual.

Part of the national cofinance will be cofinanance from side of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia – Trade Association. They will cofinance 3.000 EUR for cover material costs during project (for example: hiring a session hall where two consultations for the management and operative personnel in trade will be held etc).

6.Implementation Arrangements

6.1Implementing Agency

Ministry of Finance -CFCU

Beethovnova 11

SI - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Responsible person:

Mr Peter Škofič, PAO

Tel: +386 1 478 6994

Fax: +386 1 478 6204



Republic of Slovenia

Ministry of the Economy

Kotnikova 5

Sl - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Responsible person:

Mr. Peter Puhan M. Sc., General Director for DG Internal Market

Tel.: +386 1 478 3561

Fax: +386 1 478 3622

Project leader:

Ms. Barbara Koci, M.Sc., Senior Adviser, DG Internal Market

Tel: +386 1 478 37 13

Fax: +386 1 478 3283


6.3Non-standard aspects

Not relevant


There will be one twinning light contract in total amount of 0.100 million €.

7.Implementation Schedule

7.1Start of tendering / call for proposals: December 2005

7.2Start of contract: March 2006

7.3.Project Completion: September 2006 or at least 2 months before

the expiry date of the disbursement period

of the Financing Memorandum.

8.Equal Opportunity

Equal opportunities will be fully respected in the selection of experts.


Not relevant.

10.Rates of return

Not relevant.

11.Investment criteria

11.1Catalytic effect:

Not relevant


The project will be co-financed by national funding and part from side of

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia – Trade Association


Not relevant

11.4Project readiness and Size:

Not relevant


Not relevant

11.6Compliance with state aids provisions

Not relevant

11.7Contribution to National Development Plan

Not relevant

12.Conditionality and sequencing

There is no specific conditionality related to this project.

Annexes to project Fiche

1.Logical framework matrix in standard format (compulsory)

2.Detailed implementation chart (compulsory)

3.Contracting and disbursement schedule by quarter for full duration of programme (including disbursement period) (compulsory)

4.Implementation time chart