About working-class movement have almost overlooked - after 1997-98 on which the peak of miner's performances(statements) was came, протестныеactions have gone on recession, and trade unions as could, adapted for the Russian validity and mass actions for a long time do not disturb authority. Mass national гуляния, which are collected for one day by Federation of independent trade unions of Russia (the last before discussion of the budget - 2006 in the State Duma), it is impossible to take seriously. Few splashes in trade-union activity occur, more likely, contrary to the general(common) tendency. The basic role not the large national trade-union organizations like ФНПРhere play, and the trade unions working at a level of concrete branches and the separate enterprises. Absence of due support on the part of the large trade-union centers result to that actions(shares) of trade unions (strike, meetings, pickets) have rather rare character. For the last some years are possible to recollect all some cases when trade unions tried to represent actively interests of hired workers, and even less often they managed to achieve however or appreciable results. In the summer of 2003. The federation of trade unions of airdispatchers has organized strike with the requirement of increase of the size of wages which has captured all Volga region and Northwest federal district, that in a result has forced authorities (Ministry of Transport) to go on concessions. In the autumn of the last year workers of car assembly enterprise Ford Motor Co have organized precautionary "working-to-rule", also demanding increase in the salary. In the same occasion striked the last year both on the Autovase, and on capital objects "Don - building", and up to them workers of factory Coca-Cola in Peter were indignant.
This year working performances(statements) began more - for 9 months Росстатhas counted 1200 participants of strikes against 500 for January - September of 2005. In conditions of the new legislation on work протестныеactions(shares) pass, basically, in the form of meetings and pickets. Approximately since spring of 2006 the basic point протестныхperformances(statements) became Hunts - Мансийский district (ХМАО) which gives almost 60 % of all Russian to oil. In September - October the authorized meetings of the protest Hunts - Мансийского have passed almost on all cities districts - in Nizhnevartovsk, Tyumen, Surgut, Megion, Лянторе, Пыть-Яхе, Noyabrsk, Губкинском, Пойковском. In them participated, basically, workers of the largest oil companies: oilmen, газовики, geologists and транспортники. In the middle of November oilmen from Surgut, Megion, Khanty-Mansiysk and Nizhnevartovsk have arranged pickets in Moscow. Protest action have dated for opening congress ФНПР. It is remarkable, that they protested not against actions of employers or authorities, and against itself ФНПР, accusing her(it) in suppression of working-class movement. In the same days workers picketed capital offices TNK-VR and Surgutneftegaz. The basic purpose - to pay attention the public to heavy work of oilmen, is non-comparable low wages and heavy working conditions. Though participants of actions(shares) work in the different companies, but put forward the same requirements: increases of the salary, observance of the labour code, the termination(discontinuance) of reprisals against trade-union activists.
Протестноеthe movement of oilmen growing since spring of this year, has a number(line) of features:
- First, the discontent is stated only by employees of the richest industries, namely, the enterprises of a fuel and energy complex where the average salary exceeds average on the country more than in 3 times, and development of business - processes in the "oligarchical" oil companies assumes superrigid discipline.
- The protest is organized not by branch and national trade-union associations, and local trade-union activists of the enterprises. Having begun in traditional trade-union frameworks from promotion of requirements about increase of the salary of the administration of the enterprises, it(he) was then poured out in city protest actions.
- The local trade-union organizations from holder ФНПРand alternative trade unions have acted as a united front.
- Протестныеactions look very "moderate". Organizers of movement are going to remain in trade-union frameworks and to operate only with lawful way. Active workers constantly emphasize, that they not supporters of strikes, understanding what consequences will be, and do not put forward any political requirements.
- The trade unions organizing протестныеactions, do not go on conciliatory proposals. Before protesting workers went on concessions to owners: workers of company " Форд " have agreed to increase in 13-15 % (wanted 30 %) and obligation to pay the thirteenth salary, employees Petersburg пивоварниHeineken have agreed upon increase of salaries on third against the declared 50 %.
