Ilkley Library
Station Road
LS29 8HA
6th November 2013
Dear Literacy Coordinator
Celebrate the opening of Bradford’s new City Library with our Free school events
Come along to one of our school events below and take a look at the new City Library. Children will love our new children’s library with hundreds of newbooks.
Children’s poet Philip Burton (aka Pip the Poet) will be running a Christmaspoetry workshop.Children will have the opportunity to listen to Pip the Poet read some of his fabulous poems and take some ideas to create their own Christmas poems. Philip has written hundreds of children’s poems, which can be found in many children’s anthologies such as Read Me Out Loud edited by Paul Cookson and Nick Toszek. He offers a fun poetry show, encouraging children to think about and enjoy poetry. He is a retired primary head teacher himself and since retiring at 50 has performed to hundreds of schools.After the session there will be time for refreshments, for the children to purchase(not compulsory)Pip’s new book of poetry called The Treasure Shop, which he will be selling for the special price of £6 (RRP £8) and an opportunity to look around the new library.There are places for two classes (20 max per class) or we will consider smaller groups. We will offer one class per school. The session is suitable for Y2or Y3and is free of charge.
We also have Creepy Bradfordwithlocal historian Kathryn Hughes. Kathryn, dressed in costume, will be telling ghost stories and other mysterious happenings in Bradford. These sessions are also linked to the Flash Mob reading event. This means that as well as the ghost story, the children can take part in the Flash Mob Reading event in Centenary Square at 1pm prompt. City Hall clock will chime a well known nursery rhyme and all the children will meet on Centenary Square/Mirror Pool to read a book/comic of their choice for two minutes. This event will be receiving press coverage. Full details below which include lunch arrangements. For each session there are places for two classes. We will offer one class (20 children max) per school or we can consider smaller groups from individual schools. The sessions are suitable for KS2 and are free of charge.
If you are interested in booking one of the sessions above please fill in the form overleaf. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 20th November. Your school will be sent a letter of confirmation if you have been successful in securing a place. If you require further information please contact Christinea Donnelly Development Officer for Young People T: 01274 433915. I work Tuesday and Wednesday. Alternatively email
Yours Faithfully
Christinea Donnelly
Development Officer for Young People
Pip the Poet and Creepy Bradford–City Library Opening Events Mon 9th – 14thDecember 2013
Return Form to: Christinea Donnelly, Development Officer for Young People, Ilkley Library, Station Rd, Ilkley, LS29 8HA by Wednesday 20th November 2013
Name of School: ______
Contact: ______Tel: ______
Email: ______
Date / Where / Time / Tick Preference & indicateClass Year & Nos.
(max 20 )
Wed, 11 December 2013
Pip the Poet & Library Tour / NewCity Library, Centenary Square, Opp. The Mirror Pool / 9.45am – 11am
Fri, 13 December 2013 10.45am – 1.05pm
Creepy Bradford with Kathryn Hughes & Flash Mob Reading Event / New City Library, Centenary Square, Opp. The Mirror Pool / 10.45am - 11.45am - Kathryn Hughes
11.45am – 12.15pm Chance to look around the new library.
12.15pm Bring your own lunch to eat @ Park & Read Children’s Library Centenary Square. Opp. New City Library
12.55pm Assemble prompt on Centenary Square for Flash Mob Reading Event at 1pm. All children to have a book/comic to look at in silence. Lasts 2 minutes. City Hall Clock to chime a well-known nursery rhyme at 1pm
Fri, 13 December 2013 12.55pm – 2.30pm
Creepy Bradford with Kathryn Hughes & Flash Mob Reading Event / New City Library, Centenary Square, Opp. The Mirror Pool / 12.55pm Arrive & Assemble prompt on Centenary Square for Flash Mob Reading Event at 1pm. All children to have a book/comic to look at. Lasts 2 minutes. City Hall Clock to chime a well-known nursery rhyme at 1pm
1.05pm – 1.15pm Walk over to New City Library.
1.15pm – 2.15pm Kathryn Hughes
2.15pm onwards Chance to look around the new library & end.