Anne B. Shlay

Department of Sociology

Department of Public Policy and Management

Andrew Young School of Public Policy

Georgia State University

14 Marietta Suite, Room 661

Atlanta, GA 30303

Telephone: 404-413 0096

Cell: 215-290-2465



B.A. Indiana University/Bloomington (honors), 1971-1974 (Sociology)

M.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst, 1975-1978 (Sociology)

Ph.D. University of Massachusetts/Amherst, 1979-1981 (Sociology)

Georgia State University Positions

Professor of Sociology, 2015-present

Adjunct Professor of Public Management and Policy:

Chair, Department of Sociology, 2015-2016

Positions Held at Temple University

Professor of Sociology, 2003 – 2015

Undergraduate Studies Chair 2007-2014

Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, 1998 – 2015

Director, Center for Public Policy, 1999 – 2003

Associate Dean for Research, College of Liberal Arts, 1999 – 2003

Associate Director for Research, Center for Public Policy, 1998 - 1999

Associate Director, Institute for Public Policy Studies, 1992-1998

Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University, 1992 - 1998

Other Positions Held

Lady Davis Fellow and Visiting Professor, Department of Geography, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2013-present

Fulbright Research Scholar and Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy and Department of Geography, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2006-07

Research Scientist, Institute for Policy Studies and Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, The Johns Hopkins University, 1988 - 1992

Associate Research Scientist, Institute for Policy Studies and Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, The Johns Hopkins University, 1985 - 1987

Research Scientist, Woodstock Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1984 - 1985

Visiting Scholar, Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, 1984 - 1985

Assistant Professor, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, Cornell University, 1980 – 1985


2013-14 Lady Davis Fellowship, Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel

2006-07 U.S. Fulbright Scholarship Award at Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel

2004-12 Legislative Office for Research Liaison Faculty Associate, Pennsylvania General Assembly

2003-05 Temple University $1 Million Research Club

1999  The Temple University Research Award


2015 Anne Shlay and Gillad Rosen. Jerusalem: The Spatial Politics of a Divided Metropolis.

Polity Press. Cambridge, UK


Revise and resubmit. John Balzarini and Anne Shlay. The Strength of Strong Ties Reconsidered: Social Ties And Collective Power in a Gentrifying Community Social Currents.

2015 Anne Shlay and John Balzarini. Urban Sociology. International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

2015 Emma R. Giloth and Anne B. Shlay. “Transnational Rights to Barcelona: Senegalese Immigrants and Urban Regeneration.” Revista de Derecho Urbanistico. 297, April-May: 57-68

2015 John Balzarini and Anne Shlay. “Gentrification and the Right to the City: Community Conflict and Casinos” Journal of Urban Affairs. doi:10.1111/juaf.12226

2015 Anne B. Shlay. “Life, Liberty in the Pursuit of Housing: Rethinking Renting and Owning in Post-Crisis America.” Housing Studies. 30(4) 560-579

2014 Gillad Rosen and Anne B. Shlay. “Whose Right to Jerusalem.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38(3):935-950.

2011 Lauren M. Ross, Anne B. Shlay, and Mario G. Picon. “You Can’t Always Get What You Want: The Role of Public Housing and Vouchers in Achieving Residential Satisfaction.” Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 14(1):35-54

2010 Anne B. Shlay and Gillad Rosen. Making Place: The Shifting Green Line and the Development of Greater Metropolitan Jerusalem. City and Community. 9(4)

2010 Anne B. Shlay, Marsha Weinraub and Michelle Harmon. Child care subsidies post TANF: Child care subsidy use by African American, White and Hispanic TANF-leavers. Children and Youth Services Review. 33(12): 1711-1718

2010 Anne B. Shlay. “Black, White and Hispanic Child Care Preference: A Factorial Survey Analysis of Welfare Leavers by Race and Ethnicity. Social Science Research. 39(1): 125-141.