As протестныеactions have initially been located at the separate enterprises belonging to three Companies, namely – Slavneft, Surgutneftegaz, ТНК-ВР, it is necessary to consider these situations more in detail.
The first enterprise on which trade-union actions in protection of the rights of workers have begun, began Open Society " Slavneft - Мегионнефтегаз "[1]. The basic requirements of oilmen "Мегионнефтегаза" - increase of a wages and allocation 3,5 billion roubles on the decision of social problems. The situation which now participants of movement name prestrike, has arisen because of discrepancy of profits of the Company and a social status of people, in it(her) working. The basic claim - at increase in an oil recovery, at increase in volumes of extraction, at increase in the price at oil the salary of workers keeps at a level of 2001 and makes 10-15 thousand roubles. Whereas at neighbours, - at the enterprises of other oil companies which are taking place in region – on 3-5 thousand is higher.
The direct reason became news about the size of dividends which намеривалисьto pay to shareholders. The leader of movement – chairman профкомаthe enterprise which are included in Нефтегазпрофсоюз, and nowadays chairman of city association of the organizations of trade unions Peter Leshchik, explains injustice of a situation as follows: Shareholders of the company who have received profit as dividends on billions roubles, in 2004 could allocate all 25 million on construction of habitation. It turns out, that they "exhaust" the proceeds and all incomes from the company, and us leave beggars. They do not build habitation, do not develop social sphere in city, do not raise the salary and today prepare for the company for sale. After September, 30 dividends will be again paid for the first half-year 2005 in the sum 26, 5 billion roubles to shareholders. The conflict at our enterprise has not simply character of labour dispute. At us the prestrike situation has ripened.
Dialogue with administration has initially failed. The general director of Open Society " Slavneft - Мегионнефтегаз " has let know, that the management of the company is not adjusted on increase of the salary, and it(he) is not authorized to solve similar problems, it – a prerogative of shareholders. Therefore, having decided(solved), that there is no sense to sit down a negotiating table with the employer, the trade union tries to influence mass actions shareholders. Preliminary picketing in Megion has passed in June. On picket has left about 60 members of trade union and about hundred workers of other enterprises and city dwellers. But, shareholders have not heard « a voice of people » and to requirements have not reacted. Then the trade union has submitted the application for carrying out of city meeting. In September, before assembly of shareholders, about 600-700 workers of Open Society " Slavneft - Мегионнефтегаз " have expressed public disagreement by a level of salaries and the general(common) social policy of the enterprise. The matter is that besides the salary very sharply there is a problem with habitation. Many workers till now live in "beams" (these are barracks from the boards, trim with slate or covered with clay). Those few who has an apartment, have bought her(it) on credit from the company. Conditions are those, that payment of the credit (up to 19 % from cost monthly) is found from the salary in which structure the big share is made with the premium which can and not pay.
Organizers протестныхactions are профлидерыfrom holder ФНПР, besides Peter Leshchika (Нефтегазпрофсоюз), Vladimir Shanin - предпрофкомаtrade union of workers of motor transport and a road facilities(economy) at enterprise " Автотранссервис " and his(its) assistant Peter Fedchuk. According to Peter Leshchika, now in the trade-union organization of the enterprise 500 person, all in "Мегионнефтегазе" трудятся5100 workers (it will consist without taking into account those who is registered in affiliated companies, 12-13 thousand more the person). The salary in "daughters" is even lower. For example, workers "Мегионнефтегазгеологии" whom on a month and it is more трудятсяon geological prospecting, on construction of works, receive the salary of 6-8 thousand roubles. Besides at the enterprise it is a lot of infringements of the labour rights. For example: do not pay processing, "press" members of trade union which receive on 2-3 thousand less the others.
Now мегионскиеleaders actively go on the different cities of HMAO, meet workers of the different enterprises, trying to unit all протестноеmovement in region. It is created стачечныйcommittee which will develop a plan of measures on carrying out of a general strike - while at level ХМАО- in the beginning of 2007.
Other center of performance(statement) of workers became such oasis of prosperity of workers, as company " Surgutneftegaz " where always paid more, than in other companies and where in former years workers of YUKOS and ТНКwere frankly torn. Nevertheless, since June in Surgut where the central office of the company is located, and also a number(line) of other cities has passed a number(line) of protest actions of workers of the Company organized by trade unions. In the middle of July in demonstration of workers have taken part up to 5000 person - serious figure for 290-thousand Surgut, and since then meetings and pickets pass every month. The basic requirements - observance of norms of the labour legislation and a labour safety, increase of the fixed rate of salaries, reduction of penal sanctions and the correct attitude(relation) to workers on the part of the heads.
As to trade-union participation in a case of "Surgutneftegaz" self-organizing of workers and creation of alternative trade union took place. Профкомаthe enterprises, included in Нефтегазпрофсоюз, has taken frankly an antiworking position. On words предпрофкомаVladimir Zubaleja: « Workers receive a little, because badly work "," "Surgutneftegaz" - one of the best companies "," we have bought new deposits, and it is necessary to tighten(delay) belts(zones) "," meetings - extremism » and workers « with complaints do not address almost ». On ground of trade-union non-interference has appeared alternative профобъединение "Профсвобода" or as it(him) name - "trade union Zaharkina", including nowadays in "Соцпроф". After oilmen have created independent trade union and have organized protest actions against social policy of a management of the company, checks, reprimands with deprivation of the premium, compulsion to dismissals and dismissals of workers - active workers have begun. The leader Surgut"Профсвободы" Alexey Zaharkina, the former crane operator, have for the beginning deprived with all premiums, and have then dismissed.
As a result of mass actions the management(manual) of Surgutneftegaz on behalf of chairman of board V.Bogdanova has entered negotiations to find a mutually acceptable output(exit) from the created situation. Offers of the Company made increase of the salary since October on 20 % and increase since January, 1, 2007 of a guaranteed part of the salary up to 40 % (now she(it) makes less than 30 %). Workers on the compromise have not gone, insisting on performance of requirements, in particular, changes of structure of a payment.
The resolution of meeting
workers of Open Society " Surgutneftegaz "
22.10.06 Surgut
We, workers of the enterprise of Open Society " Surgutneftegaz " and trade union " ПРОФСВОБОДА " - participants of meeting, protest against our legal vulnerability, gradual and systematic replacement of workers from all spheres of a public and political life. The main driving force of numerous actions(shares) in ХМАОbecame economic trouble of workers, including oilmen, the general(common) decrease(reduction) in a standard of life.
The salary completely does not correspond(meet) to northern conditions. Oilmen appeared are almost deprived social guarantees of northerners.
The antisocial policy(politics) of the oil-and-gas companies directed only on extraction of the maximal profit and enrichment of group of persons in damage of labour collectives, whose work makes national riches, can lead to to sociopolitical crisis.
The requirements which were put forward on meeting:
1. To oblige employers to the obligatory conclusion and performance of Branch agreements. Thus to provide increase of wages of workers in 2 times.
2. To bring to business - plans of the oil-and-gas companies in formation of fund of a payment since January, 01, 2007 in view of increase of wages up to the European level.
3. To cancel discrimination of domestic workers (in payment, working conditions and volumes of social guarantees) in comparison with foreign which get for work in Western Siberia much more 10 thousand dollars a month.
4. To provide pensioners - oilmen with a worthy output(exit) on pension – with единоразовойsolid payment and monthly surcharge not less a living wage on ХМАО.
5. To cancel vicious practice of the companies: delivery of "premium" in structure of wages up to 80 % which can deprive for everything. To enter the guaranteed and fixed wages.
6. To train management in the correct attitude(relation) with workers (to exclude feudal attitudes(relations)), down to a passing examinations on knowledge of the Constitution. To oblige the State Office of Public Prosecutor to check up legality of an establishment of posts on roads and restrictions of movement on them legislative citizens.
7. Full observance of norms of the labour legislation, колдоговора, made with real requirements of workers.
8. To adjust supply it is material - technical base, to exclude purchase of accessories, tools, account materials due to workers.
9. To stop pressure and discrimination of the workers demanding observance of the labour and civil rights.
The basic assistance to alternative trade union now renders association of trade unions " Соцпроф ", accepted "Профсвободу" under the wing. Under the initiative of his(its) leader Sergey Hramova On November, 21 in Рострудеthe consulting meeting in which have taken part the general director of the Union нефтегазопромышленниковRussia Eugeny Tchernyshov, vice-president Neftegazstrojprofsojuza of the Russian Federation Eugeny Tcherepanov and the assistant to the general director "CIS" Andrey Atepaev has taken place. Has held I meet deputy head of Federal service on work and employment Andrey Selivanov. Action is lead(carried out) according to an item 48 Labour codes which speaks, that if the employer has not joined the branch agreement at the request of the trade-union organizations, minister has the right to call similar meeting.
As it has been declared at meeting, "Surgutneftegaz" is ready to carry out OS, except for item 3.8 where it is spoken about structure of wages (not less than 40 % of a tariff part). Sergey Hramov: On this subject there was very long discussion between me and Атепаевым. It(he) has told, that the unique reason on which the employee honesty works is a premium. It(he) thus considers, that northern extra charges are charged only on a tariff part. That is it(he) believes, that if ТЧ40 %, to increase on 2,2, it turns out, that she(it) is equal 80,8 %, - it(he) has shown full incompetence in questions of formation of wages. Moreover, when I have reminded it(him), that at next ТНК-ВРalready for a long time there is no bonus system and there are no such social conflicts, it(he) has besides declared, that if they to the ordinary borer pay 39 thousand roubles, from them will be 36 thousand - a tariff part, and 3 thousand - bonus borer to work not begins. I, naturally, have asked, why it(he) offends all Russian people.
By messages of press, at formation of the new collective labour contract for 2007 the management(manual) of "CIS", under recommendation Роструда, all the same should take into account not only opinion of official trade union " Surgutneftegaz ", but also representatives "Профсвободы" if the Company does not want to enter contradictions with the Labour code. According to Sergey Hramova, Рострудhas given them is transparent enough to understand, if it will not be executed, колдоговорwhich they are going to accept at the end of December, will not be registered.
Active workers протестногоmovements try to involve all possible(probable) mechanisms of the sanction of a situation within the framework of the law. For example, trying to prove the facts of discrimination on the part of administration concerning members of independent trade union, have addressed to Vladimir Lukinu with the request to help workers with protection of their rights.
In the next Nizhnevartovsk to the trade-union organizations and management while, basically, it is possible to agree. The social situation at enterprises TNK-VR differs from a state of affairs in national oil corporations a little. In 2004-2006 the Company has lead(has carried out) a lot of innovations in those areas which were a subject of social intensity in collectives and concern of trade unions. First, the new system of payment (УСОТ) which has solved problems of a parity(ratio) of a constant and a variable of parts of wages has been introduced – now the guaranteed part makes 100 %, the premium (bonus) is paid once, on results of year. The general(common) is developed and introduced the standard of the social services rendered by the Company (the minimal social package, basically, carrying insurance character), the new housing programme (mortgage) is developed. Even earlier essential investments into improvement of working conditions have been made: Standards of the safety precautions are introduced, and the system of a labour safety has now rigid enough character.
Due to essential changes in social and economic position of workers, despite of rather low salary (in Surgutneftegaz, for example, she(it) is higher), workers do not state obvious attributes of discontent, except for the service enterprises which process of deducing(removing) of structure of the company proceeds. Протестнаяactivity of workers was showed while only on one of the enterprises of the Company - "Черногорнефтесервис". The enterprise, in that kind in which it exists now, has grown out of reorganization and associations of some the enterprises in the beginning of 2006. Workers of less successful enterprises which have joined in "Черногорнефтесервис", have received essential increase of wages, and more successful – insignificant or at all anything. These workers have acted with requirements of increase of wages. Absence of support профкомаthe enterprises, only has strengthened протестнуюactivity - in collective leaflets were distributed, assemblies gathered.