Personal Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC)
OPEN CONCERNS (not reviewed or no solution yet)
HEALTH CENTER GOING OUT TO EAST DRIVEOn Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 2:27 PM,OhadBarsimantov <> wrote:
Dear Anthony,
As I understand you are the head of the safety committee on campus, and therefore I want to address the concern we have with you.
The East College Entrance road does not have a sidewalk from the East University Entrance until Health Services. As a result, many University pedestrians are forced to walk on the road while entering and exiting from the East College entrance. Vehicles are forced to move against traffic, slow down and sometimes stop until all pedestrians are clear and the potential for an accident is minimized. As the University continues to grow, more pedestrians will use the East College Entrance road which will add to the currently hazardous conditions. All of this is simply due to a missing sidewalk.
Does the university plan on building a side walk from the east entrance to health services in the next six months?
Please let me know by Wednesday at 4pm, before the next GSO senate meeting.
Thank you.
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Anthony Preus <> wrote:
I haven't been chair of the PSAC for several years. When I was, we agitated regularly for a sidewalk such as you suggest. Especially when there is a lot of snow, like now, people are forced to walk in the street, sharing it with buses (especially) and cars.
When I left the committee the chair was Bill Ziegler; I'm copying him on this response.
Tony Preus
From:OhadBarsimantov [mailto:
Sent:Thursday, February 20, 2014 3:18 PM
To:Anthony Preus
Cc:Bill Ziegler
Subject:Re: Safety concern
Thank you.
I was at the environmental and public safety office and they told me to contact you. I hope Bill can help me or direct to the right person.
Thank you.
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 8:28 AM, William L rote:
I am forwarding your concern to the new chair of the PSAC, Lisa Havtur. She will get back to you.
Lisa, please let the Environmental and Public Safety Office know that you are the chair so that they do not lead people astray.
Ohad, thank you for letting us know of your concern.
Bill Ziegler
William Ziegler
Provost Fellow: SUNY Administration – Education Pipeline - SUNY Works
Executive Director - Binghamton University Scholars Program
Executive Director – President’s Scholars
Associate Professor - T.J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science
Principal Investigator - Federal Aviation Administration 10g-009
Binghamton University Scholars Program
College-in-the-Woods Library
Binghamton University
State University of New York
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
(607) 777-3583
Binghamton University Scholars Program:Web–Facebook-Twitter
SUNY Administration:Facebook-Twitter-YouTube–SUNY-Works
On Feb 25, 2014 7:52 AM, "Lisa A Havtur" <> wrote:
I hope this finds you well!
The reason I am writing is that, per the e-mail chain below, it seems that the "Environmental and Public Safety Office" directed someone to Tony Preus for assistance with a safety issue (which we are in the process of addressing).
Tony has not been the Chair of PSAC for several years, with Bill Ziegler serving after him and now me! I am not positive that you are the office Ohad BarSimanTov is referring to, but I am guessing you are and I just wanted to send you a quick note so that your folks know there is an updated PSAC team and that I have the honor of serving as chair.
This is the committee's link in case that is helpful.
Personal Safety Advisory Committee(PSAC) -Binghamton University
Take care,
Lisa Havtur
Human Resources
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902
Connie E Corey (Environmental Health and Safety)
/ Feb 25
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 2:27 PM,rote:
Thank you Bill.
Lisa, Please let me know if the university has a plan on establishing a side walk from the east gate to health services. The GSO senate meeting is on Wednesday and we are going to push forward on this safety concern.
Thank you, Ohad
Sent from Sony Xperia phone
On Feb 26, 2014 7:30 AM, "Lisa A Havtur" <> wrote:
Good MorningOhad,
As you may know, the PSAC membership includes representation from Physical Facilities and from University Police, in addition to a variety of Faculty and Professional employees.
Upon receipt of your message, I inquired from the PSAC membership as to any knowledge of plans to install a sidewalk from the East Gate to the Health Center within the next six months, as you requested. What I discovered is that there is no funding, nor any plans in place, to install a sidewalk in this location in the foreseeable future.
Please know that the PSAC will continue to discuss this area at our next meeting and will also include this concern on our annual report, but I wanted to share with you what I learned in time for your meeting this afternoon.
Thank you for your care and attention to campus safety. If there is anything else we can do, feel free to contact me any time.
Lisa Havtur
Human Resources
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902
On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:43 AM,rote:
Thank you Lisa,
We will see what we can do from our end.
Ohad Barsimantov
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Lisa A rote:
You may have already explored this option, but in case you and/or your group have not already participated in the online Parking and Transportation survey, you may want to for this purpose.
Take care,
Lisa Havtur
Human Resources
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902
March 5, 2014
Thank you Lisa,
I created this form. Can you please distribute it to the departments around you?
Thank you.
The East College Entrance road does not have a sidewalk from the East University Entrance until Health Services. As a result, many University pedestrians are forced to walk on the road while entering and exiting from the East College entrance. Vehicles are forced to move against traffic, slow down and sometimes stop until all pedestrians are clear and the potential for an accident is minimized. As the University continues to grow, more pedestrians will use the East College Entrance road which will add to the currently hazardous conditions. All of this is simply due to a missing sidewalk.
From:Personal Safety Advisory Committee [mailto:On Behalf OfLisa A Havtur
Sent:Wednesday, March 05, 2014 3:39 PM
Subject:Forward from Ohad Barsimantov - Petition/submission for Parking and Transportation Study regarding a sidewalk from East Gate to Health Center
As you will see below, I sent Ohad a note, encouraging him and/or his GSO group to participate in the campus Parking and Transportation survey regarding this concern, if they hadn't done so already.
Ohad then sent me back an illustrated petition/submission about the issue, designed to submit directly to the Parking and Transportation survey. As I personally share this concern, based on my own driving experiences in the area, I added my name to the petition. I am forwarding it to you in case any of you are interested in submitting your opinion either way.
I elected to share it with you as members of the Safety Committee who may or may not want to voice an opinion through this venue and/or may or may not want to encourage others to do the same.
As ever, thank you for your attention to this and all things safety!
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Lisa A rote:I'm so glad you are more comfortable now - we (the committee) are too; the light pole (IN FRONT OF WEST GYM, SEPARATE/RESOLVED ISSUE) definitely makes a positive difference in the area. I am told the new light will be even brighter, but we'll visit again to check it out.
And yes, there is still more to go, especially as we continue to grow. Please feel free to submit other areas of concern and we will keep at it!
Until then, thanks again for your care and attention, and also for your patient persistence with this - all to good end!
Take care,
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 5:21 PM,rote:
Okay, let me give a specific instance. There is a crosswalk bridging the parking lot(s) access road at the point that parking lots F, F1, F2, and F3 meet. I don't walk here myself; rather I drive here. But I find myself often unable to see pedestrians in the crosswalk until I am almost on top of them.
The PSAC is meeting next week; I'll put this on our agenda for spring Campus-by-Night.
Thanks again for your care and attention to these important safety issues.
Lisa Havtur
Human Resources
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Lisa A rote:
Dear ProfessorMiller,
You may have seen the notice in Dateline about our spring Campus-by-Night tour tomorrow, but I also wanted to extend an invitation to you from the PSAC to join us while we review the area about which you expressed a concern. If you are available and interested, we would be happy schedule the first stop of the tour to be a review of the crosswalk/parking lots F, F1, F2, and F3. The group meets at 7, and we could meet you on site at approximately7:10-7:15 pm, with anticipated completion by7:30 pm.
Should tomorrow evening not be convenient, I would be happy to meet with you as committee chair on another evening; possibly including other available committee members.
A third option would be to have the committee evaluate and respond following our standard protocol, and proceeding from there.
Thanks again for submitting your concern to the committee. Please let me know which option works best for you.
Lisa Havtur
Personal Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), Chair
Human Resources
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Ralph rote:
Hi Lisa,
Yes I am interested and available in joining such a tour. But these days it is not yet dark at7:30. This needs to be done after dark. Are there plans for a walking tour when it is dark. That is what I would like to join.
Cordially, Ralph
Ralph R. Miller
/ /
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 9:56 AM, Lisa A rote:
Hello Professor,
I'm glad you are interested in joining us while we review the area you have drawn our attention to.
In terms of the level of darkness; research indicates that a large number of pedestrian-vehicle interactions occur at dusk and at dawn. The PSAC's spring evening tour allows us a look at twilight-into darkness scenarios from that perspective. The fall safety tour is always conducted in true darkness. I believe that the combination of these two views of our campus is optimal, although with that being said, the night tour schedule is always open for future member discussion.
As for tonight; I suggested we meet with you as the first stop because it is somewhat difficult to time a meeting with accuracy otherwise; although we would certainly be able to meet up with you as our last stop tonight, if that is agreeable. I would anticipate this would be in the8:30- 8:45 pmtime frame ( recognizing it is not full-on dark at that time). If this appeals, I would be happy to call you at the time of our group's exact ETA if you would provide a phone number.
Another option would be for you to join the committee at the fall tour (2014), usually in October or early November, when optimal darkness is assured.
We look forward to working together on these areas. Please let me know your preference when you can.
me Apr 29April 29, 2014
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your reply. Concern especially for dawn and dusk is important. But I noticed last night that at7 pmit was about as bright as it had been atnoon. Dusk begins8:00-8:15 pmthis time of year. I already have a commitment tonight. So please put me on your calendar to invite to join you on your October/November (2014) tour of campus.
Best regards, Ralph
PENDING CONCERNS (solution in progress)
Date: Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 9:40 AM
Subject: Safety Suggestion
To: Lisa A Havtur <>
Lisa! Long time no see or talk,hope all is well!
I wanted to suggest something that may be out of control of the university, I feel that the crosswalk between the ITC and Main Campus (On Murray Hill Road) is somewhat dangerous, there’s not enough signage for drivers to Yield to pedestrians and they often go way too fast.
Oren Levi
Information Services Manager, Research Advancement
Binghamton University
Innovative Technologies Complex
85 Murray Hill Road
Binghamton, NY 13902
COMMITTEE’S RESPONSE, sent 12/09/13: The Committee requests/recommends that Physical Facilities coordinate with the Town of Vestal (Gary Campo, Town Engineer), the responsible party, as appropriate to address these concerns. Per April 2014 CBN, the collaboration between PF and the Vestal Engineer, continues.
Engineering Building
Date: 3/1/13
When you pull down toward the dock area of the library, at the intersection, this is very dark and hard to see students if they are crossing the intersection in the cross walk. I hope the pictures will help .I know a light would really help.
From: Robert H Mulcahy [mailto:
Safety Director & Asbestos Coordinator
Physical Facilities
From: Virginia A Bellinger <
Date: Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:37 AM
Subject: Light