2008 Anne B. Shlay and Marsha Weinraub. “The Catch 22 of Welfare Reform.” Miller McCune. 1(4):34

2007 Marsha Weinraub, Anne B. Shlay and Anita Kochanoff. “Demographic and Family Differences in Use of Early Childhood Care and Education in Pennsylvania: A 2002 Baseline.” Commonwealth: A Journal of Political Science.13 (March)

2006 Anne B. Shlay and Gordon Whitman. “Research for Democracy: Linking Community Organizing and

Research to Leverage Blight Policy." City and Community 5(2): 164-171.

2006 Anne B. Shlay “Low-Income Homeownership: American Dream or Delusion” Urban Studies.3(3): 511- 532, March

2005 Anne B., Shlay, Henry Tran, Marsha Weinraub and Michelle Harmon. “Teasing Apart the Child Care Conundrum: A Factorial Survey Analysis of Perceptions of Child Care Quality, Fair Market Price and Willingness to Pay by Low-Income, African American Mothers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 20(4) 373-392.

2005 Marsha Weinraub, Anne B. Shlay, Michelle Harmon and Henry Tran. "Subsidizing Child Care: How

Child Care Subsidies Affect the Child Care Used by Low-Income African American Families.” Early Childhood Development Quarterly. 20(4) 392-416.

2004 Anne B. Shlay, Marsha Weinraub, Michelle Harmon, Henry Tran. “Barriers to Child Care Subsidies: Reasons Why Low Income Families Do Not Use Child Care Subsidies.” Social Science Research (33). 1, 134-157.

2002 Anne Shlay. “Barriers to Child Care Subsidies: Why Subsidies Are Often Not Used.” In Christina J. Groark, Kelly E. Mehaffie, Robert McCall and Mark T. Greenberg (eds.), From Science to Policy: Research on Issues, Programs and Policies in Early Care and Education. University City, PA: Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative.

2000  Elizabeth Jaeger, Anne B. Shlay and Marsha Weinraub. “Child Care Improvement on a Shoe-String: Evaluating a Low-Cost Approach to Improving the Availability of Quality Child Care.” Evaluation Review. Vol. 24, No. 5: 484-515.

1999 Anne B. Shlay. “Influencing the Agents of Urban Structure: Evaluating the Effects of Community Reinvestment Organizing on Bank Lending Practices.” Urban Affairs Annual Review, Vol. 35, No. 2. 247-278

1998 Anne B. Shlay. “Residential Preferences” in Willem van Vliet (ed.) Encyclopedia of Housing. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.


1996 Calvin Bradford and Anne B. Shlay. “Assuming a Can Opener: Economic Theory’s Failure to Explain Discrimination in FHA Lending.” Cityscape, 2(1):77-87

1996 Barbara Ferman and Anne B. Shlay “The Academy Hits the Street: Teaching Community Based Research” in Philip Nyden, Darryl Burrows, Anne Figert, and Mark Shibley (eds.) The Collaborative Community: New Models for Social Research. Pine Forge Press

1995 Anne B. Shlay and Charles E. King. “Beneficiaries of Federal Housing Programs: A Data Reconnaissance.” Housing Policy Debate, Vol. 6, No. 2. 481-521

1995 Anne B. Shlay. “Housing in the Broader Context in the United States,” Housing Policy Debate, Vol. 6, No. 3. 685-720

1994 Anne B. Shlay. “Running on Empty: Monitoring the Lives and Circumstances of Formerly Homeless Families with Children.” Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless. Vol. 3, No. 2. 135-162

1993 Robert P. Giloth and Anne B. Shlay. “Spiel um Wachstum.” in Harmut Haubermann and Walter Siebel (eds.) Festivalisieruns der Stadpolitik. Germany: Westdeutscher Verlag

1993 Anne B. Shlay. “Family Self-Sufficiency and Housing.” Housing Policy Debate, Vol. 4, No. 3. 457-496.

1993 Anne B. Shlay. “Spatial Processes and Inequality: A Reply to Margaret G. Wilder and Peter Meyer.” Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 15. No. 5.411-414

1993 Anne B. Shlay. “Shaping Place: Institutions and Metropolitan Development Patterns.” Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 15, No. 5. 387-404

1993 C. Scott Holupka and Anne B. Shlay. “Political Economy and Urban Development,” in Richard Bingham, Robert Mier, and Ned Hill (eds.) Theories of Local Economic Development: Perspectives from Across the Disciplines. Newbury Park, CA: Sage

1992 Anne B. Shlay and C. Scott Holupka. “Steps Toward Independence: Evaluating an Integrated Service Program for Public Housing Residents” (with C. Scott Holupka). Evaluation Review, Vol. 16, No. 5. 508-533.

