Mental Health Department - A.S.S. n.1 “Triestina”
National training course for Nurses, Rehabilitation Technicians and Educators
“Community-based mental health work:
knowledge, roles and power in the organisation of
community-based Services.”
Trieste, September 27 – 30, 2004
Co-ordination of nursing activities: tel.040.3997349
Co-ordinating office for training activities: , fax: 040.3997353, tel. 040.3997359
September 27
/From the culture of the asylum to that of the community.
(The role of operators and Services)8.30 / Reception and registration
9.00 / “The history (of psychiatry, but not only) which has brought us here:
practices, concepts, competencies and responsabilities for transformation” / Maurizio Costantino
10.30 / “The organisation of the Mental Health Department:
goals, structures, programmes and professional roles.” / Roberta Accardo, Livia Bicego
12 – 15.30 / Visits to 5 Mental Health Centres. In sub-groups withTutors:
Encounter/discussion with the équipes and directors of the O.U.’s
Access to the circuit /individual programmes / teamwork /
Therapeutic continuity / working as and in a network.
Examples of interventions.
A “typical” day in a MHC / “Leonardo” Group
Users, Operators, operators nad manages of Mental Health Dept. O.U.s
16.00 / Guest speaker
“Caring and/or healing: the role of the Services and the operators.” / Franco Rotelli
17.00 – 18.00 / Discussion
September 28
/ Working in the Community: what can be done?(More on the role of operators and Services)
9.00 /
Guest speaker
“Institutions, institutionalisation.”
/ Maria Grazia Giannichedda10.00 / Discussion
11.00 / “Taking care of…..the therapeutic project” /
Andrea Clarot, Adriana Fascì, Lorenzo Decarli
12.00 / “Reflections on the role of nurses, its interpretation in daily work. Tasks, subjectivity, responsibilities and the organisation of a Service .” / Diego Bossi, Paola Marchino, Giampiero Prelazzi13.00 – 14.30 / Break
14.30 / “The legal framework: the responsibility for providing care, mandatory treatments.” / Bruno Norcio
15.30 – 18.30 / Community, Associations, Actors.
In subgroups:
visit, encounter and discussion with actors in programmes for the promotion of mental health (Associations: Club Zyp, Polisportiva, Cagipota, Luna e l’altra). / “Leonardo” Group
Users, Operators, Mental Health Dept. operators
September 29
/Persons, places, programmes for inclusion.
(Once again on the role of operators and Services)9.00 /
“Habilitate in order to (re)habilitate, therapeutic continuity”
/ Claudia Battiston,Nicoletta Semeria
10.00 / “Rights of citizenship: training, work, inclusion.” / Aldo Di Bella, Diego Romito, Lorenzo Decarli
11.00 / Discussion
12.00 / Guest speaker
“Basic concepts for working well in the community” / Peppe Dell’Acqua
Ore 13.30 – 15 / Break
Ore 15 / "Why teamwork is necessary in community-based work, and what this work consists in.” / Cristina Facco, Rossana De Santi
Ore 16 – 18.30 / “Analyse and document:(learn to) communicate personal life-stories by which we experience ourselves as operators and a part of the Services.” / Roberta Accardo, Linda Giuliani, Gioia Sola, Cristiana Sindici
September 30
/ From practice, to theory, to practice.(Roles, their interpretation, training).
Ore 9 – 9.45 / Presentation by the National IPASVI College
“ Crucial nodes in developing a new professionalism in community-based health care work” / Annalisa Silvestro
10.00 – 13.00 / Subgroups of 5 participants with Tutors,
“Critical and important experiences of the participants: between needs and users, contexts, roles and the organisation of the Services.” / “Leonardo” Group
13.00 – 14.30 / Break
14.30 – 16 / Reports ofthe subgroups and discussion in large group, with experts:
“Analysis of experiences and quality indicators in community-based work.” / “Leonardo” Group
16 – 17.30 / Written exam (“Quality indicators in community-based work”).
Evaluation of Course by participants. / “Leonardo” Group