Nepean Girls Hockey Association

2012-2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Date: January 23, 2013

Time: 7:00

Place: Walter Baker

Present: Phil Clark, Tracy Lafreniere, Jason Corrigan, Trina Lepine, Joanne Erbach, Trish Calof, Andrew Thompson, Pat Coady, Dom Bueti, Monica Armstrong, Jen Capes, Sonya Crites

Absent: Heather McEwan, Les Banks, Mike Doiron, Rod Embry, Jay Greco, Ali Speer

Special Guests:

1.0 Call to Order

·  Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m. – Chaired by Phil Clarke

2.0 Previous Meeting Minutes

·  A motion was put forth by Joanne Erbach to approve the November board meeting minutes.

o  2nd by Pat Coady

o  Unanimous


a)  President’s – Phil Clark

·  Playdowns

o  Get the playdown schedules done and entered into the system – deadline January 28

o  Playdowns start February 1

·  Playoffs

o  4 teams done, 10 teams still finishing up their games (regular season)


o  Looking for volunteers

o  Phil to write up a blurb to send out to the Board

o  Volunteers needed at Walter Baker and XX

·  Photo day

o  Photo day completed

o  One team did not receive theirs (Bantam)

·  Volunteer Appreciation

o  May need to find another volunteer

o  Should we keep the same venue? Algonquin College or Royal Oak at Centerpointe

o  Saturday night – championship day weekend (April 13)??

·  Pat and Fran sent in medals for Provincials for us to put in our showcase

·  Program meeting

o  All teams doing well except atom c

o  Midget A team – ranked #1 in Canada (recent article highlighting this)

o  Injuries

·  Three girls out with concussions

·  Lots of injuries @ Midget, Competitive teams should consider more roster players

o  HL teams well sorted

·  No team getting beat by large margins – fairly tight games

o  Demographics

·  Atom – numbers seem low for next year

o  4 suspensions have been handed out

o  PWHL – commitment to next season has been sent to Dan Cloutier before the Jan 15th deadline

o  Coach selection is going well – lots of applications have come in

o  AA applications in by this Friday – selection by the end of February

·  Summer programs

o  Add atom and novice?

o  We have ice just need someone to run it

·  Coach survey is out for the competitive teams

o  70-75% filled out

o  Comments also being included which is great

o  Will roll out shortly for house league

o  Dom is also working on a player evaluation within the same format as the coach survey

·  Tournament Update

o  Volunteer schedules have been sent out.

o  Game schedules have been sent out. A few last minute changes had to be made but we survived it!

o  Programs are with the printers

o  Baskets for the raffle have been submitted and they are beautiful. Teams put in a lot of thought and came up with tonnes of great ideas. We have approx 50 baskets

o  Ad payments and registration payments are all in

o  All corporate sponsor logos have been added to the banners and they ready for pickup

o  Each facility has been notified and they are ready for us

o  Game sheets will be ready on Friday

o  Gifts due to arrive Jan 29th

o  Opening Ceremonies under way

o  Scoreboards are ready

o  Trophies ordered and will be delivered on Jan 31st

o  Some board members to be around for opening ceremonies and the championships

·  Coach clinics

o  Get a CW number but you can also get a CC # and they will be recognized

o  Phil emailed Pat to ask how this can be done – just waiting for a response

Key Dates

·  December

o  Coach application posted for next season

·  January

o  Ice for February through March 8th has been released

o  OWHA playdowns – teams identified and schedules being prepared

o  ODWHA ice submission for playoffs

o  Coach surveys

o  Summer programs for NGHA

o  Peewee / Bantam summer skills

o  Midget summer skills

o  Novice / Atom summer skills - ??

o  Pre-season conditioning camp – Aug 11-16

·  February

o  NGHA tournament – Feb 1-3

o  Playdowns begin Feb 1 and must finish by March 8th

o  ODWHA Playoffs begin Feb 16th to March 19th

o  PWHL regular season ends - Feb 24th

o  PWHL playoffs begin - Feb 26th to March 24th

o  NGHA budget for 2013/2014 - registration fees approved

o  Player evaluations – house and competitive due by end of March 2013

·  March

o  March break – March 9th to 17th – Mach 16/17 is not a blackout weekend for ODWHA

o  NGHA registration opens – MARCH 25

o  Coach interviews for AA teams needs to be finalized before month end

o  ODWHA Championship Day – March 24th (Kemptville)

·  April

o  AA – coach / parent information session April 10th

o  Spring try outs begin – April 12

o  House League Championship Day – April 13/14

o  Ice submissions for next year

o  Fall try out schedule finalized

o  AGM notice to all members

·  May

o  Final decision on Summer programs based on registration numbers

o  ODWHA AGM – May 6th

o  OWHA AGM – May 11th

o  Preparation for NGHA AGM

·  June

o  June 12th – NGHA AGM

o  NGHA audited statements

o  NGHA approved budget for 2013/2014

o  NGHA board membership

·  August

o  Pre-season skater conditioning camp – Aug 11-17

o  Pre-season goalie conditioning camp – Aug 11-17

o  Fall try outs begin – Aug 17th

b) House League – Les Banks

·  Season Progress

o  We are just over a 1/3 into our regular season

c) Competitive – Jay Greco & Dom Bueti

·  No issues with teams at the moment and no concerns with re-categorization

d) Fundamentals – Jen Capes

·  February 2 – both FUNdamentals and Tim Horton’s Jamboree

·  Nothing additional to add

e) Development – Ali Speer

·  Ali absent

·  Nothing to report

f) Equipment – Trish Calof

·  If teams still need socks, contact Trish

·  Socks are $20

g) Registration – Joanne Erbach

·  Mary Lou going away for vacation and needs some items

o  Has everything been entered for finances for printing out tax receipts? YES

o  Cash payments - Trina checking to see if that is flagged in the system

·  Registration will start on Monday March 25 – 28

·  Joanne would like to reword the text so that ALL NGHA VETERANS are guaranteed a spot

New Players

All new players who did not play for another ODWHA team last season are eligible for selection to the AA team.

All new players who did play for another ODWHA team last season are eligible for selection to the AA team up to a maximum of 5 players.

All new players who did not play for another ODWHA team (boy's, ringette, other) last season and are not on the wait list are eligible for selection to a team ranked below AA.

All new players who did not play for another ODWHA team (boy's, ringette, other) last season and are on the wait list or all new players who did play for another ODWHA team last season are eligible for selection to a team ranked below AA to a maximum of 3 players per division.

·  Joanne wants to change the refund amount on some of our programs as follows:

Fall / Winter Season Refunds

Any player who accepts a spot on a AA team and then withdraws, will forfeit her entire NGHA registration fee.

For all others, the amount of the refund will be determined as follows:

Refund Dates Non-Refundable Administrative Fee % Refunded

FUNdamental Players

First ice time to Oct. 31 $50 + OWHA Fee + NGHA equip. cost if applicable 75%

Nov. 1 to Nov. 30 $50 + OWHA Fee + NGHA equip. cost if applicable 50%

Dec. 1 onwards NO REFUND GIVEN

House League Players

Sept. 1 to Sept. 30 $50 + OWHA Fee + NGHA equip. cost if applicable 75%

Oct. 1 to Oct. 31 $50 + OWHA Fee + NGHA equip. cost if applicable 50%

Nov. 1 to Nov. 30 $50 + OWHA Fee + NGHA equip. cost if applicable 25%

Dec. 1 onwards NO REFUND GIVEN

Competitive Players

Sept. 1 to Oct. 31 $50 + OWHA Fee + NGHA equip. cost if applicable 75%

Nov. 1 to Nov. 30 $50 + OWHA Fee + NGHA equip. cost if applicable 50%

Dec. 1 onwards NO REFUND GIVEN

Competitive Skills Camp Refunds

A $25 administration fee will be charged to all players who withdraw.

No refunds will be issued after the start of the camp.

Pre-Season Conditioning Camp Refunds Players

If withdraw from program by May 30/13 – refund $100.

If withdraw after May 30/13 - $0 refund.

Motion was made by Phil Clarke to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m.

o  2nd – Jen Capes

o  Unanimous

ACTION: Joanne to rewrite the language around registration and tryouts and then send around for editing/approvals

h) Ice – Andrew Thompson

·  For the next 6 weeks – there is not a lot of ice available

·  Playoff submissions need to get in on time – top focus

i) Communications, Promotion & Social Networking – Sonya Crites

·  Showcase has been updated and it looks great

·  Sonya would like some D.I.F.D. stuff put into the showcase

·  Nothing new to report

j) Policy & Procedures – Monica Armstrong

·  Monica to send out job descriptions for review

·  Concussion policy

o  How do we enforce the rules where it states “MUST”

§  If player has been diagnosed with a concussion, then the player needs a doctor’s note to return to the ice

o  Concern about being over zealous regarding impacts

·  Should we have a “trainers” meeting at the beginning of the year to ensure that they are aware of the procedures that need to be followed for injured players

i) Finance – Trina Lepine

·  Trina sent out a summary

·  Competitive team surcharge summary

o  Confirmed with PWHL that IAAreferees are paid by team

o  Previous year only invoiced IAA, MCAA, MCA, BCAA due to materiality.

o  Confirmed with Chantal Malette that NGHA pays two timekeepers per game (one timekeeper and one pointstreak).

·  Hockey Canada team fees have come in

·  IAA still have outstanding balance from last year

o  Amount outstanding included Competitive Surcharge 2011-12 and Outstanding Ice 2011-12

o  Amount Outstanding was reduced by $3609 for officials paid for by team and not NGHA as previously believed.

o  Reconciliation provided by team is under review.

·  Outstanding ice invoices (as of Sunday) – approx. 35,000

·  Bantam DS team has paid all their ice, atom and peewee have not

·  Trina sent out a budget document

o  Payments have gone out but cheques have not come in

o  Need to follow up with teams to ensure they send their cheques

·  Need to reach out to MOGHL to get reimbursed fees that are owed to us since we are no longer part of MOGHL

·  Bookkeeper is updating our books up to December 31st

·  Almost ready to switch over to the new system

·  Finance committee meeting will happen before next meeting

4.0 Adjournment

Motion was made by Monica Armstrong to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m.

o  2nd – Joanne Erbach

o  Unanimous

5.0 Next Meeting

·  February 20, 2013 – Walter Baker