BondiJunction,NSW, 1355
Dear Mr Kyron
I strongly and unequivocally oppose the rezoning of 163 Birrell St, Waverley. I also oppose any increase at all in the height limit and I oppose any increase at all in the Floor Space Ratio (FSR) limit for the site. If rezoned, the applicant has indicated it will apply to build a large complex with two 45 metre towers. I object to this proposal and rezoning for the following reason:
- B4 mixed use is not appropriate for this area. Building height does not comply with the LEP height restrictions and given that this is a quiet residential area height restrictions must not be changed.
- The floor space ratio is 4.5 times the Waverley LEP
- Scale of development and shadowing–45 meters towers (equivalent to 15 stories) are completely out of proportion for the area, will be completely out of place and will be an eyesore. The proposed giant 45 metre towers and their scale will cause enormous shadowing issues to all surrounding residential areas. Being to the north of residential areas makes the shadowing impact even greater.
- Style of development – the artist impression shows the giant towers as being all glass and very modern. This is not in keeping with the area and is totally unsympathetic and insensitive to existing design and street scape.
- To have an active licensed club and function centre is totally inappropriate for the area and socially irresponsible. The licenced club and function centre will bring unacceptable noise and night time activity, unsociable behaviour and safety issues to local residents. There is inadequate public transport servicing the area. This sort of club facility belongs close to a transport hub, such as Bondi Junction.
- Traffic congestion – traffic is already an issue in streets surrounding this proposed development. This proposal will multiply the problem many times, particularly at school drop off and pick up times when cars are already queued all the way up Henrietta Street. Traffic studies presented by the applicant were done outside of peak periods and don’t properlyaccess the traffic congestions during busy sporting events, daily morning or afternoon peak use.
- Safety – There are several schools in the area, additional traffic will increase the risk of accidents, particularly with children. The location and facilities of this proposed development are totally inappropriate.
- Parking – parking is already very difficult in the area, this entire complex will make it even worse. Waverley oval and Netball courts are heavily utilised for weekend sport, during which time parking is already past capacity.
- Noise – all parts of the development will bring unacceptable noise to the area whether this is from traffic, people coming and going from functions and the licenced club and sheer volume of people that the apartments and other facilities will attract – again totally unacceptable and inappropriate for the area.
- Heritage – Waverley Bowling Club is listed as a heritage item in schedule 5 of the Waverley LEP 2012. This heritage building needs to remain.
- Archaeological significance – Waverley Heritage Assessment Item Identification Sheet in Waverley Council’s Heritage Policy states that the three bowling greens have archaeological potential.
- Loss of open space – the reduction of 3 to 1 bowling green is a significant loss of open space. Open space is declining fast, it must be preserved for now and future generations.
- Bondi Junction and the Sydney Football Stadium provide The Easts Group and the Roosters a perfectly good headquarters and base to operate from and train at. East's using Waverley oval will reduce availability to the public. Waverley oval is heavily utilised by social teams during week nights.
- It is irresponsible to have a child care centre in a licensed club precinct.
Waverley is already the most densely populated area in Australia and our 2012 LEP already meets and exceeds our contribution to the Sydney 2036 targets for residential and commercial development without this rezoning. I ask that you pass this letter of objection onto the appropriate executive and all councillors.
Signature: / Address:Name:
Date: / Postcode: