Present: Mayor de Groot, Deputy Mayor Jarema, Councillors Dietrich, Cockburn, Parrott and Stilwell; Chief Administrative Officer Colleen Synchyshyn, Manager of Operations Denis Saquet, Director of Finance Jamie Davie, Economic Development Officer Marilyn Crewe and Municipal Clerk Jodi Baker.
Guests: Jackie Snider - NACTV; Jeff Braun - NAPD; Ken Waddell, Lisa Pottinger, Allan Gillies - Westman Internet Radio, EoinDevereaux - Neepawa Banner; Dave McIntosh, Chase Ruttig - Neepawa Press.
1.Approval of Agenda
Resolution No:2015 34696

Moved By:Murray Parrott
Seconded By:Isobel Jarema
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve the Regular Meeting agenda for Tuesday, April 21, 2015.

2.In Camera 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Resolution No:2015 34697

Moved By:Dean Dietrich
Seconded By:Jim Cockburn
BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Neepawa do now sit as a “Committee of the Whole In Camera” to discuss the following:

  • Development


3.Out of In Camera
Resolution No:2015 34698

Moved By:Murray Parrott
Seconded By:Isobel Jarema
BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Neepawa do now adjourn the “In Camera” session at 6:00 p.m. and resume the Regular Meeting of Council.

4.Approval of Minutes
Resolution No:2015 34699

Moved By:Jim Cockburn
Seconded By:Dean Dietrich
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held Tuesday, April 7, 2015 and the three Public Hearings held Tuesday, April 7, 2015 as circulated, posted and attached.

5.6:00 p.m. - Public Hearing 2015 Financial Plan
Council stayed the regular meeting to open the public hearing to hear representation to the 2015 Financial Plan. The regular meeting resumed at the close of the public hearing.

6.Old Business

6.1Dog Park
Alternative location identified - Town owned property next to the agricultural grounds (map provided to council).

7.New Business

7.1Approval to move house into Town by Kris McKinnon Investments/Dynamic Land DevelopmentsLots 13-15, Block 103, Plan 348 (447 Tupper Avenue)
Manager of Operation Denis Saquet vacated the Council Chambers for the duration of the discussion due to a conflict of interest. He returned following the close of discussion.

Summary of policy and development requirements given.

7.2Grant Request - Canadian Fallen Hero's
Request for support to assist with the development of a website dedicated to identifying war participants from the Neepawa area as part of a larger project involving all of Canada. Although Council was supportive of the project, they preferred that such information and request be directed to the local Legion Branch.

8.Council Committee Reports

Councillor Parrott

  • Medical Clinic Lottery – tickets to be returned by April 30th.
  • NADCO – Committee in agreement to pursue the Regional Economic Analysis Process (REAP)

Councillor Cockburn

  • Neepawa Disabled Persons Assoc.– Re-aligning with newly amalgamated members; received $8,000 grant
  • HAND –received $1,500 grant; drafting a new Memorandum of Understanding
  • Participated in a meet and greet with the new owners of Kozak Construction.

9.Managers Report

9.1CAO Colleen Synchyshyn

  • Bi-election will be held June 17, 2015
  • Nominations will be accepted May 6, 7, 8, 11 12

9.2Manager of Operations Denis Saquet

  • New street sweeper was purchased and has been put into use
  • Manitoba Conservation is in town removing the identified Dutch Elm Diseased trees
  • Sidewalk repairs are taking place in various locations due to the purchase of a sidewalk planer
  • Trees are begin trimmed on 2nd, 3rd and 4th avenues


10.1Handi-Van Minutes, April 7, 2015 – received as information

10.2Manitoba Association of Resource Recovery Spring News - received as information

10.3MB Conservation & Water Stewardship re: Waste Management–CAO to follow up regarding the status of regulatory changes with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities and the department.

10.4Manitoba Ombudsman Spring 2015 News – received as information

11.Mayors Report

  • Presented prior to the financial plan public hearing.


12.1Approval to move house into Town Kris Mckinnon Investments/Dynamic Land Developments
Resolution No:2015 34700
Manager of Operation Denis Saquet vacated the Council Chambers for the duration of the discussion due to a conflict of interest. He returned following the vote.
Jeff Braun of NAPD provided information and answered questions.

Moved By:Jim Cockburn
Seconded By:Murray Parrott
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council for the Town of Neepawa approve the request of Kris McKinnon Investments and Denis Saquet of Dynamic Land Developments to move a residential structure onto lots 13 – 15, Block 103, Plan 348 (otherwise knows as 447 Tupper Avenue). Such approval subject to:

  • a development agreement with the Town of Neepawa;
  • obtaining the required permits; and
  • coordinating this project under the guidance and direction of the planning office to ensure that the structure meets all codes and structural criteria.