1992 Anne B. Shlay, Ira Goldstein and David Bartelt. “Racial Barriers to Credit: Comment on Hula” Urban Affairs Quarterly. Vol. 28, No. 1. 249-267.

1992 Anne B. Shlay and Peter H. Rossi. “Social Science Research and Contemporary Studies of Homelessness”. Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 18. 129-160.

1991 Anne B. Shlay and C. Scott Holupka. “An Evaluation of Baltimore City’s Lafayette Courts Family Development Center: Preliminary Findings” in NAHRO-APWA (eds.) Family Self-Sufficiency: Linking Housing, Public Welfare and Human Services, pp. 101-107. Washington, DC: NAHRO

1989 Anne B. Shlay. “Financing Community: Methods for Assessing Residential Credit Disparities, Market Barriers and Institutional Reinvestment Performance in the Metropolis” Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 11, No. 3. 201-223.

1988 Anne B. Shlay. “Not in That Neighborhood: The Effects of Housing and Population on the Distribution of Mortgage Finance within the Chicago SMSA from 1980 to 1983” Social Science Research, Vol. 17, No. 3. 137-163.

1987 Anne B. Shlay and Robert P. Giloth. “The Social Organization of a Land Based Elite: The Case of the Failed Chicago 1990 World’s Fair”. Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 9, No. 4. 305-324.

1987 Anne B. Shlay. “Who Governs Housing Preferences: Comment on Morris” Environment and Behavior, Vol. 19, No. 126-136.

1987 Anne B. Shlay. “Credit on Color: Segregation, Racial Transition and Housing Credit Flows” in Gary Orfield (ed.) Fair Housing in Metropolitan Chicago: Perspectives After Two Decades. Chicago: The Chicago Fair Housing Alliance

1986 Anne B. Shlay. “Taking Apart the American Dream: The Influence of Income and Family Composition on Residential Preferences” Urban Studies Vol. 23, No. 4. 253-270.

1986 Anne B. Shlay. “Women, Space and Community: A Feminist Agenda” Urban Resources, Vol. 3, No. 2

1985 Anne B. Shlay. “Castles in the Sky: Measuring Housing and Neighborhood Ideology” Environment and Behavior, Vol. 17, No. 5. 593-626.

1985 Anne B. Shlay and Denise DiGregorio. “Same City, Different Worlds: Examining Gender and Work Based Differences in Perceptions of Neighborhood Desirability” Urban Affairs Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 1. 66-86.

1984 Anne B. Shlay. “Regulating Scarcity: The Effects of Zoning on Urban Land Market Change” Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 6, No 3. 19-35.

1984 Anne B. Shlay and Robert P. Giloth. “Gambling on World’s Fairs: Who Plays, Who Pays” The Neighborhood Works, May, Vol. 7, No. 9

1984 Anne B. Shlay and Robert P. Giloth. “Charting Private Interests and Public Issues: Clique Connections Behind the 1992 Fair” The Neighborhood Works, May, Vol. 7, No. 5

1984 Anne B. Shlay and Robert R. Faulkner. “The Building of a Tenants Union: An Ethnography of a Tenants Organization” Urban Life, Vol. 12, No. 4

1982 Peter H. Rossi and Anne B. Shlay. “Residential Mobility and Public Policy Issues: Why Families Move Revisited” Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 38, No. 3

1981 Anne B. Shlay and Peter H. Rossi. “Putting Politics into Urban Ecology: Estimating Net Effects of Zoning” in Urban Policy Analysis: Directions for Future Research, Terry N. Clark (ed.), Vol. 21, Urban Affairs Annual Review. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage

1981  Anne B. Shlay and Peter H. Rossi. “Keeping Up the Neighborhood: Estimating Net Effects of Zoning” American Sociological Review, Vol. 46, No. 6. 703-719

Book Reviews

Forthcoming Space and Pluralism: Can Contemporary Cities be Places of Tolerance? Stefano Moroni and David Weberman eds.,New York/Budapest: Central European University Press.

