Human Resources Division
Performance and Development Review Scheme
Document Name: / Performance and Development Review SchemeVersion number: / 0.3
Status: / Final document
Approved by: / Keith Watkinson, Executive Director of Human Resources
Effective from: / 1 August 2010
Date for review: / September 2013
Author: / Lesley Peel, of the HumanResources Division
Owner: / Human Resources Division
Document control: / All printed versions of this document are classified as uncontrolled. A controlled version of this document is available upon request from theHuman Resources Division (52121) or on the ‘Policies & Forms’ page of the HR Website (
Version History
Version number: / Date: / Nature of Change
(change/reasons for change/comments)
0.1 / 22.12.11 / Draft for review
0.2 / 14.02.12 / Incorporating above amendments
0.3 / 29.02.2012 / Finalise links
Scope and purpose of policy: / This policy and process outlines the University’s approach to managing performance, maximising individual contribution, supporting personal development and ensuring alignment to the University’s vision and strategic objectives for all employees.
Achieving the University’s vision, requires a clear understanding of how we allcontribute to its success and regular, honest progress reviews to ensure we all deliver as expected.
Policy start point: / Objective Setting
Policy end point: / End of Year Review
(Where appropriate, for those staff above Grade 10, reward for performance is determined by the Remuneration Committee,which normally meetsin November)
Compliance: / PDR will support achievement of the University’s strategic goals as well as helping to engage and develop employees.
Who this policy applies to: /
- All employees. The University has 3 PDR processes to meet the needs of different colleagues:-
- Senior PDR This group consists of;the Executive, Pro Vice Chancellors/Deans of College, Heads of School, Executive Directors, Directors Associate Directors and Heads of Services.
- Professorial PDR for professors
- General PDR – for the majority of UoSemployees
Policy users: /
- Line Managers/PDR Reviewers/all employees
1.Detail of Policy
1.1.PurposeThe University has consolidated its approach to performance management from end to end.The University of Salford recognises the contribution of its colleagues in delivering its vision and strategic goals. Effective performance management also provides a clear, consistent and cohesive process for managing employees and setting expectations required, whilst supporting their personal development, helping them to achieve theirtargetsand ultimately driving employee satisfaction and engagement.
The Performance DevelopmentReview policy and procedure has therefore been adopted by the University to provide a framework for supporting employees and Line Manager/PDR Reviewers with people management responsibility through the process of performance management and development.
In addition it is recognised that members of senior management have the lead role to play in setting and maintaining a performance culture at the University, and in driving through the changes that will enable the University to achieve its mission and strategic plan. Managing performance at the most senior levels in the University sets the tone for the performance dialogue elsewhere in the University.
1.2.Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of the PDRprocess are:
- To facilitate the process of setting SMART objectives, ensuring a link to the University’s vision and strategic goals
- To help motivate individuals by providing support, feedback and guidance in respect of their contribution and personal development
- To help to support ongoing, constructive and open dialogue between employees and their line managers
- To sustain a culture of continuous improvement
The following guiding principles underpin the UoSPDR process and should be observed in order to maximise overall benefit for the University and its employees:
- The process should be fair, transparent and consistent; providing sufficient evidence for assessing, recognising and rewarding individual contributions
- Line Managers/PDR Reviewers play a fundamental role in driving the PDR process – this includes making the necessary time required to execute this process and develop employees as part of a dedicated approach to career succession planning.
- The process provides the means to cascade the University’s strategic objectives through the Executive and LeadershipGroup and further down within the University.
- Objectives should be in line with institutional and departmental strategies and should therefore feed into the planning process.
- There will be at least three structured meetings annually between the reviewer and reviewee; an initial meeting to agree SMART objectives, a mid-point review and an end of PDR review.
- The end of year PDR review is the culmination of a continuous dialogue surrounding the individual’s performance which has taken place throughout the year.
- Following the end of year PDR review, the manager /PDR reviewer will provide a rating for the employee.
- This process should support and develop those that have been identified as not meeting agreed objectives.
- EmbeddingPDR will enable the University tomaximise performance, positively impacting on employees’ careers and overall success of the University.
Participants in this process will be all employees. This includes:
- All full and part time permanent employees of the University
- Employees on a full or part time fixed term contract
1.5.The Performance Review Cycle
The Executive should set their objectives for the coming year in advance of the start of the scheme year, to allow time for objectives to be cascaded to ensure all other employees’ objectives are aligned and commence at the start of the scheme year.
Our aim is for our colleagues to be willing partners who believe in the purpose and values they are working towards. Therefore it is important that the line manager/ PDR reviewer and reviewee maintain frequent and open dialogue. This would include progress against agreed objectives, amendments to objectives, the quality of outputs,any support requirements and opportunities for development.
1.6.PDR Meetings
Whilst the University encourages frequent dialogue and reviews between reviewees and their Line Managers/PDR Reviewers, the following formal meetings must take place as part of the PDR process. It is important that Line Managers/PDR Reviewers should set aside appropriate time –allow 1-2 hours- for these meetings.
1.7.Ensuring Consistency
The University recognises the need to ensure that thePDR policy and procedure is operated and applied in a fair and consistent manner. In order to do this a number of checks and balances are built into the process. These include:
- Driving the cascade of objectives from the Vice Chancellor down through the University
- Provision of some generic objectives where applicable
- Training is available for all participants involved in the PDR process covering skills and application.
- Where required, a Human Resources representative will facilitate calibration of individual end of year performance ratings.
All new starters or individuals who change role should be set SMART objectives in line with the PDR process within one month of commencing their new role, even if this is part way through thePDR cycle.
In the event that an individual has been at the University for less than three months at the End of PDR Review period they should not be given a rating until the following year. Any performance concerns during the first year of service should be managed in line with the Performance Improvement Policy and with the involvement ofHuman Resources representative.
Internal appointments/reviewers/employee who change roles within the University and who have in excess of three months service at the end of year review period should receive a review and rating as normal. It is the responsibility of the current Line Manager/PDR Reviewer to conduct a performance review meeting before they leave their current role and for the newLine Manager/PDR Reviewer to ensure the handover of previousPDR discussions and documentation.
1.9.Leave of Absence
In situations where the employee is planning to take a significant period of time off work including maternity, adoption, long-term carer’s leave and career breaks the Line Manager/PDR Reviewer should conduct a performance review prior to the period of leave commencing. The Line Manager/PDR Reviewer should determine a proposed rating, discuss this with their HR Business Partner and then agree this with the employee accordingly. If it is less than three months into the PDR cycle no rating should be attributed for this year provided that the employee intends to be on leave for the remainder of this particularPDR cycle.
On returning from leave the Line Manager/PDR Reviewer should agree objectives for the remainder of the PDR cycle or on commencement of a newPDR cycle.
In instances of long term sickness absence it is recommended that theLine Manager/PDR Reviewer discusses the most suitable and appropriate options with their HR Business Partner. This may include agreeing an adjusted/revised set of objectives if they return within the samePDR cycle.
1.10. PDR Documentation
It is the responsibility of the Line Manager/PDR Reviewer to ensure that the relevantPDR form is completed and that a record is kept of objectives set and subsequent review meetings.
Both the Line Manager/PDR Reviewer and the reviewee should keep a copy of the current version of the relevantPDR form. Following the End of PDR Review the Line Manager/PDR Reviewer should retain the completed documentation to assist in the calibration process.
Following completion of the calibration process the Line Manager/PDR Reviewer and reviewee may wish to retain a copy of thePDR documentation for their records. Please note, that there is no requirement for the Line Manager/PDR Reviewer to forward the completed documentation to Human Resources following the calibration session.
Whilst objectives set at the start of the scheme year should be shared with reporting staff to ensure objectives are cascaded and aligned, once the forms start to be completed at mid and end of year reviews the forms will be confidential to those that are involved directly in the review process or that have a role to play in acting on the outcomes of the review – in which case their access to the form will be restricted to that part which is relevant to the specific purpose. This will include the reviewer, the second level reviewer, the reviewee and a Human Resources Representative.
All forms should be retained securely inpersonal network drive folders or if hard copy in a secure, lockable storage solution.
1.12.Monitoring and Reporting
A University Key Performance Indicator has been agreed that will report on the numbers of PDRs set and reviewed and these details will be reported through to Council and the Executive Committee on a monthly basis.It is the responsibility of the Human Resources division to communicate with Line Managers the process for collating this data. It is the responsibility for Line Managers/PDR Reviewers to provide the data in a timely manner.
2.Links to Other Policies or Related Documentation
2.1.Related Documentation- Employee /General PDR Form
- Professorial PDR Form
- Senior PDR Form
- Other Policies
- Performance Improvement Policy
- Performance Improvement Procedure
Owner: Human Resources
Version 0.3 February 2012Page 1 of 6