General Membership Meeting called to order at 7:23 PM July 11, 2011 - after the Annual 2~Rivers Chrome Diva Chapter picture was taken outside near the back deck.

Members in attendance:

Amy (Shadey) Angel Buckler (Storm) Brenda Welch Connie Jo (XXX) Ann Zimmer

Dawn (Squirrell!) Debi (Dixxee) Debbie (Schultzie) Jackie (Pup) Jen (Snow White)

JoAnn (JoJo) Kim (Daytona) Kim (KKD) Lynn (Shocker) Mahala (Mouse) Michelle (Quack) Regina Shackelford Renee’ (Mouse Jr) Rhonda (Tat) Shannon (Angel)

Suzy (Safety) Teresa (Queenie) Terri (Q-Tip) Tina (Dip) Tonya (Sparkle)

Traci (Crazy Squaw) Vickie (Scrappie) Victoria (Alice)


Cyndi Kuhn (CJ) #2(Sister Squirrell) – Beth Luckett #2 (Sister Daytona)

Meeting started by introducing the DIT’s present and welcoming them. The two DITS voted in at the July meeting as 2~R DIVAs are Ginger Boller & Jamie Collins (Fraggle). Two more new DITS were present – Peggy Wilson (Big Sister is JoJo) and Tiffany Walls (Big Sister is Connie Jo XXX). Spend some time getting to know these DITS.

No DITs will be eligible for a vote in August.

June Meeting Minutes were emailed out. Squirrel made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Dixxee and approved.

Assistant Director – Shadey

-  Reminded everyone about 2~Rivers Night @ Quaker Steak & Lube in Milford on Aug. 3rd (Dallas Moore) & Sept. 14th. Remember to invite all your friends, family, etc to come out & buy their beer at the outside beer booth.

-  Koozies are in; come up front after the meeting if you don’t have one.

Treasurer’s Report – Lynn

-  June Treasury Beginning balance -

Ending balance -

Pending commitments -

Adjusted Balance -

-  Motion made by Safety Suzie to accept the Treasurer’s Report, second by Quack & approved.

-  The banners are in and looking good. They were used in the group picture that night.

Membership – Schultzie

-  Please let Schultzie know when you pay your National Dues.

-  New Rosters were available to include DITs and the newest DIVAs as of May

Outreach – Tat

- Poof & Chuck continue to provide care for her father

- Several cards were mailed out in June.

WEB – Bug Run Flyer available with black print on neon paper to pass out at events & colored copies to post at businesses.

Safety Suzy Says

Donations - Please start turning in your donations to Snow White for the Bug Run. It takes time to sort & organize donations. We have a donation of 100 Pink Koozies & Pink Reusable Shopping Bags coming from Lora Lee of Allstate Insurance to be passed out at the gate to the women at Bugs for Boobies. EVERYONE is responsible for a donation ($10 value) – either from a business or personal

Old Business –

Diva & Dude Summer Overnighter – Friday/Saturday, July 22/23. This is a camping, canoeing, soaking, floating, drinking and partying weekend for the Chapter members/DITs & their significant other (ONLY, no children this weekend)!! Hostess Diva Lynn & her hubby Troy will be opening up the gates of the Redneck Riviera. Located at RT 609 Butler, KY. $10 per person/$20 per couple for food purchased for all for the weekend. Everyone is responsible for your own drinks and a snack or side dish. Also your Mother called & said “Go to Wal-Mart and buy the $7 water shoes. A must for getting in & out of the river safely-NO barefeet and bring SUNBLOCK!.”

2nd Year Anniversary Party - Saturday, July 16th @ One More Bar (back where we started)

– Starts at 7 PM

– Band: No Clue @ 9 PM

– Signature Shot: Skittles – percentage of the sales goes to the chapter

– 50/50 Raffle: our 50% goes to the chapter

– Primitive Camping is available on OMB property down by the river.

Bugs for Boobies Ride – Saturday, August 20th

– Band: Jack Squat

– Registration: 1 PM – 3 PM

– Ride: leaves 3 PM – returns by 7 PM

– Route & Dry Runs: Squirrel (3 stops – are now Flintlocks, Melbourne Roadhouse & Clines)

– Pink Port-O-Potties will be returning ($120 for both)

– Donations: (see above) Baskets will be put together at Scrappy’s on Wednesday Aug 17th approx. 6 PM

– Bug Game: Mouse – instead of a poker hand riders will draw a bug at each stop.

– Food: After MUCH discussion XXX & Diva Dude Tim will man the grill of Hot dogs & burgers before the ride. After the ride, we will have pulled Pork & a side (cole slaw) /chips made by Shadey. Tat is contacting Randy Gastorph (sp?) to see if he can provide this for less than $200. Motion was made by Squirrell! , Second by Dixxee and approved.

Quaker Steak & Lube Bike Nights – See Assistant Director Shadey above.

Change in Meeting Location – After confirming that we can utilize the back room at the VFW at no cost (as long as we buy our drinks from the bar); a vote was taken to move our meeting location to the VFW located about ¼ mile south on US 27 beginning Sept 2011. The majority present voted to move.

New Business –

-  Pink Vest – Scrappie asked what was happening with the Pink Vest that 2RCD has given in the past two years to a woman that had/has cancer. After a discussion about cost & availability of Pink vests it was decided that we would look into some other options instead of a pink vest. Mouse Jr. is checking on a book. XXX is checking on a large Diamond type of award. Safety Suzie is checking on plaques. We will revisit the issue when we have more info.

Announcements –

-  Flyers were on the table for the Teddy Bear Run August 27th & for a Craft Show at the Masonic Lodge in Newport October 22nd (vendors needed). See the table in August for a flyer.

Calendar of Upcoming Events –

-  July 16th – 2 yr Anniversary Party @ One More Bar (Saturday)

July 22nd & 23rd – Diva & Dude Overnighter @ Redneck Riviera (Friday/Saturday)

-  August 3rd - 2RCD Bike Night at QSL – Dallas Moore (Wednesday)

-  August 20th – Bugs for Boobies (Saturday)

-  September 14th - 2RCD Bike Night at QSL (Wednesday)

-  November 19th – Shopping with Shooters

Diva of the Month – Regina Shackelford

Meeting was adjourned very late.

Submitted by Mahala ‘Mouse’ Gilene 8/5/11