2015 Jerusalem Unbound: Geography, History and the Future of the Holy City, by Michael Dumper. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2014. 14(3) 338–339

2013 Triumph of the City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier and Happier. Edward Glaeser. New York, NY: Penguin. In City and Community. 11(3) 332-333

2009 Cities of Good and Nationalism: Mecca, Jerusalem and Rome as Contested Cities. Khaldoun Samman.

Boulder, CO: Paradigm. In City and Community. 8(2): 201-203

2008 Segregation: The Rising Costs for American by James H. Carr and Nandinee Kutty. New York: Routledge

Press. In Contemporary Sociology.

2006 A Right to Housing:Foundation for a New Social Agenda. by Rachel G. Bratt, Michael E. Stone and Chester Hartman. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. 2006. In Contemporary Sociology.

2004 Reclaiming Public Housing: A Half Century of Struggle in Three Public Neighborhood, by Lawrence J. Vale. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2002. In Contemporary Sociology

2003  The Color of Credit: Mortgage Discrimination, Research Methodology, and Fair-Lending Enforcement.

Stephen L. Ross and John Yinger. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. In Journal of Planning Education and


2002 Urban Inequality: Evidence from Four Cities. Alice O’Connor, Chris Tilly, and Lawrence D. Bobo (editors). New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. In Contemporary Sociology (September).

1995 Capitol and Communities in Black and White: The Intersections of Race, Class and Uneven Development. Gregory D. Squires. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press (1994) in Contemporary Sociology (September).

1990 American Neighborhoods and Residential Differentiation. Michael J. White. New York: Russell Sage (1987) in Journal of the American Statistical Association (June).

1988 The Changing Downtown. by Jurgen Friedrichs, Allen C. Goodman, et. al. New York: Walter de Gruyter (1987) in Contemporary Sociology (May).

1985  Paths of Neighborhood Change: Race and Crime in Urban America by Richard P. Taub, D. Garth Taylor

Jan D. Dunham. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (19840 in The Neighborhood Works (April).

1984  Tenants and the American Dream: Ideology and the Tenant Movement by Allen D. Heskin. New York:

Praeger (1983) in Perceptions (May).

1981 Sociology of Welfare: Social Policy, Stratification and Political Order by Graham Room. New York: St.

Martins Press (1979) in Contemporary Sociology (July).

1981  Field Work Experience: Qualitative Approaches to Social Research, edited by William B. Shaffer, Robert .

Stebbins and Allan Turowetz. New York: St. Ma rtins Press (1981) in Qualitative Sociology (Summer).


2006. Marsha Weinraub and Anne Shlay with the University Children's Policy Collaborative. Education in Pennsylvania: Early Childhood Education: Universal Pre-K and Other Alternatives. Fourth in a Series of Essays on the Future of Education in Pennsylvania. Volume 4, Spring, Harrisburg, PA: The PA House of Representatives.

2003 Kikombo Ngoy, Michael Rodriguez, Rickie Sanders and Anne Shlay. Legislative Atlas for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia and Harrisburg, PA: Temple University Center for Public Policy and Legislative Office for Research Liaison.

Research Reports

2007 Anne Shlay, Marsha Weinraub and Michelle Harmon. Leaving Welfare for Employment: The Role of Child Care Subsidies for White, Hispanic and African American Families. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University. Funders: William Penn Foundation and Claniel Foundation.

2007 Anne Shlay, Marsha Weinraub and Michelle Harmon. Racial and Ethnic Differences in Welfare Leavers' Child Care Preferences: A Factorial Survey Analysis. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University. Funders: William Penn Foundation and Claniel Foundation.