Grade Chair 11/19/15


-  Plan book lesson plan checklist handout

-  Administration is looking for the standard and what the standard means (example- List the standard for each subject and then include the





And what you are doing for each of these areas.

-  How is standard being taught?

-  What curriculum is being used, what assessments (formatives) are being used (be specific with these-test, thumbs up, venn diagram, etc.?) How are the reading groups being remediated/enriched? Make sure to include how you are differentiating/enriching your groups in your plan book.

-  This is NOT mandatory. This is a sample of what a teacher created which is standards based and is aligned with Broward county CARE package and administration is encouraging that you consider using it. The CARE package is not going away. Keep in mind that this is a professional responsibility to have these documents aligned with the mandated county curriculum. These are the records that would be used if there are any concerns that students were not taught the standards in a court of law.

-  Make sure newsletters are being sent on time. Should be before the 1st of the month.


-January 19th - Cadre walk-throughs

-Be prepared. There will be several teachers/administrators walking throughout the school and the classrooms.

- Any academic camps supercede extra clubs. Come January, academic camps that the students attend will be priority, not clubs.

-Colleen will be going through the classrooms as the Literacy Coach. She cannot coach unless she is in the classroom. If she stops by your classroom and has a conversation with you, it is not because administration has sent her. She is just doing her job to be able to see what we are doing in the school.

-Any walk throughs are not to be seen as a “gotcha” We are just working together for the benefit of the children and to help the classroom teacher.

Talent Development

-  Don’t get so caught up or overwhelmed on teaching to the performance scales and what levels the children are working at.

-  Admin. Wants to see how you are enriching and remediating your students. This should be what you are already doing, should not be more overwhelming.

-  Student evidence can also be done through the centers work. If the student evidence showed that they mastered the goal

-  Walk-throughs:

-Make sure the standards vocabulary is included in level 2 on the performance scale.

-Chadwick will send out performance scale template that the county has created.

-Make sure all of the cognitive tasks are at a level 3.

-Make sure the scales from teachers pay teachers are tweaked to include the essential standards vocabulary and that the cognitive tasks are at level 3.

-Make sure there are no 0s or 5s on the performance scales. Performance scales should be 1-5 only.

-As a result of the walk throughs, the presenters feel that the classes we visited are at a level 2:

The teacher will:

Have a learning goal and/or target accessible for student

Create clear learning goals aligned to content standards

Have a scale that builds progression of knowledge

The student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary, such as: performance scale, learning goal, learning target, and rigor.

-Focus your performance scale on overall arching standard for a couple of weeks. Discuss it at your PLC. A rubric to grade on that standard.


-Reading, Writing camp for 3-5 for 8 weeks, $30 an hour (1/5/16-FSA) 2x a week per subject. Still in need of 3 teachers. See Edman


-Teachers K-5, please make a list of the students in your class who have allergies in your class. Email your grade chair the student’s name and what the allergy is.

-Fall dance Friday, 11/20. There will be a class list with bracelets in your mailboxes. Put bracelets on the students. They will enter through the front cafeteria door. Students are to wear uniform clothes only! No other clothes will be allowed.

-Kg after care in front of room 158 (Perfetto), 1st grade room 135 (empty room), 3rd grade PE covered area, 5th grade in front of Notaro’s room.

-Good cafeteria behavior will be rewarded with tickets for pizza. 15 tickets will be pulled once a month and announced on morning announcements.

-Cookie dough will be passed out today, 11/19/15, 1:30-6pm on the stage.

-Interim PTA president, Lionel Longsworth. There will be a discussion in the PTA general meeting December 1st. 6-6:30 pm. If anyone would like to speak at the meeting in regards to this, they must have a membership card. If no one challenges for the position, he will resume the position.

-Principal honor roll recognition will be Tuesday, November 24 for 3-5th grade at different times. Students will be called down by grade level to the cafeteria and be recognized with doughnuts.

-2nd-4th quarter will have Principal Honor Roll assembly where the parents will be invited. Invitations will be sent with their report cards.