12.2Proclamation - MS Awareness Month
Resolution No:2015 34701

Moved By:Isobel Jarema
Seconded By:Dean Dietrich
WHEREAS, multiple sclerosis is a chronic, often disabling neurological disease affecting an estimated 55 000 to 75 000 Canadians; and
WHEREAS, multiple sclerosis symptoms vary widely and may lead to problems with numbness, coordination, vision and speech, as well as extreme fatigue and even paralysis; and
WHEREAS, there is no known cause of, or cure for multiple sclerosis; and
WHEREAS, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada founded in 1948, is the only national voluntary organization in Canada that supports both MS research and services for people with MS and their families; and
WHEREAS, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada has provided more than $100 million for MS research during the past 60 years, as well as a wide range of programs and services for people with MS and social action; and
WHEREAS, the Westman Chapter of the MS Society, as part of the Manitoba Division serves people affected by MS throughout the Westman region;
NOW THEREFORE, I Adrian de Groot, Mayor of the Town of Neepawa, Canada, do now hereby declare the month of May 2015 to be MS Awareness month for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.

12.3Dog Park
Resolution No:2015 34702– previously tabled on April 7, 2015

Moved By:Murray Parrott
Seconded By:Jim Cockburn
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Neepawa recognize the efforts of the Neepawa Off-Leash Dog Park Association, including their Terms of Reference and agree to designate part of Lot 17, Block 2, Plan 6348 (west of compost site) for the location of a dog park in the Town of Neepawa;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a commitment by the Town to establish a dog park be limited to the designation of a location and continued property maintenance at existing levels. In addition, the Town reserves the right to bring forth future discussions as related to the success of the proposed project and potential possibilities that might require utilizing the land location for a higher and better use, thus requiring possible closure or re-location of the site.

In consideration of a more appropriate location, the following resolution was briefly debated and tabled. Information to be brought forth to council indicating that communication by the members of the Dog Park Association has taken place with individuals adjacent to the proposed location.

12.3.1Dog Park AlternateLocation
Resolution No:2015 34703

Moved By:Murray Parrott
Seconded By:Jim Cockburn
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Neepawa recognize the efforts of the Neepawa Off-Leash Dog Park Association, including their Terms of Reference and agree to designate part of Lot 1 Block 12 Plan 27191for the location of a dog park in the Town of Neepawa;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a commitment by the Town to establish a dog park be limited to the designation of a location and continued property maintenance at existing levels. In addition, the Town reserves the right to bring forth future discussions as related to the success of the proposed project and potential possibilities that might require utilizing the land location for a higher and better use, thus requiring possible closure or re-location of the site.

12.4Add Outstanding Utility and Accounts Receivable to Taxes
Resolution No:2015 34704

Moved By:Bill Stilwell
Seconded By:Murray Parrott
WHEREAS Section 252 (2) of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality to collect debts in the same manner as a tax may be collected or enforced under the Act
AND WHEREAS there are outstanding Utilities and Accounts Receivable charges which remain uncollectible
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve outstanding utilities and accounts receivable charges to be added to taxes as outlined in schedule “A”

12.5Economic Developers Association of Manitoba
Resolution No:2015 34705

Moved By:Murray Parrott
Seconded By:Jim Cockburn
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Neepawa authorize EDO Marilyn Crewe to attend the Economic Developers Association of Manitoba Spring Forum to be held May 13 – 15, 2015 in Boissevain, MB.

12.6Emergency Co-ordinator
Resolution No:2015 34706

Moved By:Isobel Jarema
Seconded By:Bill Stilwell
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa appoint CAO Synchyshyn as interim Emergency Measures Coordinator until an individual can be identified and designated


13.1By-Law No. 3151 - 2015 Financial Plan First Reading
Resolution No:2015 34707

Moved By:Jim Cockburn
Seconded By:Isobel Jarema
BE IT RESOLVED THATBy‐Law No. 3151, being aBy‐Law of the Town of Neepawa to levy taxes for the year 2015 and for providing for a date on which taxes shall be due and payable and the payment of late taxes, be now read for a first time.

14.Accounts and Financial Statements

14.1January Financial Statement
Resolution No:2015 34708

Moved By:Isobel Jarema
Seconded By:Jim Cockburn

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve the January 2015 Financial Statement.

14.2February Financial Statement
Resolution No:2015 34709

Moved By:Dean Dietrich
Seconded By:Jim Cockburn
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Neepawa approve the February 2015 Financial Statement.

Resolution No:2015 34710

Moved By: Jim Cockburn
Seconded By:Isobel Jarema

BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Council of the Town of Neepawa do now adjourn this Regular Meeting of Council at 7:26 p.m.

MayorChief Administrative Officer