Apprenticeships and traineeships for young people in Hertfordshire

The number of apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities in Hertfordshire remains high but we need to do more to encourage young people with learning disabilities and
difficulties to access them in order to help more young people with additional needs move into sustainable employment.

An apprenticeship is a real job with training. The apprentice can earn a salary whilst achieving nationally recognised qualifications. Apprenticeships take between one and four years to complete and cover 1500 job roles as diverse as accountancy, engineering, financial advice and veterinary nursing.

Securing a job as an apprentice can be difficult for young people who lack experience and confidence in the workplace. Traineeships provide the perfect stepping stone to build
self-confidence, develop vocational skills and undertake a high-quality work
placement with a local employer to help to prepare them to secure an apprenticeship.

What is happening in Hertfordshire?

We want to:

•  Create more apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities with supportive employers

•  Use traineeships as a stepping-stone programme to build the skills, confidence and experience of young people who are not quite ready for an apprenticeship

•  Support employers to feel confident about employing young people who may have
additional needs

All training providers, including colleges, operating in Hertfordshire have committed to
increasing the number of apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities in the county. There is a growing programme of traineeships which will enable more young people to move into employment with training.

Next steps

The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Provider Network, in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council and Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) are putting measures in place to ensure that:

•  The range and volume of apprenticeships available across Hertfordshire continues to increase

•  Staff working with apprentices and trainees have the correct skills, knowledge and training to support individuals with additional needs

•  Skilled job coaches are informed of the suitable opportunities available

•  Employers feel confident to deliver in-work support to their apprentices and trainees with additional needs

There will also be support for employers to increase their confidence in working with young people with additional needs, help them understand what young people can achieve and help them employ a diverse workforce.


If you would like more information about apprenticeships or traineeships visit or speak to your local Youth Connexions team by calling 01438 844999 or email: